Looking for Vegan MFP Friends

I've been a strict vegan for eight years, so I'm not really looking for tips on getting started. What I'd really like, is to look at other vegans' food diaries. Mine is kind of repetitive when I eat well.

That and I'd like to find out the types of foods vegans who exercise focus on. I'm completely sedentary right now.


  • mhalti01
    mhalti01 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been vegan for about 8 months. It was the start of series of choices I am making to get to a healthier me. I have a lot of weight to lose and even though I eat a vegan diet, portions and carbs can still effect my goals, so I chose to organize my eating and move on with adding exercise into my daily routine. I am happy to share my food diary -I love cooking vegan, even my meat-loving husband enjoys them which says a lot. He will never convert completely but every vegan meal he enjoys is a victory.
  • Vegan here as well, I like the idea of checking food diaries for inspiration. Not sure how good mine would be though :)
  • quagga2007
    quagga2007 Posts: 18 Member
    Vegan for 25 years, but first year of serious dieting to lose weight...I'm glad to see other vegans on MFP. Feel free to take a look at my food intake and/or friend me.
  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for 10 years, ate meat for a year and now vegan for 6 weeks. I'm also looking for friends on here >_<