looking for motivational friends

my name is Lah and I am looking for friends for this journey. I have tried to lose weight several times only to fail to go through with it. I am hoping this year will be different and that I will finally be able to permanently lose the 106 pounds extra fat that I have. I am so scared because now I know that I am so good at starting things and terrible at following things through. since the beginning of this year I already feel that I am failing to shift my bad habits.

I desperately need friends for motivation , who I also hope I can motivate. please add me


  • Feel free to add me :)
  • brig_1_g
    brig_1_g Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Lah,

    I'm the same way...I (re) started last fall and once again a few weeks ago. I'm trying a couple of different things because I get bored with the same routine all the time. Feel free to add me and we can support one another!
  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    Just sent you a request.
  • I'm the same way. I swear I have been trying to lose weight for years, but I'm convinced this year is THE YEAR! Having friends on my feed helps me realize that everyone else is doing it, so it motivates me to track my stuff too.(: I'll return the favor!
  • Hey girl, I feel ya. I have been battling this for 15 years. I lost 65 lbs a year ago and have already gained it back, and then some. I have a goal to drop 100lbs by my birthday in 9 months and FINALLY reach that goal Ive tried to make for 15 years. We can support each other! Anyone else who wants to friend me, feel free as well. I think we can all use help! It's hard to do this alone.
  • misti777
    misti777 Posts: 217 Member
    You can add me. I am on almost everyday and would love to be a supporter for you. :)
  • lisa76040
    lisa76040 Posts: 3 Member
    I feel you... I've spent my whole life battling poor eating habits, and I've said over and over that I would change. But I am very determined this year! Sent you a request.
  • fallrain50
    fallrain50 Posts: 1 Member
    fell free to add me. I know how had it is to do this alone :smile:
  • Been on and of my fitness pal. Back on yet again. Feel free to add me!
  • lhs1965
    lhs1965 Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome, I would be glad to be your MFP friend. I lost 35 pounds my 1st year but went off track in Oct. Am now back on the diet train and hope to loose what I gained during the holidays and than an additional 30-35 for good measure.
  • maryellen54
    maryellen54 Posts: 4 Member
    Me too....I need some help staying on task... as usual im off to a great start...3 days and counting. Im trying to start healthy habbits and keep them! I got a fit bit that tracks my activity during the day and it really has helped me see that I have to burn calories to make progress, soooo I decided to dance to the Pandora workout stations while Im doing chores and I just dance and jog around the house. I also walk my dog when the weather is nice. I quit Pilates because I twisted my ankle, so I have to wrap it to workout. I am over 50 and I have asthma, so im a true beginner despite the umpteen times I have taken fitness classes or started a healthy eating plan. This time I chose the south beach diet, because I can eat lots of meat and fish and eggs... even cheese is ok...Yay! So add me as a friend and we can keep each other accountable... (and anyone else that wants to add me too)...... Im doing it this time!!