Getting Healthy before baby..Anyone else?

This past week I have decided to loose weight, which is why I am here. But not for the purpose of my own satisfaction, or that little red dress that everyone so desperately wants to wear. I have chosen to lose weight to be healthy.. healthy for my family that my husband and I would love to have grow.

For me to ever consider being a mother, I need to be healthy. I don't want to put my future child's health, and my health in risk just because I refused to shed some weight. I am not going to be that selfish.

I want to do what I know I need to do. I want to loose so I can gain. Not to gain weight, but to gain something more. I want my heart to grow, I want to feel what it's like to have a miracle thriving inside of you. I want to gain a miracle. I want our little family of just my husband and I to grow, I want us to be a complete family. That is why I have started this journey. Journey to loose the 50-80 pounds that I do not need. The journey to get back to what I used to be- what I can be, what I need to be.

Is there anyone else who is trying to loose to gain? Or if you made the decision to lose before you got pregnant, how'd your journey go? Did you feel better about your pregnancy? Let me know. Share your experiences! We accomplish more when we do it together, we accomplish more as a team.

I need friends who are after the same goals as me! :smile:


  • Kimbosbc
    Kimbosbc Posts: 143 Member
    Just wanted to share my story with you. I started MFP in 2011 with the same goals. We had tried for 5 years with no luck. I was obese and knew that the weight had to go. After losing 80 pounds and getting into the best shape of my adult life, I fell pregnant in early 2013 and had natural boy/girl twins in Sept. 2013! Now I am back on MFP to lose the baby weight.

    Good luck!
  • brideofsuperman
    brideofsuperman Posts: 31 Member
    I am in a similar situation. I am in nursing school with my last 3 semesters before me. I have two wonderful children but long for a third. I know that at the current weight I am at, getting pregnant will be harder on me than it needs to be. So here I am, 12 months away from when we will start trying and 74lbs away from my pre-pregnancy with baby #1 weight.

    I used MFP last year and lost 30 pounds but fall off the wagon after our vacation in June and gained it all back slowly.

    This is a great community and a great program that will get you towards your goal :)
  • GreenEggsNHan
    GreenEggsNHan Posts: 27 Member
    That's an amazing goal! My husband and I are thinking about trying for a baby in the next 6 months- 1 year, so my goal is not so much to lose weight but to gain healthier eating habits that will make my body stronger and healthier. I don't always get all the food groups in a day, or eat the healthiest snacks when I could. So working on that I think will make a big difference :) Good luck to all the future moms!
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Yo! Been working on it for 5 years...seeing the Ob/gyn in February to be put on Clomid.
  • micahsmom91011
    micahsmom91011 Posts: 26 Member
    I had my first son just over 2 year ago at about the weight you are now. I gained quite a bit with the pregnancy and then gained afterward rather than losing anything. My husband and I would love to try for a girl before our son is too much older so I am losing weight in part so we can try for a second child. I'm also doing it because when I moved to the United States I was about 130lbs, my husband married me when I was about 160lbs. and somehow he still loves me and finds me beautiful at 300+. But I'm not happy and I can't play nearly as much as I'd like with my son. Would love to have someone with similar goal of getting healthy for baby and then staying healthy while pregnant. :)
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    I also joined MFP in 2011, and getting pregnant was one of the many reasons I started this journey. We are still trying for our second child, but no luck so far. Of course we are not really pushing things either. I wish you the best of luck!
  • awadman0129
    I'm glad to hear that there are others with this goal as well! My fiance and I are getting married in June, but we didn't plan on having children for several years. This makes me feel great, because I hate the idea of pressuring myself to lose. I figure that if it is a longer journey I'll be more likely to work with it! Wishing you all success!
  • dolphingazer
    Hello I also joined to lose weight before starting a family. My husband and I have been trying for 5 years. We have tried metformin and clomid with no luck. I have PCOS and I don't ovulate so we have been told our only chance of having a baby is through IVF, however my BMI has to be below 30 before the NHS will consider me. When I started my weight loss journey I weighed 110.5KG with a BMI of 37, now I weigh in at 90kg with a BMI of 30.2! So just a little more to lose, but if I can do it anyone can so i wish you all the best. You'll reach your target in no time.
  • mpadil11
    Right there with you! We are ready to expand our little family with a baby. I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes and have a family history of diabetes. I want to be healthy for myself and for the future life we are hoping to create.
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    I'm currently pregnant and I just wanted to say that I really wish I would have gotten healthy before I got pregnant! I put on about 10-15 pounds the past year (on top of already being overweight) before getting pregnant and now I have that weight, on top of my pregnancy weight gain, and some days I feel miserable due to all the excess weight I'm carrying around. You'll be so much happier and feel so much better if you lose the weight BEFORE you're pregnant than trying to deal with the excess weight in pregnancy. Don't give up! :) Feel free to add me! I'm currently not aiming to lose, but aiming to be healthier and then lose after the baby's here in April.
  • jennifers101875
    jennifers101875 Posts: 14 Member
    1st reason to get ride of this weight..... to be healthy.

    2nd making summer of 2014!

    Good Luck to all on this journey
  • erobinsonkat
    Me :) I am wanting to get healthy for me and also as soon my husband and I will be trying to conceive our first :) I need to lose around 36kg (almost 80 pounds) to be in my healthy range.
  • Erika2436
    Erika2436 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I joined MFP today to get healthy before baby too! We had planned about 6 months ago to get pregnant this month and then here it is January and I am the heaviest I have ever been at 255. I want to get to onederland before trying and I'm giving myself all of 2014 to do it. My doctor says I can't lose a pound or gain a pound when pregnant so I have to do all the losing I can before the baby. I'm going to be 34 yrs old in March so I can't put it off anymore. So I'm with you and anyone else that wants to lose to gain! Feel free to friend me everybody and I will support you too!
  • Kristink_Vaughn
    Kristink_Vaughn Posts: 29 Member
    Hi everyone!! My goal is to be in the best shape possible before I get pregnant. My husband and I are (hopefully) going to start trying in June of this year!! I've lost 11lbs this year and I'm already feeling better!! Most of my family is overweight along with my husbands family, and I'm hoping to learn how to take better care of myself so I can pass down healthy habits to my future children.

    Good luck to everyone in this journey!!! Please feel free to add me because I can't definitely use all the motivation I can get!!