New Year's Resolutions



  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I make some every year, having a plan helps otherwise you'll give up trying to "be a better person" by Martin Luther King Day

    1) Get more sleep.

    Difficulty: Moderate

    I haven’t been getting enough sleep during the week and it was starting to affect me. Having the last week and a half where I could get 7-8 hours consistently has really illuminated that fact.

    Plan to Achieve: On school sights I’m going to get my lunch together the night before, lay out my clothes in the living room, and if I’m going to need gas to get to work and back the next day, fuel up on Sunday or on the way home from work the day before.

    On the weekends if I’m getting up early to Run/Race then I need to plan things like it’s a “school night” have my gear all laid out, crockpot of oatmeal on if I have a long enough ride to a race or just a banana if I’m getting up and running around Derry or the rail trail.

    2) Keep up on my beard

    Difficulty: Moderate to High

    I’m not always motivated to keep up on my beard. It usually takes it getting scratchy or enough Grey showing through for me to want to cut it down to elimiate the grey .

    Plan to Achieve: When I come home from working out and take a shower, I’ll will endeavor to take care of it then. My beard trimmer is fine, my Electric Razor has seen better days but I do have a Mach III and shaving cream. Mabye if I get a new Electric Razor it will help. This gets a little more difficult when I shave down to a goatee as that has to be deal with nearly daily.

    3) Finish getting the weight off

    Difficultly High:

    The last few pounds did NOT want to come off before I decided to maintain during my 1/2 marathon training, and I’ve been maintaining since and I haven’t been accounting as well as I should have for my intake as I was before.

    Plan to Achieve: I’m reintroducing a calorie deficit. Nothing too agressive, just 500 calories a day. I should lose about a pound per week. I will be expanding my calorie budget on most days with exercise but I am also going to keep the track of things I was before which will be important on rest days where there is less room for error.

    4) Maintain once the weight is off.

    Difficulty: Moderate

    My original attempt to maintain had my calorie budget a little high and I put back a few pounds before I caught it, I had stopped weighing myself and just paid attention to how my clothes and rings fit. As soon as I had noticed a difference that’s when I tweaked. I now know that maybe maintaining a 50-100 calorie deficit will work best.

    Plan to Achieve: When I’m maintaining, I will still watch/log closely what I’m eating and how many calories I’m burning while exercising.

    5) Run a Marathon

    Difficultly: High

    This is finally the year I will run a Marathon in honor of my Mother. I still don’t know what ever prompted me to think to do so, but I’ve been working towards this and I’ll have to train this year for it but it is now an achievable goal.

    Plan to Achieve: I modified the Hal Higdon Marathon plan (Novice 2) to incorporate a few races and most notably switched around the week of the half marathon to be able to run in the “Run to Remember Half Marathon” in Boston on Memorial Day weekend. That training plan starts in March so it Ends at the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon Marathon and I started the winter training plan this week (at week 2) so it will end in time to start the marathon training plan.

    6) Meet my Fitness Goals

    Difficulty Moderate or Very High

    I have a few fitness goals for this year, complete my bigger races (Marathon, 1/2 Marathon, Tough Mudder, Warrior Dash, Spartans). I keep going back an forth as to wether or not I want to attempt the Spartan Trifecta. I have been very willing to reach outside of my Comfort Zone but I seriously worry about the Spartan Beast, I’ll probably wind up doing it because I’m a nitwit. I also would like to be able to do 10 or maybe even 15 pullups by the end of the year, I’m currently at 5.

    Plan to Achieve: I need to do weight trainings on my cross training day and also add it to maybe the short run day. Other than that my running training should help everything else. I just have to work on getting in the right head space for the Spartan Beast. Doing well (for Al) on the Spartan Sprint and Spartan Super should help a lot.

    7) Start clearing out stuff, getting orginized

    Difficulty: Low to Moderate

    We hope to be able to move by next winter or defianately the winter after that. We don’t want our stuff to be the log jam, the housing market is log jam enough. Between spending time with Talia, trying to keep up with my exercise and commuting to work, time to get anything done on this matter is limited during the week.

    Plan to Achieve: Going to do some work every weekend in the basement until it’s done, then work on getting stuff tossed/boxed up/whatever in the other rooms as well. We already have all the books we plan on donating ready to go to the library and Janine has some of Talia’s older toys for consignment if we weren’t/aren’t able to find homes. We are ahead of the game a little bit because we were getting prepared for the Cambridge yard sales but circumstances and logistics have proven that we need to take more direct action to eliminate stuff.
  • Peal off the last 17lbs to goal, continue to stay fit and healthy. Doable!
  • LifeChanged2000
    LifeChanged2000 Posts: 176 Member
    My resolution is to sign up at the gym and begin running again so I can complete at least "3" 5K races this year without walking.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Pay more attention to the intensity of my workout than the length of my workout.
  • Thanks for sharing everyone!
  • izzybelle2013
    izzybelle2013 Posts: 147 Member
    I have two resolutions this year. To finish losing the weight to reach my goal, and to run in the Peachtree Road Race on 7/4 in Atlanta, GA. It is a 10k. I have finished 11 5k races so far, it is time for a 10k.