Any Optifast users out there?



  • Im just starting Optifast. Tell me how you handle making your family meals and not eating any of it. Any suggestions? I usually taste everything either out of habit or hunger or whatever. I think that is going to be a challenge while on Optifast.
  • As far as cooking for the family I time it so it is time for me to have my shake or bar, not as tempted to try some if I am having my food. Sunday is bacon for breakfast for the rest of the family so she cooks it and I go exercise. I noticed the smell of food has changed for me, tho the bacon still smells good but it just smells really salty now.

    When you are logging your Optifast for the day it will say you are eating to little but that is ok, for the program that we are on.

    I'm in it for the long haul and I know this is just a start to my lifestyle change. This is really helping me look at food in a different way. It is challenging but it has gotten much better now that I can have select veggies (I'm on week 4). I come here all the time and look at peoples success stories and thinking this will be me one day. It helps me to keep grounded and to think one day at a time, not the 150+ lbs I want to lose, it will come in time.
  • mariondkruger
    mariondkruger Posts: 4 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I started Optifast 4 weeks ago and have lost about 5kg so far. Struggling a little bit with the lack of food variety (though that's probably caused by my laziness with cooking). I also do a lot better with short term goals so I've tweaked the program to suit my needs.

    Early on in the program I had to start having some protein with my evening meal because my medication was giving me nausea and vomiting (my stomach wasn't lined enough). So I think this is why my weight loss has been a bit slower - that and Christmas.

    I've also decided to take a rest day once a month, which seems to have upset a lot of Optifasters. For me though, without short-term goals I'm going to end up off the diet completely after a few more weeks. If I can look forward and say "I can have a nice meal on X date" it's easier to stick to it. I'm certainly not planning a carb binge. And yes, I understand how the diet and ketosis works.

    Anyway it'd be really great to make some friends so we can support each other through this. I'm in Canberra, Australia for those wondering, check out my profile.


  • annegraceucc
    annegraceucc Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone, today is day one of my second go at Optifast - I know this program works! I am on the Canadian program, four 225 calorie shakes a day for a total of 900 calories. We have no soups or bars up here just the choice of chocolate or vanilla shakes. But that's ok - I plan to come up with all kinds of flavour additions - cold/just warm coffee for a latte, cooled down chai tea, sugar free flavour drops, etc. Anyone have any other great ideas for flavour additions? Thought I might try to make an eggnog shake by adding !/4 tsp rum extract and nutmeg to a vanilla shake. We are only allowed 10 additional calories/day here so I will be careful of what I add.

    Take care everyone and good luck!
  • christygb
    christygb Posts: 84 Member
    In my quest to hear about others' experiences with Optifast, it has been really interesting to hear about the different versions of the program. I've read posts from people in Oz, UK, Canada, and the US. The calorie levels vary significantly as does the allowance for food. But it has been neat to see that all versions seem to show great results if followed. I think the added group and medical support must be key. What do you Optifasters think? My experience with Weight Watchers groups wasn't necessarily positive, so I'm hoping that the guided group discussions in the Optifast group will feel more meaningful to me. I appreciated the feedback of some veteran OF users who continued in our group. To a person, they encouraged us not to take even one bite. I think this will be a challenge for me. I cook for a family and can appreciate the recent posts on that. But I'm hoping to keep to this advice and muster the strength. I start the product on Thursday and can't wait! Received some SF syrups in the mail and am getting a little blender this weekend. Super excited to get started!

    SW: 257 CW: 249 GW: 140 ish - who knows?

    By the way, how do you add that ticker thing? By the way, thanks annegraceucc for the mixing tips!

  • Started optifast 70 7 weeks ago down 45 lbs
    Feel so great.
  • christygb
    christygb Posts: 84 Member
    That's wonderful Lori! Let us know if you have any suggestions.
  • melaniealbert1978
    melaniealbert1978 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I just started Optifast today and could use some encouragement. I am doing it on my own and I am not sure if you drink just the shakes or do you also have snacks? Let me know how everyone is doing it? Feel free to also add me!
  • annegraceucc
    annegraceucc Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Melanie, I am glad you found us here. You will find among us alot of people with positive experiences. Good Luck!

  • I am on week 16 and have lost 53 pounds. I do mostly modified rather than a full fast as I wanted to incorporate solid foods and practice portion control and good choices. What the optifast has helped was training me to continuously fuel my body throughout the day to keep my metabolism up. I now eat breakfast and have regular snacks throughout the day. I also have joined the gym and hired a personal trainer so I have noticed great changes! I encourage everyone to stick with it.
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Started optifast 70 7 weeks ago down 45 lbs
    Feel so great.

    Have you ate in the past 70 weeks?
  • So glad I found support boards! I'm on day 5 and struggling. I only do the shakes and bars and am in mourning for food. Not kidding! I broke into tears in the grocery store the other day. Eating like this is beginning to uncover some weird emotions I'm not sure how to deal with. I hope it gets easier
  • So glad I found support boards! I'm on day 5 and struggling. I only do the shakes and bars and am in mourning for food. Not kidding! I broke into tears in the grocery store the other day. Eating like this is beginning to uncover some weird emotions I'm not sure how to deal with. I hope it gets easier

    It will get easier. One thing I had to do was not go shopping with my girlfriend. It would have been hard for me to go and smell the deli food and see all that yummy food. I am at the point where I can go now and not have it bother me (I'm on my 4th week). This might not be the case for you and you are the one who has to do the shopping. If you are faced with that situation, if you can, try going to a different store. We are creatures of habit, so take yourself out of your comfort zone and go somewhere different.

    It's funny (or so not funny) how emotionally attached to food we are (or at least I was). I realized I had an unhealthy relationship with food. So we broke up and now I am with Optifast :laugh:. So for now I am learning how to have a healthy relationship, and in this relationship I'm going to be in charged. I know it's a warped way of looking at it but it works for me.
  • christygb
    christygb Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Rebecca, I haven't started the fast yet, but I wish you the best and I know you'll get through it! I'll be looking towards your experience when I get started on Friday. Are you doing this as part of a program and group? :flowerforyou: Thanks for posting!

  • christygb
    christygb Posts: 84 Member
    So glad I found support boards! I'm on day 5 and struggling. I only do the shakes and bars and am in mourning for food. Not kidding! I broke into tears in the grocery store the other day. Eating like this is beginning to uncover some weird emotions I'm not sure how to deal with. I hope it gets easier

    It will get easier. One thing I had to do was not go shopping with my girlfriend. It would have been hard for me to go and smell the deli food and see all that yummy food. I am at the point where I can go now and not have it bother me (I'm on my 4th week). This might not be the case for you and you are the one who has to do the shopping. If you are faced with that situation, if you can, try going to a different store. We are creatures of habit, so take yourself out of your comfort zone and go somewhere different.

    It's funny (or so not funny) how emotionally attached to food we are (or at least I was). I realized I had an unhealthy relationship with food. So we broke up and now I am with Optifast :laugh:. So for now I am learning how to have a healthy relationship, and in this relationship I'm going to be in charged. I know it's a warped way of looking at it but it works for me.

    Thanks KrazyKlown! You are super encouraging.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    wow just saw there were a few rather negative comments to my post. not sure what attracted the nay-sayers here, but what i am actually looking for are positive and happy people who are on this same journey. like minded people if you will. support and encouragement are vital and if there are any optifast users out there who would like to be pals on here send me a request, i would love to share support with you =)

    It should not be a surprise that most of the users of a calorie counting website program would be of the opinion that eating real food and logging the calories is the way to go.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Eating like this is beginning to uncover some weird emotions I'm not sure how to deal with. I hope it gets easier
    that should cause... well..

    alarms to go off.
  • So nice to see so many other people starting up on Optifast and so many still going and going strong!

    I am in my 10th Week now on the Australian version. Ours is a little different (as I think people have said previously). We have 3 Optifast products a day + 2 cups veg + 1 tsp of oil. I'm finding it's working really well.

    If any of you are interested in connecting with me and supporting each other, please feel free to add me!

    I've also started a blog on my Optifast journey:
  • I'm doing this under medical supervision with support groups offered through my program. It seems to be getting better as time goes on but those first three days were awful. It doesn't help that I'm shuttered in my home because of the cold weather. Thanks for your words and good luck when you start!
  • Trogalicious-yep, alarms are going off. I wouldn't have gotten to this point if it weren't for some poor choices and thinking.:wink: