So. I really have no self control - what so ever. So when I'm sat around (usually when I'm trying to do my work or a task I don't want to do) I just can't stop thinking about eating some unhealthy crap. And once I have a tiny amount, that's it, I have to have (most of the time) a complete binge! I'm usually this bad when I'm at home as there's always food in the house, I'm usually pretty ok at uni as I barely ever have food in so.

But seriously, does anyone have any advice on how to really control myself and just stay away from the kitchen when I want to procrastinate !!!

alf x


  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Your diary is closed, so I can't check. What does the rest of your diet look like?

    How much do you weight
    How tall are you?
    What is your daily calorie goal?
    How much protein and fat are you aiming for per day?
  • Leisalynn84
    Leisalynn84 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm the same way! This last week I have only allowed myself to eat at 6 am then every 3 hours after that and I end at 6pm. It has worked really well for me so far! The first few days I felt really hungry between meals but it's getting easier. Good luck!
  • salemnye
    salemnye Posts: 305 Member
    I'm the same way :/ I'm starting the paleo diet (no grains, no sugars, no dairy) and all I want is some kind of junk food :/ What I find that keeps my stomach full when I want to binge eat is water. Go for water instead of those chips. I find that having the junky food not in the house is a huge plus for helping me curve my boredom eating.

    I am an extremely lazy person but I can suggest going for a walk or laps around your house/apt instead of going to the fridge/pantry. It's something to do.
  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    Without an open diary and the various relevant stats re age, height etc, I can't offer much advice.

    May well be you are simply eating too little and you are just plain hungry.....

    Can offer a bit of a personal anecdote tho regarding problem was more to do with the type of foods that once I started eating I couldn't stop, sometimes too it was associated with a feeling of boredom.

    I have ended up with diagnosed gluten intolerance plus many other food problems......not saying this is you but it is something to consider once all other simple explanations have been discounted.

    Good Luck
  • alff123
    Ermm, I'm down to about 9st 4lbs now, and around 5''4.
    My diet's not great to be honest, I could really do with eating more vegg D:
    I'm not really sure the percentage of fat and protein I'm aiming for, but I really try to limit my sugar intake (until I end up binging!)

    I took the dogs out earlier today to prevent me from binging, but then when I was creating a mind numbing video at about half seven, the cupboards called my name D:
  • alff123
    I wouldn't say it was down to me being hungry, when I was a lot bigger (11st 8lbs) I was even worse and could litually eat 5 packets of crisps in a row, even after eating a substantial amount of food throughout the day.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Ermm, I'm down to about 9st 4lbs now, and around 5''4.
    My diet's not great to be honest, I could really do with eating more vegg D:
    I'm not really sure the percentage of fat and protein I'm aiming for, but I really try to limit my sugar intake (until I end up binging!)

    I took the dogs out earlier today to prevent me from binging, but then when I was creating a mind numbing video at about half seven, the cupboards called my name D:

    So around 130lbs or so. A decent weight for someone your height.

    Well, I'm not concerned with the actual foods you eat, though it is always admirable to eat more veggies. Just the total calorie amount and macro breakdown.

    Unless you have a medical reason for doing so, you don't really have a reason to limit your sugar intake outside of your carb goal.
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    I used to be like this at home studying for A-Levels - I'm the complete opposite now. What I did was develop a lot of productivity habits and start focusing on Uni work explicitly i.e. no distractions whilst doing so. The food may be there for your comfort - fix the problem itself and you'll feel no need to comfort-eat
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Plan your meals ahead of time, have healthy snacks on hand for when you can't resist eating out of boredom (ie. sliced veggie), drink tea, have a glass of water, or do something to keep your hands busy (a friend of mine knits at night so that she won't be tempted to snack out of boredom...).
  • alff123
    Thanks guys !! x

    I hate how much it brings down your day when your doing so well haha
  • newlife888
    newlife888 Posts: 83 Member
    Hey, I have a problem too with compulsive overeating. I am trying really hard to find a support network. Would it be alright if I friended you?
  • theoncomingstorm2
    Boredom and stress are my weaknesses. You are not alone.
  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    I have had problems with overeating junk food at night. I found that I always do it at night after the kids are in bed and I'm watching tv. It was my reward at the end of a day and a way to distress. However in the long run it is just causing me more stress. Try to keep track of when you binge and see if there is a pattern. Do you need to distress? Pamper yourself? Are you just bored? If you are stressed, take a bath. If you wanted to be pampered, do your nails. Bored? Maybe the tv show you are watching is not that great so turn it of and do something more interesting. In order to break the habit, you need to replace the old habit with a new habit that is enjoyable and serves the same purpose. The binge is fulfilling some need in your life and if you just take it away without meeting the need another way it won't work well.
  • barrelracerkmae
    I have this problem too. When I'm at uni, I'm pretty good, but at home...yikes! I actually concentrate on my work better when I have a snack though so that's another weakness of mine. All I can offer is to substitute for healthier things, or things with less calories. If I'm craving something sweet I eat an apple or craisins. If I need something salty, I'll sometimes salt the apples too. Its a weird combo, but it works.
  • scorpiana89
    scorpiana89 Posts: 84 Member
    I suffer from the same problem: DRASTICALLY. I don't know what it is, but it's like I can't stop myself from walking to the kitchen and nomming out. Like seriously having a whole footlong, plus this and that in one sitting. And then I end up getting so full and disgusted with myself, and feel down. So before it starts to happen I try to remember that sick full feeling (once its all settle then I'm like a blimp) and remember how far back I would be setting my goals. Knowing I wouldn't want to log what I eat and have to stare at my indiscretions. It's all mind over matter, unfortunately. Oh how everyday I wish food was something that could be just enjoyed without fear of consequences...

    Would love to friend anyone who struggles thus. I have been fairly decent over the past few weeks with logging.