Fitbit Zip

I just ordered my Fitbit Zip.
I am actually kind of excited about it.
I was wondering if anyone is using them and having any luck/results with them?
Were they worth getting?


  • vivianleemit
    I have a Zip and I love it! It definitely motivates me to get up and get moving (especially when I'm really close to my goal!) The sucky thing, though, is that sometimes I take it off at night and then forget to clip it on again in the morning, so I have days where my tracking journal is blank because I forgot to bring it to work :(
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Love my zip! Not really as a motivational tool, more to show me just how much I move in a day. One of the thing I'm learning is how my body feels at various levels of deficit, maintenance, and bulking. I'm at the point where I can guess within 150 calories of where my burn is based on how my body feels and what I've eaten.
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    Totally love my Zip; really love that it hooks in with MFP :smile: It does motivate me to get up and moving on days I know I'm going to be over cals. Also love the weekly progress reports that show cals in vs cals out and weight change.

    I rarely have reason to climb stairs (1-story house and my work office is on the first floor), and no need for me to track sleep (I get plenty) so the cheap(er) Zip is all I need!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I love mine and so does my husband. It is motivational and you get to eat more (yay!)

    Sync it with MFP. Set to sedentary. Log food in MFP. If you do an activity that doesn't register well on the zip (biking, swimming, shoveling chicken poop), log it in MFP. It will take the time you did that and not count the zip times for that. The fitbit adds those calories to what it got from the zip. No double counting.

    Well worth the money. DON'T LOSE IT! It's easy to do.

    It has taught me that when I sit on the couch and work on the computer I can walk less than 1500 steps a day. NOT a good thing, but a good thing to know.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I love mine!! Had it for about a week and have learned so much about my daily activity with it!!
  • youdontknowwhatyousaw
    Love it! I had the Fitbit One and lost it and figured if the chances were high I would lose it again I better not spend a $100 on getting a new one, so I went with the Zip. I got the 2 pack of Zips at Best Buy for $80. Now I have a backup in case of loss.
  • Nightxer
    Nightxer Posts: 25 Member
    It should be arriving within the next two days.:bigsmile:
  • S4llyF
    S4llyF Posts: 37 Member
    I have the Fitbit One which I have had since April last year - LOVE it, and is almost certainly the reason I have lost 1 stone (and kept it off with no particular effort!)

    My monthy average has been about 7k steps a day for last year - my intention is to up it to 8k this year !! (Would like 10k but some days I struggle with a desk job and being taxi to my children!)
  • parkgirl1
    parkgirl1 Posts: 41 Member
    I have just got the fit bit flex and LOVE it should have bought it ages ago. Hope you have fun with yours
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I just ordered a Zip from ebay - only $40 for a brand new one still in package plus free shipping and my favorite color lol. At first I kept telling people I ordered the Flex but it turns out I had the names mixed up. I researched and read reviews and stuff for like 2 hours one morning and decided the Zip is really all I need, since all I'm really looking to do is find out my actual level of activity and challenge myself; I don't need a sleep tracker to tell me I sleep like crap (I already KNOW that!) and I have a HRM anyway so if all the Zip tells me is how many steps I take & calories I burn, I'm fine with that. It should arrive today or tomorrow and I'm excited! I wear glasses so I figure it will be easier for me to remember to put it on in the morning as long as i put it with my glasses when I take it off you know? Grab the glasses, grab the Zip, put them both on, there I go.