Need to lose 134lbs, aged 19 & seems impossible?

Before you lecture me, hear me out. I live alone, have a tight budget and hardly have food as it is. So an easy option is a cheap take-away or a bag of crisp honestly.

But my weight's making me unwell, I'm constantly having stomach pains and feeling sick. So now's things need to change. I have 134 lbs to lose to reach my idea weight and I want to be able to do it.

I have an exercise bike .. but at the moment its a very expensive coat rack. I just feel like I won't be able to do it and suffering manic depression and anxiety doesn't help either.

Like today, I have 666 calories left. I don't know what to eat and I'm trying to track but so tempted to pop to the shop and buy a cheap £1 bag of crisp.

By the way, I live alone and pay bills etc. Also from the UK.


  • PDarrall
    PDarrall Posts: 114 Member
    Not sure anyone is going to lecture you on here.

    You are in London. At the moment I substitute take-aways with a meal from Cook. They have a few shops in London and also delivery. Just put the food in the freezer, heat when needed. A really lovely home cooked frozen meal. Cost of the OMG pots (less than 400 calories) is £3.33, far cheaper than a take away.

    Then I substituted my snacking habit with a Graze box. Don't eat the whole box at once, but typically a snack is no more than 150 calories and they have a ton to choose from. Costs about 80p a snack. I never keep any snacks at home.*kitten*-609711

    This is my solution. Might not be the cheapest solution, but it is a very easy solution.

    You got to find what works for you. But tight budget and time is not the real barrier holding you back.
  • Soup- It's cheap, it fills you up, and its super quick. Buy carrots and popcorn (or almonds if you got an extra few bucks) to snack. Check out websites like how to eat on a "thug diet". and another site: ( I hate the cussing but to each their own)

    Since your young I thought it might be more relevant than a website from the govt or doctors telling you what you already know. Also apples are the same prices as chips, same or less calorie count but much better for you. Water, no brainer right, but the more you flush the food down the less in your belly clogging up your system. And just keep telling yourself - it took (blank) years to put it on so it will take a while to get it off. It is truly a lifestyle change.
  • elyseology
    elyseology Posts: 44 Member
    Nothing is impossible :)
    I complete understand your money limitations. I live this way too, and it does limit your options. Do you like to cook? I don't. I usually turn to frozen meals or take out as well. I recently got a 5 ingredient or less cookbook. I've made a couple recipes already. I usually make the full servings it suggests and put the leftovers in freezer containers for another day. This cuts back on the amount of cooking I have to do.
    Anyway, I hope you are able to push through the urges! I give into temptation all the time, hence why it's taken me a year to lose 20 pounds... I am not qualified to give advise to anyone really haha, but I can tell you that it's okay to give in sometimes and take the easy route. But if you want to lose the weight you have to remember the consequences of the the easy route. If you decide to get those crisps today, maybe take a 20 minutes walk while you eat them? Sounds dumb, but hey it's a start! Good luck to you girl! You can lean on MFP when you are in need!
  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    I started in a very similar situation as you: broke 19 year old student with depression, anxiety, and 120 pounds to lose. I lucked out because my university offers free gym access, but other than that I struggled with many of the same things. It's not impossible, I promise, regardless of how much it might seem like it right now. Dust off your bike and take it a day at a time - you'll get there.
  • People are going to jump on here and say "buy fruits and veggies, it's the same price!" but most of these people don't know what it's like to be p00r like DIRT poor and you are thinking "nope, not the same." might be the same price, but it'll last you 3 days as opposed to a week, amirite? I'm 22 and I don't have quite as much to lose as you, but I would like to lose upwards of 50 pounds and I've been trying this and that for years now. this time, right now, is the first time that the change has stuck.

    if you focus on FITNESS and FEELING BETTER, you will go farther! If you're focusing on WEIGHT LOSS, you will be disappointed every time. Focus on measurements and how you feel and you will be so much more satisfied. The scale doesn't always show accurately and you won't think you're losing much, but you'll be GAINING weight in muscle as you burn fat. remember that!

    my suggestion would be buy lots of protein foods! tuna, peanut butter, and eggs are all really good for you and not too expensive. eggs on toast, tuna sandwiches, peanut butter on a spoon as a snack, toast as breakfast, or a sandwich at lunch will keep you full. protein will keep you full. eating carbs like pasta and starches like chips will make you hungrier! if you need a crunch, try pretzels or celery instead. if it's the salt you want, a ham sandwich or tuna should do the trick. if you're craving the fat, eat peanut butter or some other kind of nuts, because they're high in fat but also in protein. Nutella is a good sweet snack on toast or for breakfast the same way just don't overdo it!

    stop drinking lots of milk, as it's high in fat and sugar. Give up eating breakfast cereals. even the ones with nuts that are good for you won't fill you up like eggs or meat will. if you like sweet cereal in the morning, try oatmeal or grits with a bit of sugar.
    stay away from "diet" "fat free" or "low carb" anything.... eat foods that are NATURALLY fat free and low in sugar and carbs.
    you don't have to start of big with exercise. with weight loss, "go big or go home" is totally NOT a thing! I've been working out 10-15 minutes a day and eating around 1300 calories, and I am already starting to feel the difference. No real weight loss, obviously, but I have more energy and i'm more awake. and you will feel a difference. i've only been doing crunches, legups, squats, and bicep curls (with soup cans) and like I said, i already feel better. and i have failed many times before. don't lose hope! i'm going to friend you! we can do this, and we will!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I think the advice to focus on FITNESS and FEELING BETTER is excellent advice! Don't focus on your weight on the scale. Sounds like a tall order, but believe me, it's going to help you keep pushing ahead when times are tough. If you're only focused on the scale, you will be disappointed. There will be weeks where you feel like you are really working hard, and the scale won't move, OR you'll actually gain weight! If you're just focused on the scale, that is going to be really tough to deal with. But if you're focused on how eating healthier and exercising is making you FEEL, and less worried about the scale moving, you'll realize that weight is only a number and how you feel in your body and in your clothes is more important!

    A piece of advice I always give others, and remind myself of when I start making excuses, is that everyone has excuses for not doing something - financial limits, not enough hours in the day, young children, no access to exercise equipment, no car, an injury, it hurts to exercise, no health shops nearby, etc etc. Even the most wealthy people in the world can find an excuse! We all need to learn to find what works within our limits, and know that every little thing we can do helps! You are already one step ahead of most people because you have an exercise machine in your house. Start using it, use MyFitnessPal for inspiration and accountability, and be true to yourself. If you dedicate yourself to this, you can do it!