In Need of Awesome People (no grumps allowed!)

HI! My name is Niro, you can call me Panda!

This is my second account on My Fitness Pal, the first I deleted the beginning of the year in order to start fresh and new and shiny!

I managed to save three of my friends from that account, the rest of them having been the less than chatty sort (that and I had a four month hiatus with only an occasional pop in).

I am in search of people who like to chat, give tips, ask for advice, give advice, joke, banter, tease, and over all have a cracking good time on here. I find the lack of chitchatting makes me often forget to log in, which is never good, plus having people in the same boat as you makes for a far better experience and is far more motivational.

SO, after all that long windedness, please add me if you are also in need of someone who will gladly just drop you a message to tell you something hilarious or be supportive and quirky.


  • davepearson86
    davepearson86 Posts: 158 Member
    Watched kung-fu panda last night and I am now amused....
  • Elysse19
    ahahahahhaa this post made me srsly laugh, hey Panda!
  • YorkshirePanda
    YorkshirePanda Posts: 106 Member
    Kung Fu Panda is HILARIOUS! Now you've made me want to watch it, dammit. Thanks for that :P.

    I am glad you laughed, Elysse! That is my goal in life. That and to get thin enough that small objects stop orbiting me.
  • krogers810x
    krogers810x Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Panda! I sent you a friend request, because your post made me actually laugh out loud. We *might* be the same person, because I just made a new account to start fresh because I had no one to chat with on my old one!