A Question on Counting Calories VS Clean Eating

I've seen some posts in here saying how as long as you count your calories you can eat whatever you want, is this true? I believed for a long time that the key to losing weight was to eat clean, cut out processed foods, etc. Does just counting calories actually make you lose weight and look leaner? Maybe this is a noob question but I am confused. Can you guys tell me what works for you? (:


  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    For weight loss, all you need is a calorie deficit. I eat all foods in moderation.
  • Eating "clean" best. Don't eat anything from a can, box or bag.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    A calorie deficit is what is needed to lose weight and this can be done with all types of foods. The only reason to eliminate items from intake is due to a medical reason.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    To answer your question, Yes, all that is "required" for weight loss is a calorie deficit. There are other things to consider like body composition, but the simple answer for weight loss is a calorie deficit no matter where those calories come from.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    No need to cut anything out. I've become considerably leaner than I was 7 months ago when I started and I've cut nothing from my diet. In terms of weight loss, it's calories in vs out. There only thing I worry about are macronutrients, which can be found in a variety of food.

  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    For weight loss, all you need is a calorie deficit. I eat all foods in moderation.
    This. I have ice cream everyday and have lost 126lbs. No foods are bad, some are just more calorie dense than others so they can be more challenging to fit into your goals. Just keep it simple, have foods you enjoy, in moderation, and within your goals.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    Calories inthe answer to losing, maintaining or gaining weight. Eating clean just makes you feel better, and when counting calories of clean food, you usually get more and are more satisfied.
  • I gained 20 pounds when I switched to "clean eating" (zero boxed foods, processed foods, etc.). I love to cook and was addicted to raw cashews. You can gain on anything.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    You can lose weight on a diet of only Twinkies if you stick to a calorie deficit. However, for good health purposes, it's really important to pay attention to macronutrients like protein and fats and get adequate amounts of those.

    It's easiest for me to stick to a calorie deficit when my diet is focused on stereotypical "clean" foods, but that's individual and still requires me to count. (I love pineapple, bananas, grapes, potatoes, cashews, peanuts, hummus. I can easily overeat with these foods if I don't count.)
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Eating "clean" best. Don't eat anything from a can, box or bag.
    So if you put a "clean" food in a can, box or bag what happens to it to make it unclean?
    As examples canned tomatoes, box of oats or bag of apples?
  • Valdolen
    Valdolen Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you guys for the answers (: this helps me a lot.
  • kevinrbarger
    kevinrbarger Posts: 87 Member
    Like others have said, the short answer to this is calories. If you eat at a caloric deficit you will lose weight period, no matter where those calories come from.

    Eating clean is definitely healthier for you, and it's no lie that you would probably feel better physically over the long run, but for most people jumping head first into a really strict clean diet will only lead to frustration and giving up. Your brain is built to resist change, and the bigger the change in diet, the more your brain will want to rebel against it. If you want to start eating clean, it's best to work your way into it gradually and making really small changes one at a time. Eating clean or following any other sort of strict diet for most people who do is about more than weight loss. It can be because of any number of things ranging from health to moral to political reasons.

    If weight loss that you can maintain is your main goal, though, then the best thing you can do is to simply be aware of what the calorie cost of the things you put in your mouth are. Don't deny yourself your favorite foods, instead try to just figure them in to your calorie budget. It's a lot less stressful and leads to changes you can maintain for the long term.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I've seen some posts in here saying how as long as you count your calories you can eat whatever you want, is this true? I believed for a long time that the key to losing weight was to eat clean, cut out processed foods, etc. Does just counting calories actually make you lose weight and look leaner? Maybe this is a noob question but I am confused. Can you guys tell me what works for you? (:

    A calorie is a unit of energy....eating "clean" is fine and it's good to eat plenty of veggies and fruit and lean proteins and healthy fats and whole grains and eat as much wholesome food as possible...but you will not lose any weight if you don't have a calorie deficit from what is required for your body to maintain.

    I've always eaten well and eaten primarily nutrient dense whole foods...my problem wasn't with nutrition, my problem was that I ate like a horse.

    Yes...get your nutrition...I'm a proponent of having a lot of whole foods in your diet...but you can't just eat whatever you want just because it's a whole food.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Eating "clean" best. Don't eat anything from a can, box or bag.

    So my quinoa that I buy from Costco in a bag is an unclean food? My chicken comes in a bag as well...is it unclean? For that matter, I eat a lot of fish and I buy the bags of frozen fish at Costco...only ingredient is fish...but it's unclean because it's in a bag? A can of black beans is unclean? How about my jar of marinara sauce...ingredients are plum tomatoes, olive oil, salt...it is unclean because it comes in a jar? What if I made it at home but used canned tomatoes...would my homemade marinara with canned tomatoes be unclean?

    This is the problem with such terms. Just get your nutrition on...yes, plenty of fruit and veg and lean proteins and healthy fats and good old wholesome foods...but eating a can of beans doesn't suddenly make you not healthy or something. Get real.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Eating "clean" best. Don't eat anything from a can, box or bag.

    Hi, Dr. Oz!