New to This : 30 day shred~

dpaden25 Posts: 99 Member
Hi! New to MFP, and looking for support!! I've tried various BB programs, and I've had some success, but not the ideal weight I'm looking for! I think my biggest issue is food! Not all foods, but PIZZA and things like Mac/Cheese.. anyways I'm about to start 30 day shred with Julianne Michaels. Any one else doing , or have done this with success? I would love some advice to be sure this is successful and help me with accountability!



  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Hi. I did it a bit ago. I think the biggest advice would to be "just do it and TRY to have fun". Honestly you'd feel so much better and feel yourself get stronger too. She really makes you want to push harder. Inspiring quotes of encouragement too. Also shows some modified moves. I started it one day and was sore the next two days and then got sick and didn't pick it up again until a month or so later. I wish i just jumped right back into it but in the end i did it all! When i did it i was also doing a 30 day squat challenge so both of them held me accountable!

    I did it with youtube videos. I think some of them are down for copyright issues now though.. When i did it i didn't really follow the food plan but i think it is a good setup at times too

    Maybe try vegan or gluten free pizza & mac/cheese? Would be less calories or even improve a recipe so you know what you are actually eating instead of packaged boxes or eating out a lot?
  • dpaden25
    dpaden25 Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks for responding! So you mentioned that you didn't follow the meal plan. How were the results? Meal plans are an issue for me, as they usually include things that I would never even eat. Also, considering I'm just beginning my journey, would you say the DVD are to hard? There are just mixed reviews online.

    I AM planning to explore some better recipes for making my own pizza at home; I'm sure that would cut the calories in half!
  • Before joining MFP I completed the 30 day shred. I t was difficult and I hurt especially in my thighs for a while but I just kept pushing myself and worked through the pain. In addition I ate healthy and drank lots of water. at the end of the 30 days I had lost 15 pounds. That is an average of about 3 1/2 pounds a week.
  • dpaden25
    dpaden25 Posts: 99 Member
    Oh! That's awesome for 30 days! Hoping to get the same results.
  • CaliforniaAJ
    CaliforniaAJ Posts: 196 Member
    Hi. I just started the Jillian Michaels today. I did the 6 week 6 pack, but also looked at the 30 day shred. Both (plus others) are available on Amazon prime. I worked with a trainer in 2012 and lost 35 lbs in 11 months. I had a bad 2013 and towards the end I put 10lbs back on. My goal is 35lbs in 6 months, but I am prepared to work every day (compared to 3x a week with my trainer) and I am prepared to eat very well (which I strayed from before). I am lucky and I do have a comprehensive gym at my house (came with the rental).

    The 6W6P video seemed OK, some moves were hard to know if I was doing it right. Some were familiar from my trainer. I am used to using more weights, but I don't want to bulk.
  • jamiebxo
    jamiebxo Posts: 116
    I've done it and it really does work if you stick with it. My advice would be to push yourself a little more each day but not to overdo it and to listen to your body where necessary. Make modifications as you please but just try to keep going. It'll be over and done with before you know it, the 20 minutes really does fly by. You might struggle a little at first but you'll notice your endurance and strength improving around the day 4/5 mark and eventually the levels will become a lot easier than they were at first. I noticed a huge difference in my waist, stomach was flatter and arms were considerably more toned. I'd do it again and again and again!

    Good luck with it :)
  • CaliforniaAJ
    CaliforniaAJ Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks for the motivation :-) I need it. I hate myself that I have a gym right here and I have lived here 6 months and ignored it. There is always some excuse.

    My New Year resolution was to focus on ME for a change. Things fluctuate a lot in my life, and I am fed up with putting myself last. Now it's all about me...LOL.

    I do love the exercise and although I am beaten at the end, 30 mins later I am ready to go again. I love the endorphins.

    Plus, when you work so hard, it makes you really think about what you eat. I love candy, but when I'm in this zone, I just can't have any. No looking for small portions or lo cal versions. You have to decide to give those things like PIZZA up, because they harm you. Find healthy alternatives (believe me, I am a picky eater). I am in love with Quinoa (I make a salad with it), beets and turkey. All things I didn't bother with before.
  • I'm starting it tomorrow! Good luck....let me know how you like it. I've heard lots of good things about it. I did her Ripped in 30 last fall and it really helped to tone.
  • aireeul
    aireeul Posts: 46
    i love the shred! it's a great workout, but be careful because there are a lot of jumping moves. i ended up with achilles tendonitis in both ankles because i wouldn't stop. just listen to your body and it's ok if you need to take a break for a few days. good luck!
  • dpaden25
    dpaden25 Posts: 99 Member
    Yay! I'm excited to start, not to intimidated now
  • s_moore25
    s_moore25 Posts: 8 Member
    I started it before, and loved it. Going to try again tomorrow. It'll kick your butt at first, but then it makes you feel like you can do anything! :)
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    Hi, I have done Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 and the 30 DS. I did them consecutively. As long as you are watching what you eat (I.e. eating at a calorie deficit) while you are doing it, you will get good results in terms of weight loss. If you don't eat at a deficit, don't expect to lose any weight, but you should still make strength gains. By itself, the 30 DS is not a big calorie burner.

    If you are new to exercising, or haven't done any exercise for a while, you will find the workouts challenging. Some people have knee issues with the shred, so I think it is very important to use correct form in the squats and lunges (there are a lot of squats and lunges), and do the modified version (i.e. don't go as low) until your quads are stronger.

    I thought it was a good way to get back into exercising, and I liked the idea of progressing through the levels - made it more motivating for me. I liked Jillian, too. I found her patter to be fairly motivating, although other people find her annoying.
  • BoxerDogsMom
    BoxerDogsMom Posts: 8 Member
    I did it too and it works and might get it out again to help me lose my 10 lbs before my cruise. Thanks for the reminder. I have another one that is circuit and it is really tough. An old one burn fat build metabolism or something like that
  • sunnykb
    sunnykb Posts: 27 Member
    I started the 30 Day Shred yesterday as well. I have completed the DVD in the past resulting in a 10 lb loss as well as losing inches in areas I would never be able to on my own. Arms, back, tummy, and legs tone up! Put it your all and enjoy every workout. 20 minutes a day is doable! I never followed the meal plan.
  • laurenpjokl
    laurenpjokl Posts: 118 Member
    I've been using the level 1 30 day shred video for about a month, but I took a bit of a break around Christmas. I just never got round to paying for the next video, but I should. Besides, I had a one off session with a personal trainer who taught me a few modifications to make things harder, plus a different way of doing the lunges which was less strain on my knees.

    Either way, I feel A LOT stronger. Not straining when you have to get off the bed, stand up, pick yourself up off the floor, trust me, that feeling is better than losing weight!
  • tweetypixx
    tweetypixx Posts: 65 Member
    I started it today and must say already aching everywhere but its a good sign that Im working all my muscles. I bought a copy just down to the fact of how highly everyone on here rated it. Ive taken before pics so hoping doing that combined with a lower calories intake I will see some results in 30 days. I read so many reviews about it and decided to take the plunge, I know its going to be hard but will be worth it in the end. Really wish you lots of luck with it....
  • MKCD123
    MKCD123 Posts: 86 Member
    Getting ready to this again, I did it once about a year ago and got great results. My advice is to take measurements before and during (I did it once after level one, once after level 2, and when I finished). It really helped motivate me. Also, i got tired of hearing Jillian so I either watched the video on the my computer and watched TV while I worked out or listened to some music, it helped make it go by faster for me. Good luck!
  • kimmym0324
    kimmym0324 Posts: 63 Member
    Is 30 day shred done everyday? Do you do level 1 for 30 days and then go up to level 2 for 30 days???
  • golfergirl92
    golfergirl92 Posts: 79 Member
    I started the shred on December 15 and did it consistently until Christmas came and then I was on vacation! I had done six days at Level 1 and I could definitely notice strength gains and inches lost. I just got back into a routine around the 2nd, so I did two more days at Level 1. I've been doing some Tae Bo as well so I felt that Level 1 was getting too easy! I did Level 2 for the first time tonight and it was really nice to do different moves! Didn't make it hurt any less.....did some modified moves until I get used to it. I'm going to stick to a schedule of three days on and then a rest day. Gotta give the muscles some rest so they can rebuild!
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    I did 30 Day shred back when I started MFP and had really good results. I think I lost 12 lbs that month and a couple inches. I still use 30 DS to get a bit of cardio and core exercise in on days when I don't have time for anything else. I know the program well enough now that I don't need to see it to follow along. So now, for when I go on business trips, and in case there's not a gym in the hotel, I have the audio of 30DS on my smartphone and I can just play that and do it in my hotel room.

    It's great. :)