no motivation today!! >:(

So I binged pretty bad yesterday, and I swore that I would workout extra hard today to compensate. But I have absolutely no motivation to do my workouts! I don't want to run, dance, or even do yoga. I keep stopping in the middle and quitting this morning and I don't know why. I just don't want to do it! Its not like I want to sit on the couch and eat potato chips all day (which is what I did yesterday lol) I just want to go back to bed. But I only have another 45 minutes to workout and I won't be able to the rest of the day. What do I dooooooo?!?!?!


  • WSG88
    WSG88 Posts: 13
    Force yourself to workout. I've had days like this and I find that if I play some music, something upbeat and fun I workout hard and end up in a good mood afterwards. Plus if you put this off today you'll likely want to do the same tomorrow, and the day after see where i'm going with this? lol Just do your normal routine, play some fun music and get through it. You will proud of yourself for getting it done, and you'll be in a better mood! Good luck doll!