Workout in your apartment...

...anyone else live in a small apartment and can't afford a gym? what kind of workouts do you do? I recently started doing a body weight routine and it's going alright. It's not as fun as lifting, so i was just wondering how you guys manage.


  • fghtffyrDEMONS
    fghtffyrDEMONS Posts: 32 Member
    I have this same issue! I've been doing a c25k plan, along with workout videos. I did 30 Day Shred last month, and now I'm doing Ripped In 30. I enjoy working out where I have a 'set' schedule.

    c25k: I have to run 3 days a week and I'm outside so it's free! :)
  • RobTheGourmet
    RobTheGourmet Posts: 189 Member
    I use a treadmill "mostly due to knee injury in my past much easier on the knee then sidewalk" and dumbbells in my apartment and my wife uses work out videos pretty successfully in small amount of space :)
  • I recently bought some resistance bands! I love them (well, not as much as free weight, but it's better than nothing. lol) My only problem is that I live in a crappy apartment and have already broken two door frames. lol. I made up my own little bodyweight/resistance band workout that I do three times a week and go for a run/walk twice a week.

    i tried some workout videos, but my neighors complained that I was being too loud and one of them actually called the cops cause they thought I was beating up my fiance! haha.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I lived in a small apartment and still live in a house with only a few small rooms (I like smaller places, less to clean). And I really like the normal dvd programs. The current space I have is about 5x6 feet. I'm doing Body Revolution right now, but I have more than enough room to do Brazil Butt Lift (which I use the cardio for instead of the BR cardio), Turbo Jam, and Insanity. I really like the programs because I get a really well rounded workout and you usually don't need much equipment. I think that for most people, you have to make a choice between working out and the coffee table. The coffee table lost for me!
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    Right now I'm doing yoga and very basic body weight routines, though none of these would have been possible in my last apartment.
  • The coffee table lost for me!

    I had a baby a little while ago (well, my fiance, so it seems like the only furniture i have is baby things! and those are easily moved. lol. And my little one likes doing pull-ups with me in her baby carrier!
  • mikenelson20
    mikenelson20 Posts: 44 Member
    Check out Team Beachbody. They have tons of videos. I started working out at home because the going to the gym was just eating up to much time (and $50 month). Started out with P90X, then did Insanity, and thru in P90X One on One in there as well. All you need is pull up bar (good one $50), yoga mat, and some resistance bands to suit your needs. If you can afford it I highly recommend Bowflex dumbbells for the P90X stuff (you don't need anything for Insanity). Works great, lots of weight options, and take up barely any room. Heartrate monitor is nice, and if you get into yoga, some yoga blocks. Be prepared to sweat, then basked in pride of what you accomplished.
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    I do usual body weight workouts. Even if I can't afford gym I still find them more fun than actual weights and would not go to gym anyways, and I'm still kinda new and relativelly weak so I don't need weights to get good gains yet. There are plenty of body weight movements what are light years away for me to master.

    I work out at home doing some push ups, currently working to be able to do them with one arm, handstand push ups against a wall, abs, and legs by doing things like pistol squats. And then I go out at old playground for kids like 5 min away from my appartment where it's a great place to do pull ups and other stuff, werldly enough it's always empty, no kids seem to ever be there even if it's decent playground, only people with their dogs. It's spooky.

    And for cardio I just run around the park...

    I will keep doing body weight until I mastered it completelly and can do things like one arm, one leg push ups with two fingers or something i don't know, cos I really like that. ^^
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    millions of machines and dvds out there or walking/running too! or are you chained to the sink? :wink:
  • IIFerdi
    IIFerdi Posts: 47 Member
    I workout at home also. I hardly use equipment. The only thing I have is a medicine ball. And that's more for balancing.

    Here are a few of the exercises I do.
    Push-up. Simple. If you still need to work on your strength I suggest you elevate you hands (instead of dropping to your knees) Use a table or a chair. anything that can hold you. This way you build up strength in your core also (on knees push ups not as much). Want it to make it more difficult? Balance on 2 balls with our hands. or even 1 ball (diamond push up) or elevate your feet. or one leg in the air. or one arm push up

    Prisoner get ups. Hands behind you head. lie down on teh floor. Get up without using your hands. Sounds simple but it helps the core.

    Burpees. You have to do those. I think one of the best exercises and most hated exercises.

    Pull ups. Use a very strong door.

    Squats: simple. More difficult? get a good backpack and put books in it or bags of sand for weight. Those become easy? do Pistol squads. Good for balance and legs.

    Lunges: same as squats use bags of books/sand for weight. or add a jump in it.

    Dive bombers/hindu push up.

    Use balls for balancing. Do a plank on a ball. It gets allot harder.
    Use towels for grip or sliding. For example one arm to pull the towel up while the other one is resisting the pull up. pike walk. Instead of walking your arms out slide your arms out. or try sliding back also.

    It aint hard to do it at home
    Just get a killer workout tracklist of music you love and gets you full of energy.
    Be creative with the things in your house.
    Good luck :) and make sure to have fun while doing it. Makes it allot easier to keep going.
  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    Many plyo and HIIT workouts can be done in a small amount of space. I've been able to do insanity, 30 day shred, Zuzka Light's ZWOWs, and the ZCut cardio power series workouts in just enough space to fit a Pilates mat. And you don't need extra equipment because they're mostly body weight exercises. Score!!
    Congrats on your growing family! Best wishes. :)
  • Thanks everyone for all the good ideas! i'm sitting at work right now wishing I was at home so I could actually do it! lol
  • IIFerdi
    IIFerdi Posts: 47 Member
    and don't forget for push up's ELBOWS TO YOUR RIBS (as close as possible)!! :)

    Allot of people (including me until recently) flare their elbows out.
    Keep them to your ribs your train your upper arms better. Flare them out more shoulders (aint bad iether). keeping them close to your ribs makes it harder also.

    Edit: You live in a apartment building so that means stairs. perhaps allot of stairs.
    Take them all as fast as possible and time it. and then break the time next time you do it.
  • jess6742
    jess6742 Posts: 146
    I live in a super small studio apartment. My go to videos are from Jillian Michaels,, and (they have a huge variety). Also check around just in case there is a cheaper gym around you. I did some digging and joinged a gym that only costs $15/month which is good anywhere but especially so for NYC.
  • MickeS
    MickeS Posts: 108 Member
    "Nike training club" :)
  • TwoPointZero
    TwoPointZero Posts: 187 Member
    ...anyone else live in a small apartment and can't afford a gym? what kind of workouts do you do? I recently started doing a body weight routine and it's going alright. It's not as fun as lifting, so i was just wondering how you guys manage.

    What kind of workouts are you looking to do?
  • buy a bench and some weights/dumbbells off craigslist or cheap at walmart or something. do lots of circuit sets and you'll shred fat and put on lean muscle
  • christa96
    christa96 Posts: 153 Member
    Not sure how pricy kettle bells are but those are great. Just search kettle bell exercises. And as mentioned earlier… burpees- MUCH HATED but definitely necessary and worth the effort.
  • Brady_
    Brady_ Posts: 108 Member
    I do p90x3 in my apartmenttt =) It's an investment upfront but I NEEDED to do Something to make things happen haha
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    I live in an apartment too but fortunately my complex has a small gym on site with limited options. I find that a lot of the things I'm doing at the gym, I could theoretically be doing at home :)

    So here goes:
    running (it's too cold for me outside/ice everywhere but I like to run outside instead of on the treadmill these days)
    weight lifting - get yourself a set of 5lb and a set of 10lb weights (or kettle) and there are plenty of exercises you can do with those
    yoga / pilates - loads of options on youtube / pinterest :)
    body weight exercises - push up, wall-sit, tricep dip on a chair, leg lifts (

    Good luck :)
  • astronut96
    astronut96 Posts: 73 Member
    I live in a house but still have limited space. I'm currently doing Body Revolution but my bf got me the Crosscore 180 for Christmas. I wanted it to change things up and I haven't done much with it yet but all you need is a sturdy door and the rest is simply body weight and angle. Here's a link to a video
  • JaniePapageorgio
    JaniePapageorgio Posts: 142 Member
    I really like stability ball exercises and mini-trampoline... although mostly I just jog on the trampoline because I live in a basement apartment with probably a 6'6" ceiling.
  • RunningMs
    RunningMs Posts: 52 Member
    I also live in a shoebox. My free space for workouts is just slightly larger than my yoga mat.
    I have a good routine going with a couple dumbbells and extra plates. I use my weight setup about 2-3 times a weeks and I head outside to run about 3-4 times per week .
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    I just bought a set of TRX resistant bands. They're pricey but if you check out their Web site and don't buy anything you may get lucky like I did and get some banner ads for 20% off. There are tons of YouTube videos with TRX workouts.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    I just bought a set of TRX resistance bands. They're pricey but if you check out their Web site and don't buy anything you may get lucky like I did and get some banner ads for 20% off. There are tons of YouTube videos with TRX workouts.
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    I did insanity and I can relate to the complaint part but I Learned to land softly jm has good workout not alot of jumping and everyone gave good suggestions I'm lookin into something else now to for body fat % decrease to flatten my stomach more
  • I workout in a tiny room and I've done Insanity, Asylum (have to modify some because I don't have enough room for the ladder!) and T25. Moving everything onto the bed so I have any room at all actually counts as a part of my workout!
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I have done P90X, P90X2, Insanity, Insanity Asylum, T25, Les Mils Combat and I am now on P90X3. I also do a sandbag and custom workout with weights and bands :)
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    buy a bench and some weights/dumbbells off craigslist or cheap at walmart or something. do lots of circuit sets and you'll shred fat and put on lean muscle

    Not at the same time, unfortunately.
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    I have a knock off Suspension Training strap (like TRX) from Amazon. $40 bucks shipped to me and I am a happy gal. Change the angle, change the difficulty level. Its a workout for sure.