Carbs and Calories

Hey MFP peeps :D

I have a slight dilemma. I've been eating low carb, and my carb number on MFP is 150. I have noticed that it's rather difficult to eat only 150 carbs while trying to to eat 1,200 calories a day.
I've been on MFP for a while and stopped for a few months, but I do know that I can eat well above (like way way above) the suggested 1200 and I can still lose weight. However, I know that I can not stay under the carb count.

How can I fix this? Eating 900 to 600 calories a day (which i've been doing) is ridiculous and not sustainable. How can I fix this?

It might also help to let you all know that I'm a vegetarian (I don't eat eggs, but I do drink milk), so I can't pile up with fish, chicken etc etc.

Thanks in advance!! :D


  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    My diary is private to friends only, but if you send a request you can see it. :)
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Edited - Missed the vegetarian thing, disregard my reply.

    I was eating around 150 g of carbs with a much higher calorie intake. I problem.

    You need to start building your meals around protein, fat and lower carbs veggies, then carbs. I always found this helpful when I was keeping my carbs around the same. I found typically two meals and a snack can have a higher carb option and one meal I avoided rice or bread or potato and pasta.

    Take a look at your diary and see where your carbs mostly come from. A lot of people will find that there is a few things everyday that you don't really need or can replace that has a ton in it (like a fancy coffee drink or snack). After you've eliminated unnecessary ones, try to find lower carb alternatives to a couple of the higher ones you still eat.

    For snacks - Instead of a granola bar, I'd have tuna and crackers which still have carbs but not as many and much more protein. An apple and peanut or almond butter or cheese is another snack. Or just cut up chicken.

    Check out your breakfast too. Eggs and veggies are a good lower carb option. Greek Yogurt (some kinds) and berries.
  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    Meal 1 Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar
    Fruit - Banana (Large), 1 banana (136 g) 120 30 0 2 1 17
    Stony Field French Vanilla Yogurt Whole Milk - Yogurt, 1 cup 230 31 8 8 120 30
    Add Food Quick Tools 350 61 8 10 121 47
    Meal 2
    Onions - Raw, 0.5 small 15 4 0 0 1 1
    Hunt's - Tomato Paste (Revised), 66 g (2 tbls) 60 14 0 2 40 8
    Hunts Tomato - Diced Canned - No Salt Added, 1/4 cup 15 3 0 1 8 2
    Beans - Black, cooked, boiled, with salt, 0.25 cup 57 10 0 4 102 0
    Spices - Pepper, black, 1 dash 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Spices - Pepper, red or cayenne, 0.25 tbsp 4 1 0 0 0 0
    Celery - Raw, 0.25 cup chopped 4 1 0 0 20 0
    Carrots - Baby, raw, 1 large 5 1 0 0 12 1
    Croutons - Chatham Village - Garlic and Butter , 2 tbsp 35 4 2 1 55 0
    Add Food Quick Tools 195 38 2 8 238 12
    Meal 3
    Kellogg's - Corn Flakes Breakfast, 30 g 100 24 0 2 200 3
    Milk - Nonfat (fat free or skim), 1 cup 86 12 0 8 127 0
    Splenda, 3 - No Calorie Sweetener Packet, 2 Packet (1g) 0 1 0 0 0 0
    Add Food Quick Tools 186 37 0 10 327 3
    Meal 4
    Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter* (Net Carbs) Jmg, 2 tbsp (32g) 190 6 16 8 65 2
    Celery - Raw, 1 stalk, medium (7-1/2" - 8" long) 6 1 0 0 32 1
    Totals 927 143 26 36 783 65
    This is slightly confusing, but this is from yesterday. I don't eat chips (they're too salty), nor do I drink soda or eat snack bars.
    I'm a fan of yogurt and fruit and beans. So I have looked at my diary, but perhaps there's something I can replace.
    Tuna is meat so I can't eat that either. Perhaps tofu would work in the future, i'll have to try that, but it's pretty low cal as well. I also don't drink coffee because it makes me rather ill.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I eat 1500-1600 calories a day and manage to keep my net carbs under 30. An egg omelette with cheese, bullet-proof coffee with heavy cream and sugar free creamer, and a side of bacon or almonds is a good low carb breakfast. My lunches vary. Sometimes it's chicken marinaded in a low carb marinade that I make myself with salad dressing to dip, or it's low carb chili, or low carb broccoli soup, or low carb pumpkin soup. Dinner can be what I have for lunch, or tuna with mayo and dressing.

    It is possible to eat more and keep carbs low. You just need to be creative.
  • DanielleDavids
    DanielleDavids Posts: 96 Member
    Your macro (protein/carb/fat) breakdown is based on the number of calories and percentages of each macro of those calories. Since you are a vegetarian, your percentage of protein would be less than likely recommended my MPF so you can add the extra calories from protein into carbs or fat. Low starch diets work well for lots of people, but if you don't eat a lot of protein it's more difficult. Focus on lots of veggies and fruit while still incorporating some good quality starches and make sure you are also consuming lots of healthy fats and getting protein from eggs, powders, legumes etc. or whatever sources of protein you usually eat but don't eat under 1200 a day! Cutting back on foods with high sugar contents will also help. :)

    PS. Real greek yogurt is also a great source of protein for vegetarians. :)
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Sorry, I had a total reading fail there. I completely missed the vegetarian thing.
  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    I would like to thank you both for the replies.
    However, it is much harder when you're non egg eating vegetarian. Are there any vegans who can pitch in? Or people with my eating habits in mind?

    No coffee, no meat (including fish/tuna), no eggs.
    I do drink milk, I eat beans and tofu as well. These are my main sources of protein.
  • MistressPi
    MistressPi Posts: 514 Member
    One hundred and fifty carbs per day is more "moderate carb" than "low carb" IMO. Bananas are very high carb.

    Here are some suggestions that DO NOT include meat or fish, from the Atkins website. It includes eating soy products, such as tofu and tempeh.,-Your-Diet-Plan/Atkins-for-Vegetarian.aspx

    It is possible to do low carb as a vegetarian, but it is more challenging.

  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I would like to thank you both for the replies.
    However, it is much harder when you're non egg eating vegetarian. Are there any vegans who can pitch in? Or people with my eating habits in mind?

    No coffee, no meat (including fish/tuna), no eggs.
    I do drink milk, I eat beans and tofu as well. These are my main sources of protein.

    We posted at the same time. I totally missed the vegetarian part, my apologies. Maybe check and see if there are vegan groups on MFP. You might get more info in there.

    Good luck.
  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks. I feel that a low carb diet of only 150 might not be the best for me. So i'll try what you stated!
  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    "We posted at the same time. I totally missed the vegetarian part, my apologies. Maybe check and see if there are vegan groups on MFP. You might get more info in there.

    Good luck."

    Thank you! I've been in a few of them, so i'll post this question there. :)
  • DanielleDavids
    DanielleDavids Posts: 96 Member
    We nutrition plan for vegans/vegetarians all the time. Your diet just needs to naturally consist of more carbs and fat and less protein. Don't stress about going over the carb count because your body has to get the calories from somewhere so in your case it would have to be carbs or fat. The MPF numbers are simply a recommendation and are likely intended for people who do eat meat. As long as you are hitting at least 1200 calories and are eating "good" carbs (ie. low sugar, as unprocessed as possible for the most part) you should be okay!
  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    One hundred and fifty carbs per day is more "moderate carb" than "low carb" IMO. Bananas are very high carb.

    Here are some suggestions that DO NOT include meat or fish, from the Atkins website. It includes eating soy products, such as tofu and tempeh.,-Your-Diet-Plan/Atkins-for-Vegetarian.aspx

    It is possible to do low carb as a vegetarian, but it is more challenging.


    I read online that 150 would be low-carb. I'll double check that though, and i'll check the website.
    Thank you for replying!
  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    We nutrition plan for vegans/vegetarians all the time. Your diet just needs to naturally consist of more carbs and fat and less protein. Don't stress about going over the carb count because your body has to get the calories from somewhere so in your case it would have to be carbs or fat. The MPF numbers are simply a recommendation and are likely intended for people who do eat meat. As long as you are hitting at least 1200 calories and are eating "good" carbs (ie. low sugar, as unprocessed as possible for the most part) you should be okay!

    Thanks :)

  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    I like never use the forums so I almost forgot how to reply directly to people (I figured it out though).

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone!

    *Happily skips away to eat some more healthy carbs lol*
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Honestly, i would supplement with a protein powder. 150 isn't low carb at all, but very easy to stick to at 1200 cals if you're eating adequate protein and fat. You're not eating much of either! Increase your consumption of nuts, seeds, avo, good oils. These will help increase protein a little too. I'd cut out the cornflakes and stick the less calorie dense vegie based options for carbs.
  • RachyLovesRattys
    RachyLovesRattys Posts: 143 Member
    Hey there!! Congrats on being a ovo-vegan!

    Def build around protein as others have mentioned. I LOVE smartdogs (tofu hot dogs) and smart sausages. You can have them with your eggs or some beans and toast :) Makes a very low carb but healthy meal!

    If you straight up enjoy tofu, I use it to replace all the oil and eggs in my muffins (which can help them be more filling so you'll eat less of them)

    I also love lentils and making them into really hearty soups--edamames are great for a snack.

    Low carb is a hard thing to do with all the carbs in the world--but even as a ovo-vegan, it CAN be possible! You def just need to strategize before your meals to work it all out :)

    Good luck!

    Edited to say:: I don't count fiber as a carb ever which is why beans are low carb to me. Some may disagree but that's what I do :)
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    I am struggling to get as much protein as recommended as I am eating a local only diet, I don't eat meat, I am a bit grossed out by dairy and there are no nuts grown in my area. That leaves beans, eggs and when I can get fish as my only major protein sources. If I were in your position I would do one of two things. Not worry too much about your nutrient breakdown and make sure you are getting enough calories because you seem to be getting whole foods and that is a plus or maybe you would consider a vegan protein powder with some high protein vegan milk.
  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    Hey there!! Congrats on being a ovo-vegan!

    Def build around protein as others have mentioned. I LOVE smartdogs (tofu hot dogs) and smart sausages. You can have them with your eggs or some beans and toast :) Makes a very low carb but healthy meal!

    If you straight up enjoy tofu, I use it to replace all the oil and eggs in my muffins (which can help them be more filling so you'll eat less of them)

    I also love lentils and making them into really hearty soups--edamames are great for a snack.

    Low carb is a hard thing to do with all the carbs in the world--but even as a ovo-vegan, it CAN be possible! You def just need to strategize before your meals to work it all out :)

    Good luck!

    Edited to say:: I don't count fiber as a carb ever which is why beans are low carb to me. Some may disagree but that's what I do :)

    Thank you for this! I love smartdogs but didn't even think of them! I'll prob ably strategize a bit more but as soon as I head back to Uni that will be a bit harder. But i'll try it for the next few weeks! Thank you!