Best methods to help flatten a tummy after a C Section



  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Oh my gosh you look fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I know it's going to take a long time to get where I want to be but I know the slow and steady pase is the best way to go instead of a quick fix. That would do more damage to my body then help. I have begun to see a difference with 10 pounds gone in close to a month ago since I started. I have beenwanting to add photos to my post, how do I do that? lol

    I have been focusing more on the inches lost from my body then the poundage cause the scale can alsways mess up but a measuring tape does not lie.
    Keep up the great work!!!!

    Thanks and you can and you will get there, it does take time.

    Adding a photo you put in the BBCode which is img] (no spaces and make sure it's all lowercase)
  • MomBirner
    MomBirner Posts: 14 Member
    how long did it take?
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    I hear ya! I have had 2 sections (one for twins - talk about messing up your stomach!). I could have tried for a VBAC with the second section, but chickened out (I make big babies) and also wanted to "close up shop" down there.

    I am in a twin club where many moms have had multiple births and sections and many have gotten their bodies back to looking better than ever - we can do it too!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    how long did it take?

    I've been at this 2 years on and off. Steady now since September 22, 2011.
  • thoeting
    thoeting Posts: 89 Member
    . I am doing crunches, reverse crunches, bicycle crunches, the one where your on your hands and knees and lift your leg to your chest, russian twists and others. It;s frustrationg as hell, I was hoping any of you out there can help. What did you do to flatten your belly. I'm not looking for a quick fix, I want something that will perminately help keep my stomanch tone and if not totally flat at least reduce the pouch to where it doesn't make me feel so self conscious as I do not. I am constantly wearing spanks to hide my belly :(

    Couple of suggestions....

    I've been working very dilegently on my abs with the help of a trainer and so this comes from her.

    one of the best exercises for flattening the belly are planks, held for as long as possible, pulling the navel center in. Side planks are awesome too.

    be very, very careful when you do a crunch that you PULL your stomach muscles in on the crunch so that you are not PUSHING the muscle out. Doing that can actually create a muscle that pushes out and makes your bottom abdomen BIGGER - not good!

    And remember that little drops make a big ocean, it will happen and it will come together if you do the work necessary
  • ally1130
    ally1130 Posts: 18 Member
    It took me a long time to lose the weight after I had my daughter via c-section. I had to work my butt off dieting and exercising (3-5 week for 60-120 minutes) for a year before I got to where I am now. 2 1/2 years later I'm almost to my ultimate goal weight and I weigh less than before I was pregnant. It is really hard to get back into working out after you have a c-section. Don't rush your body, it took me 5 months to be able to do 2 sit ups in a row. You'll get there, but you have to heal first.
  • hi i had a section in january this year and i thought it would be hopeless to get my stomch toned up again! But with alot of hard work (started to do gentle crunches 13 days after section!) its getting there! My abs are quite hard from my belly button upwards its just at my scar that the problem lies! Does anyone know if there is any possible way of flattening that out? I have been doing zumba flat abs and a belly blitz workout
  • MILF25
    MILF25 Posts: 4
    hi! i also had 3 c-sections and i completed 60 days of insanity while eating healthy ex: grilled talipia, chicken, salad, lots of water, lean1 smoothies from smoothie king and raw fruits & veggies. I started insanity on April 18 & after the 60days i lost 15 lbs, 6inches in my waist, 2inch in my hips, 2inches in my thighs, and 2inches in my arms. i can kinda see my abs starting to form but there is still a fat/skin above the c-section scar. im on my second round of 60days of insanity & working my abs off, good luck & keep me posted on ur results. after this 60days of insanity that will end Sept 2 im thinking abt starting Les Mills PUMP. im thinking abt getting a tuck if i dont see the ab results i want.
  • AshleyLo_44
    AshleyLo_44 Posts: 206 Member
    That's awesome results! But remember as everyone keeps telling me and I know it is true "It took nine months to put on that weight, it's gonna take a long time to shed the weight as well". I've been thinking about getting the Insanity workout dvds for awhile and hopefully in the next up coming months I can finally get it. I have started seeing more results since extending my time at the gym and changing gyms for one that had better equipment. My new photos show a month result. Which may not be much to some but I'm back into my 16 and don't have much of a bulge and it seems every week it's going down.
    Can't wait to hear your next round of results.

    @thoeting I plank for two minutes a day but thinking I can handle more now so I'll be etending the time.
  • eleal_81
    eleal_81 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone my children are 15 and 5 and my belly area is the only problem spot for me I hate it I've had two c-section and I'm still trying to work on toning that sucker this is my first time ever taking a diet serious other times I just say it but never follow thru I've been on my first for three weeks now and I'm loving the feeling and seeing results my tummy is the only thing I'm struggling with tho but I know we ladies can all do it if we set our minds to it don't give up and stay focus
  • kazaroona
    kazaroona Posts: 60 Member
    does anyone have before and after pics for motivation?
  • its been almost 3 years since my last c section and I have been working out every day and eating really well but stil struggling to lost those stubborn old post baby pounds! :( help!
  • My wife had 2 c-sections, a hernia repair, and a appendectomy . To be honest, when it comes to stretched skin, typically only surgery helps. I'm not a woman but I'm going based on what I've see of the women AND men in my family be it weight-loss, surgery, or pregnancy.
  • laurasuzanne2006
    laurasuzanne2006 Posts: 103 Member
    took me 18 months to lose all the weight (and a few pounds more)and i do still have a bit of a shelf(def some lose skin) just give it time do cardio and ab workout. I've done lots of cardio but am just now adding in some strength and ab focused work outs. So maybe it will help. As far as your second comment just find a provider who will support your decision. Inductions have a very high c section rate. If i have more children i plan on them being natural.