I hate Winter



  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Don't understand why you can't get to the gym? Excuses! excuses!
  • We currently have about 8 inches of snow. I just workout at home.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Ok rant time. I hate this! I love walking. I can't. Everything's covered in ice and heck I don't even dare going to the gym in this mess. I guess I should just expect to pretty much maintain the next couple months at this point... (plus we're having work done in the bathroom this week so taking a shower is going to be impossible for 3 days).

    /rant off

    Curious as to why would you not go to the gym? When the weather is nasty, that seems the best time to go. Unless of course, the gym is crowded with newbies and other winter workout folk. But even then, that would not stop me from getting the workout in.

    I live in SoCal and moved here to get away from the winter blues, and it has worked for me so far, but I was just back home and even though the weather was crap, I still made an effort to get to the gym.

    I'm pretty sure it was because of the ice, not because she didn't want to go.
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member

    Cheap, and they work great for multi-mile walks, including hills. When they eventually break? I'll consider the more expensive options like Yaktrax, because I'll have earned them.

    While I lived in CA for several years, I'm now in NH. And frankly baffled by all the "can't go out due to cold" postings.

    Layers. Crampons.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I am the exact opposite. I love winter, especially since we have had a good amount of snow and cold temperatures this year. That means I can cross country ski, snowshoe, and skate outside. Yes, I miss cycling. And when the sidewalks are not cleaned, I miss walking, but there is so many other things I can do in the winter but not in the summer that staying active is not a problem.

    As to maintaining, weight loss is from diet, fitness is from exercise.

    Same here. I thrive in colder weather. Motivates me to keep moving to stay warm. Summer like weather when it's sunny and hot makes me lethargic and lazy. I still don't mind exercising but prefer indoors in the shade with A/C. XD
  • I hate winter also. I am lucky as I have a treadmill and misc WTD in basement. It is not just the cold but the gray skies and no green. I miss the friends I used to see 3-4 times a week golfing, walking and gardening. We try to get together for lunch every now and then but it is not the same.

    When we retire it will be warm temps and blue skies
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I love winter. But my winter is currently low 70s and sunny. It's my favorite time of year!
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I feel the same way! It's especially bad because I'm on break from college until Jan 21st, so I don't have any reason to go out except to do food shopping and run other errands, so I'm essentially hibernating. But surprisingly, I'm not sitting around eating all day! The best thing for me is that most foods in my fridge + pantry require some preparation, so I can't just keep snacking.
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    The past few days it has been at least -37 C with wind chills up to -50C. That said, I have a dog that does not understand that it is killer out there. He wants out no matter what. So, on goes the sweater, hoodie , balaclava, scarf, hat, wool coat, Sorel boots, and two pair of gloves. Out we go, me looking like a yeti and him prancing around in his natural heavy winter coat. He refuses booties and sweaters.
    Every day, twice a day, lol. I simply cannot get out of it. After this, he takes a nap and I workout.

    I am a runner so, after this tribulation, I hit the treadmill either at home or at the gym. I also try to do some lifting at home once or twice a week.
    For ice, there are metal cleats you can attach to your boots. Having a dog has taught me there are no days off !
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Awww sorry!:( Maybe you could go to a friend's or family's house....or even get away by yourself for a few days?
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Don't they plow the roads? I can't go out today or tomorrow (-20 deg) but will head out to run once it's above 0. It's a little chilly at first, but you warm up quick and feel great when it's over!!! I have spikes for my shoes if it's still snowy or icy on the ground. However, my city keeps the roads pretty clear.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Don't understand why you can't get to the gym? Excuses! excuses!

    Uhm...where do you live? NOBODY is stupid enough to drive to the gym in the middle of a snowfall/ice rain warning....Or would you do it, and make the emergency services peoples job even more difficult - just so you "don't use an excuse?":noway:
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Don't understand why you can't get to the gym? Excuses! excuses!

    Uhm...where do you live? NOBODY is stupid enough to drive to the gym in the middle of a snowfall/ice rain warning....Or would you do it, and make the emergency services peoples job even more difficult - just so you "don't use an excuse?":noway:

    You don't ever drive in the snow?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Don't they plow the roads? I can't go out today or tomorrow (-20 deg) but will head out to run once it's above 0. It's a little chilly at first, but you warm up quick and feel great when it's over!!! I have spikes for my shoes if it's still snowy or icy on the ground. However, my city keeps the roads pretty clear.

    They did but there is still a good two inches of snow in the street (now covered with ice as we had freezing rains all day) as it's a side street and the sidewalks are a disaster with ice everywhere, lol.

    And to go to the gym I have to use some back roads that still have snow and ice on them. The main roads are clear, the side roads... not so much.

    I got my workout in today so I'll go tomorrow, as I said (and quite frankly I'm still sore from shoveling snow for 1.5 hour two days ago), but driving on ice is not my thing. If you think it's an excuse, so be it, lol.

    ETA: I don't have any of that stuff you put on shoes to walk. I didn't even know about them until now, lol. Does it really work on ice? I'll look into it.
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    I love winter. But my winter is currently low 70s and sunny. It's my favorite time of year!

    LOL!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Don't they plow the roads? I can't go out today or tomorrow (-20 deg) but will head out to run once it's above 0. It's a little chilly at first, but you warm up quick and feel great when it's over!!! I have spikes for my shoes if it's still snowy or icy on the ground. However, my city keeps the roads pretty clear.

    They did but there is still a good two inches of snow in the street (now covered with ice as we had freezing rains all day) as it's a side street and the sidewalks are a disaster with ice everywhere, lol.

    And to go to the gym I have to use some back roads that still have snow and ice on them. The main roads are clear, the side roads... not so much.

    I got my workout in today so I'll go tomorrow, as I said (and quite frankly I'm still sore from shoveling snow for 1.5 hour two days ago), but driving on ice is not my thing. If you think it's an excuse, so be it, lol.

    ETA: I don't have any of that stuff you put on shoes to walk. I didn't even know about them until now, lol. Does it really work on ice? I'll look into it.

    Yes they slip on your shoes and have small metal spikes.
  • hilarymcm
    hilarymcm Posts: 55 Member
    Do you have an outdoor ice rink in your town? Give it a shot once the roads are safe! I like any skating (even though I kinda suck at it) but outdoor rinks are the best. Skating will give you a killer butt, and there's really nothing like breathing in fresh, clean winter air.
  • Me too! Too cold to walk!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I just moved back to an area that actually has winter, and I'm realizing that I didn't miss it as much as I thought I did. We have lovely paths in the parks in our community that I walk everyday with the dog, but they don't get cleared properly in this mess and we both slide all over. I'm also pushing a stroller when this happens, so it's especially comical.
  • Where I live, there is nowhere to exercise outdoors and the neighborhood is just not safe and there are no gyms nearby. I bought a treadmill for $300, so nothing fancy, but it gets the job done. I also do a lot of bodyweight exercises and my physical therapist helps me to adapt my workouts so I never get bored. I am starting to lift now. It is light for the time being (10 to 15 pounds) so that I can rebuild my strength and coordination, but I enjoy it. There are tons of ways to workout indoors.