Join the National Weight Loss Registry

A lot of the research on how people successfully keep weight off (and how many people don't) comes from the National Weight Loss Registry study. I know from reading the forums that many of you could join - and you should.

You need to have lost 30 pounds and have kept if off a year. To register, start here: They just ask you to confirm your eligibility and your name and address.

They will send you paper forms and surveys to complete your entry into the study.


  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    My goal for last year was to keep the 30 pounds off so I could register this year. Which I did!
  • anabelpalomo
    anabelpalomo Posts: 34 Member
    Thx ill join
  • TravelDog14
    TravelDog14 Posts: 317 Member
    2 more months and I'll be eligible to register.
    It will be (another) good reason to stay on target with my maintenance.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Oh, how cool! I'll be eligible in April. Yay!

    Actually, I did technically lose 30 lbs by a year ago today, but I didn't hit maintenance until April. I'm not sure of the technicality of that but I wouldn't consider myself eligible until April, I suppose.
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Totally in! I registered. :bigsmile:
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Totally in! I registered. :bigsmile:

    I'm not sure you lost enough weight. :tongue:
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Totally in! I registered. :bigsmile:

    I'm not sure you lost enough weight. :tongue:

    It's because my ticker isn't done, amirite? *hangs head in shame*

  • KisaraKaiba
    KisaraKaiba Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you for posting this. I'll get to join on May 2nd of this year. Great motivation! I put a reminder in my phone calendar... :)
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    says directory not found-
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    IN, thanks for posting
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Oh, how cool! I'll be eligible in April. Yay!

    Actually, I did technically lose 30 lbs by a year ago today, but I didn't hit maintenance until April. I'm not sure of the technicality of that but I wouldn't consider myself eligible until April, I suppose.

    I lost 30 pounds by last January but didn't hit maintenance until June. But I registered - they didn't say maximum weight loss, just 30 pounds lost. One of the things they are studying is how long it takes to lose - so they have people who have continued to lose over 14 years.
  • purple180
    purple180 Posts: 130 Member
    Bump for later.
  • biddie1
    biddie1 Posts: 125 Member
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Ill have to do this next year because I just hit 34 pounds last month. Otherwise, I am IN too!
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Oh, how cool! I'll be eligible in April. Yay!

    Actually, I did technically lose 30 lbs by a year ago today, but I didn't hit maintenance until April. I'm not sure of the technicality of that but I wouldn't consider myself eligible until April, I suppose.

    I lost 30 pounds by last January but didn't hit maintenance until June. But I registered - they didn't say maximum weight loss, just 30 pounds lost. One of the things they are studying is how long it takes to lose - so they have people who have continued to lose over 14 years.

    If that's the case I can register later this year. i need to figure out when I lost 30 lbs by. Still, that's unreal and so exciting.

    Eta: Looks like May 30th is the date... super cool!
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I can register in April, can't wait :smile:
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    70 pound weight loss has been maintained for 1 year and 4 months now. :) Hopefully this year will be the one where I lose those last stubborn 10 pounds...