Need to feel better about myself self

Hello people I'm at it again let's see if I can stick to it this time going to need all the help as possible


  • kroldridge
    kroldridge Posts: 16 Member
    You can do this!!! What is your goal? I am 4'11 and nearing the 200 lb. mark. so I have a TON to lose....
  • lafilledelarue
    lafilledelarue Posts: 66 Member
    Sending you vibes of encouragement. I'm also sending you a private email which I hope will be of help. :-)
  • mgaddis739
    I'm ashamed to say but 5'3 253
  • mgaddis739
    Thank you :smile:
  • amosmoses88
    amosmoses88 Posts: 163 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT! You just HAVE to stick with it! I left in April, and this just goes to show you how you can achieve and also fail at. Don't let yourself fail. I started out at 246lbs. Did mfp for 3-4 months and lost 31lbs! NOW, I quit in April and gained 15 of those lbs BACK in just 8 months! Just goes to show, you don't LOSE overnight, and you don't GAIN overnight. Everything takes time and nothing is more worth fighting for than your life!

    I currently stand at 5'1" and weigh 229.2lbs. So don't feel bad! I've got a journey and so do you. It's up to YOU to finish this journey and I hope to see you in the success forums!!!
  • KisaraKaiba
    KisaraKaiba Posts: 59 Member
    Just wanted to say welcome and wish you luck! You can do this. There are loads of great resources on this board, so make sure to do a bit of exploring!
  • mgaddis739
    Thanks everyone I hope noo I will do this for me
  • HoverKitteh
    I know the feeling. I have to, HAVE TO, stick to this lifestyle change this time around.

    I start a new job tomorrow after being unemployed for nearly a year. I went this afternoon to buy a few pairs of pants and blouses. I walked into the dressing room with my normal size in my hand and crept out 10 minutes later, head hanging, to pick up the next largest size.

    Let me tell you, there's nothing like trying on clothes in a size you swore you'd never get so large as to need, in front of a three way mirror to make you feel like throwing yourself in front of a bus.

    Together, with the support of the friends we make here, we can do this. It's our year!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome all !

    You're weight doesn't define you, although eating better and exercising really Does help you feel so much better.

    You will have ups and downs. You'll slip at times, but we're all here to help pick you back up right away and keep going.

    Don't Quit Trying. Its a new lifestyle, Not a diet!

  • bm39459
    Congratulations on making a new lifestyle!
    I am beginning this week as well.
    I am 44. went back to school almost two years ago to become an Occupational Therapist Assistant. I have gained about 50 pounds over the last 2 - 2.5 years. I found out I was hypothyroid 4 months ago. The meds aren't adjusted yet, so I can't sit and "weight" on the meds to work. I have to try and do something on my own, because I can't help others until I am on my way to helping myself. I start my internship (which is my last semester before graduation) on Wednesday 1/8/13. I will be starting the gym next week. BUT a friend of mine who has lost 97 lbs using MFP gave me this advice… focus on your eating the first month, research your foods, MAKE A PLAN ahead of time (menu) so you don't slip up, When you master that (which should take 2 weeks to 1 month) start exercising. Start easy so you don't give up.
    His most important words to me were this: "you are running a marathon here, not a sprint. Pace yourself so you don't set yourself up for failure."
    Therefore, I have spent the last week looking for meals/recipes that are quick, that I can fix some of them ahead, what can I cook in a crock pot while I am gone, things that I can take to work with me, and that are good/healthy. I am trying to set myself up for accomplishing a better me. I want to walk across the stage in May 2014 about 40 lbs lighter, looking both smart and sexy! :)
  • mgaddis739
    I know the feeling. I have to, HAVE TO, stick to this lifestyle change this time around.

    I start a new job tomorrow after being unemployed for nearly a year. I went this afternoon to buy a few pairs of pants and blouses. I walked into the dressing room with my normal size in my hand and crept out 10 minutes later, head hanging, to pick up the next largest size.

    Let me tell you, there's nothing like trying on clothes in a size you swore you'd never get so large as to need, in front of a three way mirror to make you feel like throwing yourself in front of a bus.

    Together, with the support of the friends we make here, we can do this. It's our year!

    I won't go shopping I cry everytime lol
  • mgaddis739
    Good luck with school and your weight loss I have to do this because of health problems and hopefully it will help me have a child .........and good luck to everyone I'll be here to encourage you all
  • hasses
    hasses Posts: 9 Member
    I know the feeling about shopping. When I was at my heaviest weight in high school, 220 lbs, shopping for clothes was a nightmare. Apparently people in the fashion industry think that just because you're overweight it means that you want to dress like a 90 year old wearing a table cloth. The patterns on plus size clothes are often hideous and do nothing to help you feel good about yourself. I currently weigh 154 lbs and I still don't like shopping for clothes, even though I can find cuter stuff. I hate shopping with my friend who is very fit and athletic because she can go into any store and try anything on. I'm definitely not at that point yet but this time around I'm determined to make it to my goal weight! I know you can too! :D
  • dande2169
    dande2169 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm ashamed to say but 5'3 253

    Don't be ashamed! You are trying to make life changes. Take it one step/day at a time. Believe in yourself, allow yourself to make mistakes and be nice to yourself. You CAN & WILL persevere!