Anyone else turning the big 3-0 in 2014?!



  • barefootbabe
    barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member
    I'm turning 30 on June 26 and I'm getting married on Oct 18, so I have a LOT riding on getting in shape this year! I'd love to lose 60 pounds before my wedding, and will need to be around halfway there by my birthday :)
  • gloriaeffe
    gloriaeffe Posts: 75 Member
    Turning 30 on October 22. And determined to be at my best shape ever by then.
    I'm also starting a PT course in a month and by my birthday I'll be almost done - one more reason to keep on track!
  • Leisalynn84
    Leisalynn84 Posts: 113 Member
    I just started the group. Its called Hello 30! I sent an invite to everyone but if you didn't get one I must have spelled your name wrong so please feel free to add yourself!

    I've never been so happy to turn 30!
  • 30 in March - hoping to be down 5 - 10kgs by then! Also working towards being a licensed driver by then as well :)
  • andreaamak
    andreaamak Posts: 42 Member
    I turn 30 on May 23!
  • audraws12
    audraws12 Posts: 18 Member
    Turning 30 on Jan 16th.. Can't believe it is here already. I also want to look and feel my best now that I'm hitting a new decade. Happy upcoming 30th everyone!!!
  • hep26000
    hep26000 Posts: 156 Member
    I just turned 30 12 days ago- December 26th. Can I join???:drinker: Cheers!
  • Tinatot125
    Tinatot125 Posts: 45 Member
    I just turned 30 2 days before Christmas and my aim this time last year was to lose weight before my 30th birthday. Glad to say I lost 42lbs over the year and it was the best present to myself. Keep at it becuase I am now all set to make my thirites the best years of my life without spending any more time worrying about my weight. Best of luck to everyone.
  • Hi Everyone, my name is Diane and I'm new to the site. I love the support everyone gives and gets here, it's very positive thinking. I myself am turning 30 in Feb. I've got to say I've always hated my birthday because it's just 4 days after valentines, which to this date has never been a good event either.

    I've been a fitness yoyo since I can remember. I've accomplished great success only to have it come back after having a baby, and yes it did come back with vengeance. As I approach 30 I can say i've had enough. I don't want to do it because a man wants me to get in shape, or because my family says I should, heck it's not even because I know I should so I can live a long time for my kid.... I need to do it because I'm tired of hating the woman that disappoints me every time I look in a mirror.

    6 months ago I bought the Jilian Michaels body revolution, which I've done sporadically..... but I'm tired of the disappointment I see. I'm tired of hearing what I'm suppose to do from the people around me who have never been in my shoes.

    Here is to 30 being the game changer, and the people on this site being the positive encouragement. Only those of you who have lost or are on your track to loosing over 100lbs know what it's like to be in my type of shoes.
  • LadyTobler
    LadyTobler Posts: 2 Member
    Hey y'all! I'm turning the big Dirty Thirty on March 29th! My goal is to be able to complete a 5K by then.
  • chelleyve
    chelleyve Posts: 10 Member

    I'm thirty in August - I don't want to be uncomfortable in my own skin any more, I have a LOT of weight to lose but my goal for my 30th is to be healthy and happy... There are lots of things I have planned for this year including my friend's wedding and taking my son on holiday in November and I don't want to be the mummy who can't go on the rides cause her belly gets in the way!

    I would love to make friends with others with shared goals x