Starting Fresh. 2nd time lucky!!!

Hey! I joined in the summer and lost about 6lb. Since going back to uni I've put about 4lb back on, my healthy eating has gone out the window and I haven't logged properly for months.
But I'm back for a second attempt. I'm determined.
But what I need most is people to motivate me, so I'm looking for new friends to help me out!
Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other to reach our goals!
I'm mostly looking for people (especially females) aged 18-25 I guess, but anyone can add me!!!
Much love, Chloe x


  • ChloeEliizabeth
    ChloeEliizabeth Posts: 20 Member
  • Hi Chloe
    I just joined again today but have a lot more to lose (almost 100lbs eek!) would be happy to buddy up and support you
  • Woo! I also am back. I really didn't use this app because I always forgot to log what I did but I lost 6lbs in one week just eating super clean. Gained it back thanks to the holidays :( But I am back and excited! Goal is 35lbs. Will be adding you and hopefully we can motivate each other.
  • ChloeEliizabeth
    ChloeEliizabeth Posts: 20 Member
    Added you both! Thanks guys.
  • Kate_Brown_123
    Kate_Brown_123 Posts: 23 Member
    Hey! I am also back after gaining back everything I lost :(

    I have 15-20kg to lose, I am setting 5kg mini-targets, I would love to have a friend to keep an eye on each other?

    Add me if you think we can help each other

  • Susay2942
    Susay2942 Posts: 211 Member
    Im on again off again, but always loose weight and feel better tracking and receiving support from MFT...Thats what keeps me coming back ! Goodluck!
  • I am also back for 2nd try. I did most of my weight loss via weight watchers, lost 20 lbs and put it all back on within one year. I used this site but wasnt honest with myself, I would log what I "planned" to eat and then ate more. So I am back ready to lose. 2014 my motto is NO EXCUSES! So lets do it all together!