I need encouragement!!!

i am *almost* finished with Couch to 5K (last week)!!! yeah!!! there is a 5K on December 8th (Cancer) that i really want to run but i'm terrified!!! I am a 5K virgin and don't have a running buddy so i would be at this alone. :frown: can i do this? how do i know i'm ready?
HELP!!!! :blushing:


  • superjarrod1616
    superjarrod1616 Posts: 39 Member
    Do it! You will be pleasantly surprised with how friendly everyone is. It really is a big running community. You will have a great time. The best advice I can give you is to start slow. Your endorphins will want to start you off sprinting, just relax and you will be surprised how good you feel at the end. Have FUN!
  • DOCwilliams
    DOCwilliams Posts: 9 Member
    Be strong and sometimes you have to go it alone.