

  • JanisMay67
    You say too that you are exercising every day. It could be too that you are building muscle, which weighs more than fat. You don't have much to lose, so the weight will be slower coming off. It seems to me you are doing ok.

    I think you could comfortably come down to 1200 or 1300 calories for a week, and see if thats an improvement. Fill up with lots of veggies.

    Good luck. :)
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I've been eating 1,500 calories or less per day, Probably about 12 grams of protein per day. If I'm not eating enough, should I try one of those protein shakes like lean shake from GNC?

    12 grams of protein?!?! My God that has to be the lowest protein intake I've ever seen by anybody. Someone of your weight should be consuming in the ballpark of 110g of protein a day. Also, it may be that you need to drop your calories below 1500 to lose weight. Depending on your activity level, 1500 may be maintenance for you.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    You say too that you are exercising every day. It could be too that you are building muscle, which weighs more than fat. You don't have much to lose, so the weight will be slower coming off. It seems to me you are doing ok.

    I think you could comfortably come down to 1200 or 1300 calories for a week, and see if thats an improvement. Fill up with lots of veggies.

    Good luck. :)

    She is NOT building muscle.

    ETA: Muscle does NOT weigh more than fat, 1 pound is 1 pound.:laugh:

    OP~get a digital food scale and weigh EVERYTHING.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    You say too that you are exercising every day. It could be too that you are building muscle, which weighs more than fat. You don't have much to lose, so the weight will be slower coming off. It seems to me you are doing ok.

    I think you could comfortably come down to 1200 or 1300 calories for a week, and see if thats an improvement. Fill up with lots of veggies.

    Good luck. :)

    She is NOT building muscle.

    ETA: Muscle does NOT weigh more than fat, 1 pound is 1 pound.:laugh:

    OP~get a digital food scale and weigh EVERYTHING.

    I agree with you that she's not building muscle, but when measuring two substances and weighing them, it is common practice to measure equal volumes of each substance, in which case, a pint of muscle does in fact weigh more than a pint of fat...
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I've been eating 1,500 calories or less per day, Probably about 12 grams of protein per day. If I'm not eating enough, should I try one of those protein shakes like lean shake from GNC?

    12 GRAMS OF PROTEIN?! Omigosh, are you feeling okay? I know you're a vegetarian, so meat is out of the question, but you have GOT to find more protein sources. And you are not building muscle (and likely doing a poor job retaining muscle) on that much protein.

    Btw, you're eating enough calories, if you are indeed accurately logging.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Stop the sugars.

    Consider Stevia instead.

    More like, start LOGGING all the sugars.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I'd say, eat more. Your intake sounds super low... and stick with a 250-300cal/day deficit. If you're working out everyday... you should definately be eating more. Also, you should probably go down to weight training every other day only to give your body enough recovery time. Do you drink coffee, tea, etc? Do you log all of that? Do you log dressings, etc? It may sound weird... but I hear it more often people saying "i'm only eating 1200 calories/day and I'm working out like a fiend and burning 500 cals/day, why am I not losing???" when they start eating more and working out less... they lose. Happened to me. Eating 1500-1600/day, doing NROLFW 3x/week maybe 1 day of 30min cardio and I'm losing consistently.

    Give it a try.
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    I've been eating 1,500 calories or less per day,...

    Im not sure if this will help but I calculated a TDEE method based on your stats and it came to:

    Activity Level Daily Calories
    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1738
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 1991
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2244
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 2498
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 2751

    *************JUST AN ESTIMATE*******

    so to lose if you're sedentary -10% would put you @1560 or so....1500 should be okay losing. but TDEE you dont eat exercise cals back :ohwell:

    EDIT: to add Im 251lbs 5'6" I have MFP set to 1.5lbs/week thats 1570 a day. Becasue 2lbs/week would have me 1325cals on non-workout days and I couldnt do that. I like eat
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I'd say, eat more. Your intake sounds super low... and stick with a 250-300cal/day deficit. If you're working out everyday... you should definately be eating more. Also, you should probably go down to weight training every other day only to give your body enough recovery time. Do you drink coffee, tea, etc? Do you log all of that? Do you log dressings, etc? It may sound weird... but I hear it more often people saying "i'm only eating 1200 calories/day and I'm working out like a fiend and burning 500 cals/day, why am I not losing???" when they start eating more and working out less... they lose. Happened to me. Eating 1500-1600/day, doing NROLFW 3x/week maybe 1 day of 30min cardio and I'm losing consistently.

    Give it a try.

    I'm sorry, but that just doesn't work. If you're eating at a certain caloric intake, and not losing weight, increasing your caloric intake and decreasing your activity will not cause weight loss...
  • haleynewland
    Okay, eat no sugar, eat more protein, eat less, eat more, weigh all of my food, exercise more, log all of my food, eat no processed food. SO Confusing. I wish I could afford a nutritionist. lol.
  • Jehanni
    Hi :) Don't worry.
    Stop adding sugar to your coffee.
    It's far too soon to see changes in the scale, trust me, although today is my first day on this site, I've lost a ton of weight in the past and numbers don't show unless you wait for about a month.

    As a runner myself, who runs around 4 - 5 miles a day and I eat relatively healthy, I don't lose any weight. Running really won't help you get in shape unless you focus like crazy on your calories, and what type of foods you are eating. I'd suggest cutting all rice/pastas, even if they are whole wheat. Replace with veggies. This is from my personal worked for me.

    You've lost 2 lbs since Dec 20th...It's Jan 6th...sure you could have lost a couple more, but you are not that big to begin with so numbers won't show as quickly as we might like.

    The most important thing I can tell you is about intensity. Hit it hard. 2 miles a day really isn't doing much...unless you do it fast (15 mins or under!). If you really want the treadmill to help you, drop the pasta, eat way more protien and veggies, please no chicken nuggets! And, run faster for longer.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'd say, eat more. Your intake sounds super low... and stick with a 250-300cal/day deficit. If you're working out everyday... you should definately be eating more. Also, you should probably go down to weight training every other day only to give your body enough recovery time. Do you drink coffee, tea, etc? Do you log all of that? Do you log dressings, etc? It may sound weird... but I hear it more often people saying "i'm only eating 1200 calories/day and I'm working out like a fiend and burning 500 cals/day, why am I not losing???" when they start eating more and working out less... they lose. Happened to me. Eating 1500-1600/day, doing NROLFW 3x/week maybe 1 day of 30min cardio and I'm losing consistently.

    Give it a try.

    Did you even read the comments? She's not logging everything, and she says she's eating about 1500 calories a day. :huh:
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Haley we dont know what you're eating, so of course the advice will be confusing! But if you're not logging, then even YOU dont know what you're eating. A nutritionist would want to know exactly what you're consuming too.

    Until you obtain that information, we are all just guessing.

    You say you eat a protein bar which has 8-12g protein, but then estimate your daily protein intake is 12g? How do you work that out?
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Okay, eat no sugar, eat more protein, eat less, eat more, weigh all of my food, exercise more, log all of my food, eat no processed food. SO Confusing. I wish I could afford a nutritionist. lol.

    You're gonna get a lot of conflicting information on the forums. Read this, it is an article that sites over 100 scientific studies about calories and weight loss it's a little long, but it will be worth it to know what you actually need to do
  • johnnyhuff790
    I will start logging EVERYTHING this week to determine exactly what I consume vs exercise.

    This is exactly what you need to do. And setting a caloric goal will help you physically SEE when you are missing the mark. Keep up the good work, I encourage and applaud all that you are doing now. Please keep in mind that at your weight, the changes are slow...pick a certain time/day to weigh yourself, and only weigh once a week, without clothing if possible. Then you get an accurate, consistent reading on your weight and will know if you are losing/gaining. Again though, it isn't all about the weight...if you look good, feel good, have low bodyfat, how can a number matter?
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Dear lord, you do NOT have to cut out all sugar. You do need more protein, but that's a health thing, not so much a weight loss thing. Until you are accurately logging everything consistently, no one can actually give you useful advice because we don't know how much you are really eating. Eat 1500 calories with good logging for 3-4 weeks. If you aren't losing, then adjust from there. Also, remember that being that close to a healthy weight means you probably aren't going to be losi g at 2lbs a week, it will be slower.
  • claudiainfante74
    You're stressing too much! :) - get out and do more stuff that makes you happy!
  • RachyLovesRattys
    RachyLovesRattys Posts: 143 Member
    Hey there!! I didn't look at your diary but from what you're saying- I would try and add more protein to your day!

    I'm 4'11, 22 years old, started on here last January (2013) at 140 and now I'm at about 115 (I didn't update my ticker yet--today is weigh day after my yearly physical! yay!)

    I too enjoy a TON of sugar in my diet...once I put that into perspective (I was ALWAYS under calories but ALWAYS over sugar/carbs and under in protein) I started losing pretty rapidly. I definitely didn't cut out ALL of my sugar--but I make it a point to not go crazy any given day unless I have a good reason (social event, birthday, holiday)

    Definitely add more protein and cut some carbs---everything else you're doing is awesome and it sounds like you aren't so far off from where you should be anyway.

    I'm also going to add, I worked out about 3 hours a day (2 of which were light classes like yoga/Jukari) when I first started. I also am an avid hiker. I burned an ISH ton of calories those days! Now, I only work out for about an hour and half but I do more cardio and weights--gets it done faster and with the results I want to see.

    Congrats on your progress!! And can't wait to see where your journey gets you! :D
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Okay, eat no sugar, eat more protein, eat less, eat more, weigh all of my food, exercise more, log all of my food, eat no processed food. SO Confusing. I wish I could afford a nutritionist. lol.

    There is nothing wrong with eating sugar or processed foods. Yes, you should eat more protein and weigh all your foods. No you should not drop your calories any further, if anything bump it up to minimize the deficit. Ideally, you need to find a balance between a deficit and enough calories to support your workout, as well as, enough protein and resistance training to maximize the amount of muscle you retain. 1500 calories is probably a good start but you can NOT tell without fully tracking.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    I'd say, eat more. Your intake sounds super low... and stick with a 250-300cal/day deficit. If you're working out everyday... you should definately be eating more. Also, you should probably go down to weight training every other day only to give your body enough recovery time. Do you drink coffee, tea, etc? Do you log all of that? Do you log dressings, etc? It may sound weird... but I hear it more often people saying "i'm only eating 1200 calories/day and I'm working out like a fiend and burning 500 cals/day, why am I not losing???" when they start eating more and working out less... they lose. Happened to me. Eating 1500-1600/day, doing NROLFW 3x/week maybe 1 day of 30min cardio and I'm losing consistently.

    Give it a try.

    I'm sorry, but that just doesn't work. If you're eating at a certain caloric intake, and not losing weight, increasing your caloric intake and decreasing your activity will not cause weight loss...

    Yeah, math fail. And yet, I see this advice all too often. Not losing weight? Eat more, move less! Riiiiight… :huh: