
Hello, I have been running 4 days a week and trying to improve my diet every day making subtle changes. My diet before I started making a change pretty much consisted of fried food, cheese, bread, and soda. I am now pretty much eating egg whites / bananas / having a protein shake in the morning to get 25g of protein in me early on. I am consistently drinking water throughout the day. My biggest issue has been chips, my diet has a very low spectrum and the only meats i will eat are chicken, bacon, and ham. I am making the best of what i can with my diet but i can not find something to substitute for chips because they are so tasty and easy. Does anyone have a substitute for a picky eater that I could possibly replace a majority of the chips i eat with? Thanks in advance :)


  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Just eat the chips...?

    Eat baked chips or pretzels if it bothers you that much. Chips are delicious, though.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    a couple of suggestions -

    1) just try to go without them for a few weeks. Chances are that you'll lose your taste for them. I've found that has happened for me with a lot of junk food - I just don't like how most of it tastes anymore.

    2) I agree with the above - if going without isn't an option, just eat them in moderation. Eat what you like though, or else you will eat the substitutes AND your "good" chips!

    3) figure out what you like about them. Is it the salt? The crunch? Just a habit? Once you figure that out, you might be able to sub something like iceberg lettuce for crunch or take some kale and put a little olive oil and salt and bake it until crunchy, etc.
  • dingo454
    Thank you for the help friends, i think its the salt from the chips. The thing that gets me with most foods is like stringy things and the textures. Cant eat fish because its slimy etc you know the deal. Ive tried going without them for a week and a half and i had a relapse lol and i never even came close to getting away from them, every time i heard the bag open i wanted them again. I know that its not a huge problem as my diet has improved greatly but im just trying to open my mind before i get to the point i want and start building muscle. Ill add my progress thingy to the bottom now :P
  • professormudd1
    I agree with the above in that you should just try to go without for a couple of weeks.

    As far as substitution, I like rice cakes. They also have the little chip-type rice cakes which are handy for dipping. If that is too bland for you, just have some chips but count the calories.
  • dingo454
    Usually my situation is ill have them with my lunch which usually consists of a banana and a PB & J (only a small 1serving bag) and then later on maybe after dinner ill have another one because im hungry and no more meals for today. I tend to eat extremely clean up until about right after lunch and then it goes downhill due to my picky habits.
  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    Chips used to be a huge weakness of mine-- it was like my brain would lose all control and I couldn't do portion control with them as much as I could with other things.

    Have you heard of Pop Chips? They sell them online at Amazon and some stores sell them. I like them- they give you some salt and crunch and I actually like them.

    I can't tell you the last time I ate a regular chip but I remember several months back and I had some at a party and I was like wow id rather have a pop chip =) plus you get to eat way more for less calories.
  • dingo454
    Ill look them up, thank you so much :)
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    I love all chips. Before going on my journey I would go to the vending machine once and sometimes twice daily. I would get either doritos or cheetohs--EVERY DAY. Since August 1st I haven't had any cheetohs. I did have Doritos one time. To be honest---I don't crave them anymore. I would find a way to fit them in if I did crave them, but I just don't anymore.
  • dingo454
    thank you and good luck in your journey :D
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    Make your own carrot- Kale - spinach - pepper - eggplant - sweet potatoe Chips

    If you google it You can find many recipes … You make a bunch a put them in an air tight container in your fridge and have them without feeling guilty.

    I also make some cheese chips :)
  • dingo454
    Im very finicky and dont eat much veggies unfortunately, thats later in the plan where i force myself to eat them while im putting on muscle :)
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I have to cold turkey on chips.. I eat whole bags in 1 sitting.. its my 1 bad food. Just stop buying em.
  • dingo454
    Haha yeah thats my biggest problem is the chips and the dinner :P thanks for da response
  • dingo454
    unfortunately i have other people in the house that eat them so i cant really just throw them out. maybe could have my family members hide them but knowing myself i would be looking around at 1 in the morning to get a bag of chips :)
  • Mercedespony
    Mercedespony Posts: 162 Member
    fwiw, I switched to hot air popcorn. I eat 3-4 cups nightly, just to satisfy my desire for a crunchy snack. I go lightly with the salt and satisfy that craving as well.

    All you need is some Orville popcorn, a paper lunch bag, and a microwave. Popcorn seasoning/salt.
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    I take it your from across the pond so what you are refering to are crisps not chips we have over here in England, try looking for low cals crisp, there are plenty out there that are 100 cals and a bag and even if you end up having 2 bags 200 cals as long as you fit them in is nothing.

    Just make sure you are eating the correct amount for your height and weight, with out knowing your details I can't tell if your are eating enough but if you are eating the correct amount of cals 2 x 100 cal bags is nothing.
  • dingo454
    Thanks for that, just put in an order for the popchips, gonna try them, ill have to try popcorn too :)
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    Air-popped popcorn is really delicious. :) You can top with salt and/or other spices; there are plenty of great recipes online. Just don't use too much butter, or use oils because they're healthier.
  • dingo454
    Thank you!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    fish prepared correctly is not slimy. open yourself up to new things. its good for you to eat a varied diet.