What do you get at starbucks (or wherever)



  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Triple venti soy raspberry mocha, no whip. Love every calorie of it! mmm
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I've never changed what I get.

    If I'm just looking for my morning coffee and for whatever reason I didn't make my own, I'll hit up Dunkin or the gas station and just get a black coffee with sugar. Sometimes I mix in that crappy powdered "cappuccino" from the machine for kicks, lol, but I don't do it often anymore since I realized that the mix is all full of trans fat.

    If I go to Starbucks, it's a treat. I'll get a tall (grande if it's iced) non-fat something (depends on the season...right now, it's salted caramel mocha). I do that maybe once a week, give or take.

    The only coffee drink I used to love and now avoid is the frozen mocha whatever-they-call-it from McDonald's. It's fricking tasty as hell, but at ~450 calories for a small it's not even worth it as a treat.
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Went in on new years eve and had a hot chocolate deluxe (with cream I think that is) and a chocolate brownie, was so good. This was at Coffee #1
  • mbeuchert24
    mbeuchert24 Posts: 204 Member
    When I'm serious about my weight loss (I fall off the wagon A LOT), I order a tall skinny cinnamon dolce. When I'm not, especially around Christmas time I get either salted caramel or peppermint mocha...I still order with non-fat milk, but I don't change anything else.
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    Tall caramel macchiato. Sometimes no fat, sometimes not. I go to Starbucks rarely so, when I go, I get what I want.
  • KatieM46
    KatieM46 Posts: 27 Member
    Cold drinks I get a light caramel frappacino(tall) it's only 100 calories.
    For warm drinks I get a non fat caffe mocha but I tell them to hold the whip. (Tall) it's about 170 calories.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    Venti Blonde Roast...used to get the Mocha, but it's to the tune of 400 calories. No thanks Jeff.

    some places have sugar free mocha option, you could ask and see if you like it
  • cfredz
    cfredz Posts: 292 Member
    oh boy i used to drink soy mochas once or twice a day and two years ago i discovered salted caramel mochas. i was hooked.
    now i drink soy mistos, iced coffee with soy, and recently skinny soy peppermint mocha (only 100 cal for tall)
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    1. I dont go very often, maybe once a month.
    2. I order the smallest size (confusingly, this is a "tall")
    3. I order it skinny.
    4. I ask for suagr free syrup.
    5. Or else a tea.
    6. Fresco thing in the summer!

    So it's a tall skinny s-f caramel machiato please!

    the smallest size (if you're ordering hot drink) is actually a short
  • melkhamilton
    When I was moderate-carbing, I'd get a mocha skinny latte. 80 calories and amazingly good, it's like grown-up chocolate milk.

    Right now what I love is iced decaf with a little heavy cream and sugar-free vanilla. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. With 1 oz. cream I'm guessing it's 100 calories.
  • missjones513
    missjones513 Posts: 345 Member
    Since it was the holidays, peppermint mocha. Other than that I like the caramel macchiato or caramel frappuccino during the summer.

    This is why I was taking a break from Starbucks up until they brought the holiday drinks back.
  • pensafl14
    pensafl14 Posts: 13 Member
    I usually get the mocha frapppuccino light, or some sort of nonfat drink with no whip. :) I love my Starbucks, so it's a treat I refuse to deprive myself of.
  • nbell120
    nbell120 Posts: 17 Member
    Tall skinny caramel macchiato, or tall skinny peppermint mocha both only 100 calories
  • 488Y
    488Y Posts: 11
    Salted caramel hot chocolate at dunkin donuts <3
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    Grande Black Coffee (sometimes decaf if it is later in the day).

    I very occasionally get a tall vanilla latte, but if I am planning on drinking 200 calories, I usually prefer it be a mix of gin and tonic.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I've been concerned with calories for as long as I've been drinking coffee, so I never gorged on the calorie-loaded drinks. When I was in high school, I had a lot of light frappuccinos (Java Chip was my favorite), but as I got more into coffee, I gave those up and switched to skinny lattes and macchiatos (and I loved them all).

    I've recently given up artificial sweeteners because my boyfriend and I are trying to eat more clean, whole foods. In the last few months, I've had Starbucks only as a treat. I drink them hot or iced, depending on the season, and always with soy milk due to a milk allergy. I usually opt for a tall caramel or hazelnut macchiato because they're slightly lower in calories than most others. I feel like it's too much money to get not get a delicious flavor, but now that I'm trying to cut down on sugar for health reasons, I might try some without syrup.

    I have an espresso maker at home, so most days, I just have a shot or two of espresso with unsweetened (vanilla) almond milk, either hot or cold.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    16oz, 4 shot Americano, usually with whipped cream.
  • kamyers1289
    kamyers1289 Posts: 129 Member
    1. Nonfat no whip 2 pump cinnamon dolce latte (175 cals, if I'm feeling fancy).
    2. Iced/hot Americano with about 2 tbsp 1/2 & 1/2 (about 65 cals)

  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    So I've been seeing lots of posts on here like wahhhh my coffee was 700 calories and I had no idea, did you really have no Idea, whole milk? caramel, chocolate, extra sugar, cream, etc.

    Anyways, I feel like coffee drinks get such a bad rep like everyone is like you can NEVER have anything but a black coffee from a coffee chain or you'll die, or you need to get the smallest size and consider it a treat. I disagree, I know some people are against artificial sweetners, but I don't care, I love starbucks, and I always get the same thing: skinny vanilla (or skinny caramel) latte with soy, yes soy adds more calories than the regular skinny latte but i prefer the taste, it tastes rich and thick instead of watery. Anyways, a venti (so 24 ounces) with the soy milk is really just the same as drinking soy milk and coffee because the sugar free vanilla or caramel has no calories. So...it ends up being about 100 calories for a grande (iced) and 160 for a venti, and when I get a venti it's usually as a snack, so it's very filling because all the liquid and the soy milk is just regular soy milk (sometimes vanilla flavored but usually unsweetened) And so yeah, if i have it with breakfast I usually just have fruit or 100 calories of greek yogurt, so I don't see the big deal with them.

    TL;DR: What did you used to get, and what do you get now?? (I used to get the white chocolate peppermint latte)

    I used to get a variety of very high calorie things. Now I get a variety of very high calorie things much less often.
  • arachnesweave
    Venti Pike with skim milk.