Im in need of some serious help

I just turned 30 in august and I have been struggling with losing weight for the last 4 yrs. I weigh as much as I did when I was pregnant with my third child. I have been having self image problems the last couple years. I try and workout and diet and then after a month I give up. why cant I stay motivated and keep it going? im to the point now that I need to do something and make sure I don't give up. im always trying to stay at the amount of calories given but I feel so hungry. then I eat and eat and cant stop. I need some tips on keeping it going. and if I could stop getting bored with my workouts that would be great too. advice and friends to help me stay on track would be amazing.


  • Bocch
    Bocch Posts: 191 Member
    You don't need a workout in a gymn you need a club. Sometimes to stay motivated means to be social when working out. Sometimes it also means spending money.
    For example, if you belong to a gymn, then go for a zumba class (or yoga) even if there is an extra cost. Make friends and in casual conversation make a committment statement that you will see them (other exercise classmates) next week. You can then do your other workout on another day, Possibly, use the swim pool another time. In essence don't do the same routine 3 days a week at your gymn, vary it. Maybe make plans to do something with your new friends at the gymn.
    Next, try walking. I know somebody that walks the boardwalk at the beach. Always enjoyable on a nice day and then you will see regulars that are doing the same. Add the day you walk into your planned gymn days during the week. No beach? Walk the mall without buying anything. maybe you and a neighbor can do a planned neighborhood walk?
    Cycling? Same plan. join a club, buy an expensive bicycle then make sure you use it cause it cost a lot. Club members can keep you motivated and then there are club rides to anywhere.. Maybe a little friendly competition won't hurt either.
    Good luck!
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    What helped me to get my weight off was to sit down and really dig deep into figuring out exactly WHY I wanted to lose the weight. It's weird but weight loss in and of itself is not enough of a motivator for most people - there usually needs to be some deeper, more emotional reason why you want to get the weight off at this time.

    Another thing would be to consider finding a program that will help you with your goals. Are you eating enough or not too much? Perhaps you're eating more carbs (which don't really fill you up) more than protein (which does). What workouts are you doing? Sometimes doing a program where there's a set schedule will help you not to get bored. Plus, not every workout works for every person and you'll have to "date around" with various workouts to see what you like.

    Feel free to friend me and we can chat more! :)
  • amanda9402
    amanda9402 Posts: 64 Member
    Similar to Pink Coconut, figuring out the "why" helped me out as well. I had some really unflattering pictures as motivation, and that helped for a while. And I also read the Beck Diet Solution. which challenges you to write down the reasons you want to lose weight and review them every day (among a lot of other helpful advice). Beck also talks about the value of writing down what you eat every day as a critical step - you're on the right track if you're doing that much at least.

    And if you're starving on the 1200 a day or whatever they suggest, try upping your target to what your maintenance calories would be - your rate of loss will be slower, but you may be able to stick with it better. You may also want to open your diary for a little while and see if you can get some suggestions on how to make some swaps so you can be more satisfied and less likely to binge.

    The social aspect has helped me with exercise. I have a few friends that I have been signing up for things like 5Ks with, and without gym dates and scheduled races, I would be exercising far less often. Reading the fitness board here has also been inspiration for me to try some new things - I actually don't like running all that much (despite doing it out of peer pressure!), but I found I really like lifting weights. Go figure.

    Good luck to you, and just take it a week at a time.
  • zenpoppy
    zenpoppy Posts: 20 Member
    Just want to say you are a sweetheart...You are a busy mum with 3 kids. That in it self is a massive job.

    Agree with fellow mfp...really spend some time working out the WHY and What is really important to you.
    Write it down...have a think about what kind of activities you really enjoy. What can you really do based around your babies.

    This is not is hard but I just put one foot in front of the other and keep going.
    Don't beat yourself up....You are trying and everyday is a new start.

    What really helped me is that a friend of mine we really sat down and said this weight has to go.
    We worked out what we could do and when we could do it. I work out with her and we support each other everyday.
    I am not alone in this journey..We make each work harder. We keep ourselves on track.

    Keep Going Girl....YOU ARE WORTH IT........:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    As far as exercise- find something you can do with your kids. It was a big motivator for me. We would go to the park and I would run around with them or use them as weights or take Karate classes with them. I also coached soccer. Now that they are older I still take long walks with them and my son is pushing me to start running now since he wants a running partner. I don't think I will be running 8 miles with him yet but maybe in a year or 2. I also take water aerobics classes at the local pool. I like switching things up so I don't get bored.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Mix it up. If you are hungry every day, then you need to change your diet. You should not be hungry except just before meal or snack time. Eat more lower calorie foods so you can have more bulk in your diet. OR, eat more rich foods so that you feel satiated. OR, eat more total calories. One of these things will likely help.

    Mix up your exercise too. If you are bored, do something else. There are so many ways to exercise your muscles - bike, hike, lift, run, walk, calisthenics, weights, games, sports, jump, climb, swing, yoga, swim, pilates, Zumba, plyometrics ... the list goes on and on. Just move.
  • smhunnicutt
    smhunnicutt Posts: 19 Member
    I need help 2. I need someone to push, support and encourage me.
  • Jenny1437
    Jenny1437 Posts: 11 Member
    I am struggling cause I don't have friends where we just moved and no one to workout with. but I did do some digging and printed some 30 day challenges out and im going to do a walking dvd and soon get a exercise bike or treadmill. thanks everyone for your help.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I am struggling cause I don't have friends where we just moved and no one to workout with. but I did do some digging and printed some 30 day challenges out and im going to do a walking dvd and soon get a exercise bike or treadmill. thanks everyone for your help.

    I'm in the same boat, recently moved and no friends here. I workout with DVDs at home when the kids sleep long enough for me to do so. It's hard to stay motivated when you're on your own, but people here at MFP are helpful. There are lots of groups here where you're expected to check in every day with your workout, you might want to look into one of those to help you stay accountable.

    As far as your efforts derailing, you may want to review you calorie count to make sure you're eating enough to stave off hunger, and examine why you seem to drop your efforts after a certain amount of time. Do you feel like the changes are getting in the way of other aspects in your life? Do you have a hard time getting started again after slip-ups like binges or missed workouts? Do you get discouraged by the results or lack thereof after working hard for a certain amount of time? Identifying what it is that knocks you off your rhythm might help you to beat it this time.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    The first month or so is the hardest. Once you get past that you are golden.

    Once the weight started coming off and my clothes got looser...that is what kept me going. I lost 16 lbs my first month so there was no way I was going to stop.

    You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight, you just need a calorie deficit. I had no problem doing this by cutting out all the junk food I had been eating and replacing it with fruits and veggies, lean meats, whole grains, etc. and LOTS of water. You can still have treats, just fit it into your day. It is a lifestyle change, not a diet. Restricting yourself too much will set you up for failure.

    I started my weight loss journey by just walking on my treadmill...I lost over half my weight this way. Now I run and lift heavy weights. I really recommend weight training as part of your workout routine.

    It took me YEARS (like 10 years) to finally get off my azz and do something about my weight problem. If i can do it...believe me you can do it!!
  • Jenny1437
    Jenny1437 Posts: 11 Member
    thanks everyone for the help and support
  • MARTIC0058
    MARTIC0058 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Jenny!

    I would love to help keep you motivated I will send you a friend request! I do better myself with working out at home. I am currently doing Chalean Extreme and I have a awesome support team on fb as well if your interested. It really helps with accountability and motivation. I have about 20 more pounds I wanna lose so I need all support I can get as well. I fell off the wagon on the holidays so trying to get back.
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    It's really hard to stay motivated when you think of this as a "diet". I found when I decided to just change my life I was much more successful. Now I look at the big picture, and just know this is how I WANT to live my life.

    Good luck to you!
  • DIFM88
    DIFM88 Posts: 6
    Hey Jenny,

    Like everyone else has said, your a super star. After 3 kids, and supporting them, you will get tired and lose your motivation and momentum. You say you weigh the same as you did when you were pregnant with your third child - you underestimate your motivation for this. Many don't find the motivation and continue to put weight on so don't beat yourself up about it.

    Feel free to add me on here - every little bit of motivation helps :smile:

  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    Don't think of it as a diet. Think of it as a permanent nutrition change. Focus on eating whole foods and getting most of your calories from meat and veggies.

    When setting a calorie amount, do not create more than a 500 calorie decicit.

    Add more protein. If you eat lots of carbs and sugars your blood sugar will spike and crash all day. Protein and fats are the key to satiety.
  • Shannon,

    I saw that you joined in 2010 and now back it in 2014...what made you get back on here and ask for help? I truly think you are heading in the right direction already. Keep eating, but healthy. Keep exercising, a little each day at first. Keep chatting with those that motivate you. Keep believing in yourself. Appreciate your weight lost, celebrate at your mini-goals.

    I have a good motivating friend that has shown me beauty is inside and will eventually portrayed on the outside as long as you stick to what makes you happy.

    Good Luck.

  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Step 1) Identify and state your goal(s). I simply mean to yourself - you don't need to tell anyone else. This is for you.

    Step 2) Find programs (fitness and dietary) that will help you get to your goals. Make sure to do some research, so that you don't waste time on a plan full of BroScience. You want real, honest, effective plan(s).

    Step 3) Decide on the plan(s) you find. Pick one of each (fitness and dietary) that you think you'll like and can do.

    Step 4) Make small changes, and only a few at a time - until you're fully immersed in the plan(s) you decided to follow in Step 3. The more drastic your changes are, the more difficult it will likely be to sustain those changes.

    Step 5) Succeed.
  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    I'm in the same boat - almost the same weight as when I was pregnant with my 3rd. I'll send you a friend request - maybe we can help eachother!