Xbox One, anyone?

I've been trying some of the fitness games/apps over the weekend. I really like Zumba although I'm not sure how great of a workout it is. Has anyone else tried the other programs? Which ones are worth buying?


  • I like Xbox Fitness:

    There are many free workouts as well as additional ones you can purchase. All use Xbox Kinect to provide real-time feedback while you workout.
  • I would use the Xbox Fitness App. It's free and has a few of beachbody's exercises.
  • robkayda
    robkayda Posts: 4 Member
    Just got my One and I really like the Fitness App. I hope they will expand it with some online tracking like Your Fitness and Nike did. I do miss my Wallbreaker from Your Fitness though :)
  • DaSavedSinner
    DaSavedSinner Posts: 211 Member
    I used the MyShape, Nike, Starwars(i don't dance but it was fun!), and a few other games with X360 Kinect and they were cool! I got X1 day one edition and I like the Xbox Fitness so far. Is has Jullien, P90X, and more including some MMA made exclusively for Xbox One. If Anyone wants to add me my Gamertag is Daedric Angel. PLEASE SEND ME A MESSAGE ON XBOX TELLING ME YOUR FROM MFP OR I MAY NOT ACCEPT. A simple "MFP" as the message is good. I also play Games like GTA online (I run a fun crew), Ryse, AC4, and Minecraft.
  • jimboodee2
    jimboodee2 Posts: 26 Member
    I really like the MOSSA for my fitness on the xbox one. hoping they will release some more for it soon. was also thinking of buying the zumba. if you do let us know how it is . :-)
  • I played the ufc trainer for xbox 360 and it made me puke a few times. I don't know if you can get it for xbox one.
  • DaSavedSinner
    DaSavedSinner Posts: 211 Member
    I really like the MOSSA for my fitness on the xbox one. hoping they will release some more for it soon. was also thinking of buying the zumba. if you do let us know how it is . :-)

    Mossa is the one I did last and my wife thought I was going to pass out, lol. She said she wouldn't have lasted more than five minutes of it. She actually made me stop at around 25/30min because she was worried. I plan on doing it again, lol.
  • mezza152
    mezza152 Posts: 2 Member
    Am having a lot of fun with the Just Dance 2014 just sweat mode... Any ideas on if the calorie counter is accurate? 43 mins was 177 calories according to the Xbox, but that's 35 mins of aerobic dancing according to my fitness pal!
  • DaSavedSinner
    DaSavedSinner Posts: 211 Member
    Am having a lot of fun with the Just Dance 2014 just sweat mode... Any ideas on if the calorie counter is accurate? 43 mins was 177 calories according to the Xbox, but that's 35 mins of aerobic dancing according to my fitness pal!
    Since it tracks calorie burn by skin tone I would not trust it, I still use a HRM.
  • I love love Xbox Fitness. Doing Jillian's workouts and P90X. We also have Just Dance 2014 and I do a 40 min sweat on the days I do Jillian.
    Edited to add- Zumba isn't out in Australia yet :(