Am I on the right track?

I have the typical "mom body" after having two boys, and I am looking to get back to the body I had before kids! I took some pictures yesterday morning while still in my pajama pants to help get an idea on what I should be working on. I feel like I don't have much fat to lose, and that I need to tighten up my core area. I took the first set of pictures just standing naturally, and the second set while flexing all my abdominal muscles (not sucking in). I am doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, and plan on incorporating Pilates and more ab exercises. I know I still have a lower "pooch" even after tightening my abs, and I am wondering if this is just fat I need to lose? I honestly cant grab hardly any fat once I flex everything.

We are going to the beach (Panama City Beach) for the first time in June, and I am hoping for a more fit looking body by then. Is this possible? Am I doing the right exercises right now? Is there anything I should include/exclude right now?

Standing normal, completely relaxed:


Flexing the muscles, but not sucking in. Also, what are the dimple like things under my breasts? Is that just from fat?


This is my first time posting pictures, so I apologize if they don't show up. Excuse the bra, I tried taking the pics with my shirt pulled up, but it wasn't working as well.


  • Momof2boys2009
    Got the pictures to work, but have no idea how to resize them. I apologize.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    The dimple-like things are part of the definition of your ab muscles. :bigsmile:

    You are on the right track in doing strength training and cardio, although for your goals you would probably see better results from focusing more on strength training. Doing resistance training will strengthen your muscles, help burn body fat and give you that "tighter" or "toned" look, *if* you lose the fat that is covering the muscles. So eating at a deficit, incorporating strength training, and doing some cardio to do good things for your cardiovascular health and give you extra calories to eat would probably get you to your goal.

    30 day shred is fine to start because it includes cardio and weights, and the resistance exercises in the video are a good introduction to strength training. Progressively increasing your weights as you get stronger will give you better results. After you've finished the program, you can always do it again, or move on to another DVD if DVDs are your thing. If you are interested in lifting heavy, that would get you the results you want without having to follow a DVD workout. Stronglifts, Starting Strength, and New Rules of Lifting for Women are all popular programs around here for people new to lifting heavy.

    Pilates and core work are good for you, but without burning off the fat, you're just going to have really awesome abs that no one can see. There's no reason not to include those in your fitness routine, but focusing on them is not going to get you to your goal.
  • Momof2boys2009
    Thank you so much for the response!

    I am completely new to this, but I think I understand what you are saying. Can resistance training also help burn fat? What would be a good example of a workout plan for someone like me? I've started with 5 days a week of working out, is that decent?

    Thanks so much for the help!!
  • Momof2boys2009