The 12 Pounds of Christmas!



  • keldine
    I weigh in every wednesday, therefore i will report my progress then.
  • ginnyroxx
    I think my weigh in days are saturdays (i always forget if it's fri, sat, or sun) but will be changing to wed w/ the $$ challenge starting on the 15th.

    I put my goal in my siggie
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    Good morning! And happy day 3 everyone!
  • marielw
    marielw Posts: 126 Member

    Could i join aswell please or am i too late??

    I am determined to lose 12lbs by Xmas!

    12 Pounds of Christmas:
    Starting Weight: 181 (03/11/10)
    Goal: 169 (by 25/12/10)
  • HidyleDidyle
    No, I don't think you're too late to still do this healthily. Welcome to our group! We're still at the beginning of our journey - Day 3! I wish you all health and success!

    (An aside: This not stepping on the scale thing is difficult for me...I'm so used to obsessing about it every day lately. I do use Wii Fit so I'll have to skip the body test if I want a true surprise come Sunday when I weigh myself for real).
  • fattyellis
    Hi Everyone!

    I weighed in today and will report my weight loss [hopefully] next thursday!

    As for stepping on the scale....I try really hard not to weigh everyday [a couple of times a day even] but just cant stop myself. I only record my weight once a week but do find the daily weighing a bit of a motivator. For example if I am 'up' I will watch what I eat more closely for that day. Having said does determine my mood for that day also....YES ...I am obsessed by the scales. and really wished I wasnt...blah blah blah
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    fattyellis: You just described my relationship with the scales perfectly!!! Like you said, if my weight is up, I have a bad day.....If it's down, the day is brighter! I'm totally with you on the scale obsession! But, on the up side: I eat better knowing that I have to check in with the scale each day.....
  • aallison85
    aallison85 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm totally in! Hopefully this will be the motivation that I need! I get really motivated for a week and then I fall off. I know it is a choice to fall off but it is so hard. I work full time and I am in graduate school full time. I tend to eat my emotions when I am feeling stressed about school. Ugh.

    I am super excited for this small goal for now.

    Thanks all! I look forward to your support!
  • HidyleDidyle
    Welcome! Today is day 4 - I hope you all have a great one! My mantra for the day will be "Feeling snackish? Have a drink of water!"
  • HidyleDidyle
    Okay ladies - Day 5! I hope that your week has been going well! I'm going to try to do more cardio today to get the heart rate up!
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Count me in...I need some accountability to keep myself on track through the holidays! I have eaten well all week, but had to overcome a little Halloween binge, so getting back on the plan.
  • funnygirl0940
    12+1 of you'll let me HD! I didn't see this until this a.m.

    Yesterday I weighed 161...if I log in today's bloat 162, it may show a more impressive number next week, lol I don't know how my body will respond but I'll go w/you and weigh in on Sundays, if you haven't closed your offer.

    just checking in here. I am over tom and weigh 161 this a.m. Ready to go with my Christmas goal achievable!!!!
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Off to a good start, thanks to some running over the weekend and keeping my eating in check....started 11/5 at 152.6...weighed in this morning at 151.2 for a 1.4 pound loss!! Great job everyone!! Keep it up!!
  • maviolette
    maviolette Posts: 27 Member
    I'd like to join it it's not to late! Can't get that scale to more for my last 10 lbs, so this will be the motivation I need.
  • newtitus2011
    newtitus2011 Posts: 20 Member
    I think I will be realistic this time and join this forum. I know that I need to lose 50lbs, but by Christmas, 12lbs would be awesome considering that I have been stagnant at 190lb for several months now. What day is weigh in?
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    This sounds like the motivation I need.....I would love to join too..
    I am stuck 185 and hopefully I can get in the 170's by Christmas...December is a very hard time for me to contain calories but I am determined
  • HidyleDidyle
    We don't have a specific weigh in day of the week (most people are continuing to use the day that they always use). I first posted on a Sunday night, so I'm using Sunday as my weigh in day. I'll start a new topic e.g. "12 lbs of Christmas - End of Week 1" each Sunday for people to post their results. (Or people can continue to use this topic too...which ever is easier!)

    Thanks for joining us - it's nice to work with others towards the same goal!
  • sublimechik28
    sublimechik28 Posts: 74 Member
    ok i know its a week into it but i would really like to join and i need an extra push to get myself going again!!!! im at 147lb now i want to be at 135 by xmas lets dooo this!!
  • newtitus2011
    newtitus2011 Posts: 20 Member
    So My first weigh-in today: 195.0. Thats a 5.5lb weighloss. I know much of this is water/bloating weight. I have been at this number for months now. Still encouraged as I did stay away from fastfood this week. Lets see what next week brings me.
  • HidyleDidyle
    Good job!