Blew up my goal to avoid temptation and start fresh

Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
Today I had a very, very bad idea. I'm French and I always had Galette des Rois for Epiphany. It's basically some puff pastry dough with almond paste in the middle. So I was craving it, and decided to look at recipes online... Easy enough. Then I entered the recipe and it was way worse than I thought :p But I made one. And it's oh so delicious. I should probably mention it's always been one of my favorite desserts.

I had one piece of it, still mostly within my calorie goal (let's be fair here, a 6th of it is 600 calories). Went for a second walk, and decided oh heck I could make it a cheat day and have a second piece... by then I was 400 calories over counting dinner (I had a very light lunch and dinner at least), and there was still 1/3 left and I KNEW it would ruin my day for a couple more days... so I just decided to totally blow it and have another piece tonight. Whopping 1200 calories over my goal (I walked 5 miles today and didn't sit much so I guess 600 over my TDEE).

But I'm back on track tomorrow without worrying about the last piece, that I've sworn I'm not touching. I figured it would hurt less to be way over one day than a bit over for a few days (as I know I wouldn't be able to resist).

Is it weird? Totally backwards? I know I have a bad relationship with food, especially chocolates and cakes... and pretty much finding excuses for a binge. But it's so hard for me to get in the right mindset when I know I have triggers at home. Needless to say... I won't be baking anything else for a while.


  • llWishfulShrinkingll
    I also get like that sometimes but I have been researching a lot of new recipes and alternatives. Maybe by switching to some healthier ingredients?
  • Georgianbaygirl67
    Georgianbaygirl67 Posts: 97 Member
    Well, I look at it that you've lost 72 lbs so you must be doing something right! It's a lifestyle, not a diet- we all have 'trigger foods' that we can't leave alone if they are in the house- mine is licorice allsorts- love them! You are rocking this!
  • mason623
    mason623 Posts: 2 Member
    Try submitting the recipe you have to or They take recipes everyone loves and "healthy" them up! That way you can still enjoy it occasionally without all the calories!
  • awdcivic
    Yeah if youve lost 72 pounds you deserve a piece or 3 of cake good job keep it up, well not the cake but whatever you have been doing.
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    ummm I have the same problem with . . .everything lol. I found that working a smaller piece if it is really high calories into my day is much better than binging on it. Also, much better to be a tad over for a whole week than to be a lot over for one day in my opinion but thats just me
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    If I can't control myself around something, I get rid of it--give it away if I can last that long, or trash it if I can't. I cannot let myself be the trash can anymore, and for me it is a symptom of old ways creeping back in when I start to come up with all sorts of justifications to eat more than my plan. I am OK with the idea of eating up to TDEE but past that is just asking for trouble (for me).

    Do you think the fact that you are getting close to goal means you are loosening up mentally in your control?

    I think the most healthy thing would be to fit it in your macros by eating on it in moderation, or to give it away, but my relationship with food is kinda messed up so it's a learning process for me and I have a long way to go--maybe this is not true for everyone. I can definitely recognize behaviors that led *me* down a bad path in the past and am trying to do the opposite of that.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    If I can't control myself around something, I get rid of it--give it away if I can last that long, or trash it if I can't. I cannot let myself be the trash can anymore, and for me it is a symptom of old ways creeping back in when I start to come up with all sorts of justifications to eat more than my plan. I am OK with the idea of eating up to TDEE but past that is just asking for trouble (for me).

    Do you think the fact that you are getting close to goal means you are loosening up mentally in your control?

    I think the most healthy thing would be to fit it in your macros by eating on it in moderation, or to give it away, but my relationship with food is kinda messed up so it's a learning process for me and I have a long way to go--maybe this is not true for everyone. I can definitely recognize behaviors that led *me* down a bad path in the past and am trying to do the opposite of that.

    Yeah that's why I avoid trigger foods... usually. And why I guess I wanted to be able to start fresh tomorrow. Being close to goal is definitely tougher though...
  • cathylopez1975
    cathylopez1975 Posts: 191 Member
    Do you think the fact that you are getting close to goal means you are loosening up mentally in your control?

    I am also fairly close to goal and this resonated with me. I have been struggling for a few days and wonder if this is part of my problem.

    I can so understand how you feel. For Christmas I made homemade chocolate cake with homemade fudge icing and those are definitely trigger foods for me. I kept eating little bits of the fudge until I finally put the cake in the freezer and couldn't pick at it. I ate a safe/small serving, but it kept calling me.

    Thankfully, it's all gone now, as is all the Christmas candy, and the holiday desserts. Those are my biggest problems. It's time to get to goal!