Trying to Finally Overcome Binge Eating

I'm Karina, 18 and I'm hoping this is the year i finally am able to make changes for myself. I want to have control over myself and hope I can lose the weight that i gained because of this disorder. Looking for anyone who is going through the same or has gone through it for help and support. :smile:


  • Sent you a friend request
    I promise you can do this
  • dscia
    dscia Posts: 1
    you're awesome and anyone that thinks otherwise can KICK ROCKS!
  • Thank you!!:smile:
  • callyart
    callyart Posts: 209
    Good luck, you can do it! :)
  • You can definitely do it!

    I used to look at losing weight the totally wrong way, I would think about how long it would take me to lose it all, therefore daunting myself and then giving up, now I'm looking at this one day at a time and it's a whole lot easier to manage, and I think this time round I can do it and so can you.

    Good Luck!! :smile:
  • You got this, girl! Just sent you a friend request.
  • Your incredibly brave for wanting to change. You can do it one day at a time. Get a good support network of people who understand and if you slip dont beat yourself up.....remember its the journey that counts not the destination. Add me as a friend if you want as a former/recovering emotional/binge eater i totally understand how tough it can be
  • 1987SamScott
    1987SamScott Posts: 67 Member
    I've tried in the past to diet and lose weight but never really managed to reach my goals.

    Finding out about the MFP community has given me a completely different perspective on things though, knowing that everyone here has a goal and needs/wants to give motivation really makes me believe I can do it this time.

    There's a couple of phrases that I am keeping in mind:

    'Win the battles and you will then win the war'
    'A year from now, you will wish you started today'.

    They have added metal to my mind anyway!!!

    Add me and we will smash it together!!!!