How much weight did you gain during your pregnancy?



  • raaraa17
    raaraa17 Posts: 1,225 Member
    23 pounds. I've lost all that in 6 months plus another 8
  • jopeterson42
    Hi! I'm pregnant with my first and looking for some other preggo friends for support and motivation through this! Add me as a friend if your interested!
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I was on fertility meds before pregnancy. I gained 50 lbs while pregnant and 36 on the meds before pregnancy. 86 lbs total.

  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I gained 40 lbs with each pregnancy. I gave in to the eat for two garbage that every one spouts off. I was young and didn't know any better. With my 3rd pregnancy, I was more educated and ate better, but still gained the same 40. But instead of taking 6-12 months to lose like the others, I had lost it all in about 3-4 months.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I gained 44 pounds in my first pregnancy, 33 in my second and 37 in my third (converting from kilos). I was 123 pounds before my first kid and ended up at 128.

    I lived across the road from a new café that had opened up in Copiapo in Chile during my first pregnancy and I ate a lot of Torta Selva Negra (Black Forest cake) there. I can taste it now!

    Edit grammar
  • TripleRadiance275
    TripleRadiance275 Posts: 148 Member
    30lbs with my first, I was into my pre-pregnancy jeans within 2 days of her birth and 29lbs with my triplets (I lost 15lbs in the first couple months with them due to morning sickness so if you count regaining that 15 I actually gained 44 with them).
  • hale03071
    hale03071 Posts: 63 Member
    I gained 10 lbs....but that being said, I was already heavy at the time (220lbs and 5'10", size 18), so I had the maternal fat stores already, lol.
  • hotmomma0612
    hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
    Baby #1- I gained 23 pounds with him by the time I was 31 weeks and gave birth.
    Baby #2- I am currently 12w 3d and have gained 5 pounds already. Yikes!
  • leesyc81
    leesyc81 Posts: 52 Member
    #1 28lb and he was 9lb3oz
    #2 lost 16lb and he was 7lb10oz
    #3 lost 28lb and she was 8lb.

    I was slim when got pregnant on first and overweight on the second two so might be why I lost. Second pregnancy had severe sickness, and on 3rd I had no sickness at all and lost the most weight even though it was my easiest pregnancy. On my first I was so healthy and worked 12 hr shifts yet I gained! None of it makes sense lol!
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    I gained 52 with number one, took me a year to lose all but 9 pounds and I'm now pregnant again. Hoping to gain the recommended 20-25 pounds this time.
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    I've only had two pregnancies, but with both of them my sense of taste went completely wacko! I couldn't drink tea or coffee or eat chocolate - even the smell disgusted me. I couldn't eat anything oily or greasy and by the end of both pregnancies I was the poster girl for eating clean. So weird! My doctor just shrugged and said this happens sometimes.
    I can't remember my weight at term, in fact I don't think anyone weighed me, but after I gave birth to son no. 1 I had put on 3lb from my pre-pregnacy weight, after son no. 2 ( he was much bigger, 10 days late and gave me constant heartburn and sciatica for the final 4 weeks, bless him) I had actually lost about 5lb. The strange thing was, with both of them, by the next day my sense of taste had reverted to it's pre-pregnancy state and I put on weight from that point whilst I was breast-feeding, when you should be losing weight!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    first pregnancy, at least a couple of stone (that's a British unit equal to 14lb) .... a lot of it was water weight gain from pre-eclampsia, which I was hospitalised for. I lost about a stone of water weight in a few days after giving birth... not including the weight of the baby, amniotic fluid etc lost because of giving birth.

    A lot of pregnancy weight gain isn't fat. you gain weight because of the baby, amniotic fluid, extra blood volume etc. Sometimes it's due to medical issues, e.g. water weight gain from pre-eclampsia. Even some fat gain is supposed to happen as it evolved to provide extra energy for breastfeeding in case there's a food shortage. A lot of women (though not all) find that breastfeeding goes a long way towards shifting this fat (because that's what it's for).

    You should find out from your ob-gyn/midwife what is an appropriate rate at which to gain weight during pregnancy, and stick to that (give or take individual differences, your obgyn/midwife should know if you're gaining at a healthy rate or gaining too much). Going into pregnancy with the intent to gain as little weight as possible isn't healthy for you or the baby. Eat healthy, exercise safely (most exercise is safe in pregnancy) and aim to be healthy. Expect to gain some fat, and to lose it again after giving birth. (and it's safe to lose weight slowly while breastfeeding provided you keep an eye on your milk supply so no worries there either re losing pregnancy weight).
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    baby #1 started off 30 lbs overweight ate whatever i wanted all pregnancy, very little activity as i worked at a desk job and took the bus everywhere and I gained 32 lbs.

    baby#2 started off 38 lbs overweight. Ate healthy the first trimester and lost 10 lbs.Then 2nd and 3rd trimester ate whatever i wanted, no formal exercise, but i walked more since i couldnt take buses with a baby (they are 15 months apart) . Gained back the 10 lbs plus another 22 lbs. So from lowest weight i gained 35 lbs but only 25 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight. At the end of pregnancy #1 and #2 i was the same weight.

    baby #3- currently 30 weeks pregnant. I lost the pregnancy weight from both pregnancies plus the extra 30 lbs i was carrying around from before.Maintained for about 9 months till I was a few weeks pregnant. Started off at 125 lbs at 5 ft 2 and I am now about 144 lbs. So 19 lb gain at 30 weeks. I have been eating healthy and logging my food intake for the most part. I do a prenatal circuit training workout about 5 days a week and walk a ton pushing 2 kids in a double stroller. I gained most of the weight in my 2nd trimester. The last month i maintained my weight. I hope to gain no more than 6 more lbs. by the end of this pregnancy.
  • cunninjd
    This sounds much more believable!!! I can't believe how many people gain less than 10 pounds or even lose throughout pregnancy. Is it because they were obese to begin with? I am assuming so since the baby has to actually weigh something when it comes out!
  • jennpaulson
    jennpaulson Posts: 850 Member
    I weighed 135 when I got pregnant with my daughter and lost 17 lbs the first 4 months and then gained that back plus 10 more. So you can either look at it as I gained 27 lbs or I was 10 lbs heavier than before getting pregnant. I could vomit from drinking water, anything with a strong smell would set me off. Ugh. I didn't really exercise but I did walk a lot while I was pregnant, even hiking in Harpers Ferry, WV about 2 weeks before she was born.
  • AusAshMommy
    AusAshMommy Posts: 845 Member
    With both of my pregnancies I developed a weird Lactose intolerance my Dr couldn't explain during my 1st trimester - craved milk, ice cream, cereal, cheese, etc. couldn't eat any of it without the help of Lactaid though stayed away during the 1st trimester for the most part - would generally go away something towards the end of the 2nd trimester - go fig.

    That being said

    With my son I gained 38lbs - I ate nothing but JUNK - was a somewhat normal weight when I got pregnant with him - but craved Pepperoni Pizza from Domino's and Candy - ate it and paid for it later - he was 8lbs 4ozs

    Between pregnancies I lost somewhere in the neighborhood of 25lbs - weighed less when I got preggers w/my daughter than I was when I got preggers with my son

    With my daughter I gained 24lbs - was sooo sick during the first 6 mos I was lucky to keep anything down, ended up in the ER after a weekend of throwing up everything I put into my mouth, water included, NOT fun LOL!!! When I did eat I craved Cheeseburgers & Chocolate Shakes, Fruit, and Salad...She was 7lbs 5ozs at birth

    Here I am 9yrs later and just abt 1/2 way to my goal - I've been carrying around my daughter's "baby weight" for the last 8+yrs...