I started my weight loss journey two weeks ago. The first week I lost 6 lbs...but today I got on the scale and I didn't lose anything! :o/ I'm not getting discouraged! But whats going on? I am hitting the gym 5-6 times a week doing mostly cardio...but do squeeze in 1-2 workouts using weight? And also tracking my calories here. My clothes are a tiny bit looser but no big difference. Has this happened to anyone??? What should I do/change to see results? Please help...thank you all!!!


  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    First, just BREATHE. The first week of weight loss for someone going from no exercise to a lot (5-6 days a week is a lot to switch to), the first week will be mostly water weight. You are doing NOTHING WRONG it sounds like! Your body is getting used to your new routine, do NOT be discouraged at no loss this week!! Keep doing what you are doing, don't go below 1,200 calories in a day, give yourself a rest day from exercise, work in some weight training. You WILL see results (you said you're seeing it in your clothes ALREADY, that's GREAT!). It didn't take 2 weeks to gain weight, so it won't take 2 weeks for it to fall off. You are literally JUST starting, there is no need to change anything.
  • HatFullOfCrazy
    HatFullOfCrazy Posts: 22 Member
    I would keep 2 things in mind. First, your exercising more so your body is building muscle which weighs more than fat. Second, ever watch the Biggest Loser? Everyone has trouble in week two. I think it's part of the natural body adjustment. Keep up the good work, you'll be fine. I've heard adding muscle to your body also makes your metabolism more efficient so you may not see the answer this week, but next week or the week after I'm sure you'll see results.
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    I would keep 2 things in mind. First, your exercising more so your body is building muscle which weighs more than fat. Second, ever watch the Biggest Loser? Everyone has trouble in week two. I think it's part of the natural body adjustment. Keep up the good work, you'll be fine. I've heard adding muscle to your body also makes your metabolism more efficient so you may not see the answer this week, but next week or the week after I'm sure you'll see results.

    Muscle does not build that quickly unfortunately :-P 2 weeks with only minimal weight training wouldn't account for it. The Biggest Loser reference is a GREAT reference though. Usually increasing exercise goes hand-in-hand with increasing water-intake for example. Water is flushing out your system of toxins and high levels of sodium you may have. This in itself can show a weight loss on the scale. (Another reason that FIRST week puts up BIG numbers!) The first week is your body going WOAH, new lifestyle here! You're increasing oxygen flow in your body, burning calories, increasing water, etc. It's a big change! This big change will show results.

    Remember, so many things effect the scale. Like I mentioned, sodium levels. Also, that "time of the month" can appear to make a woman "gain" 3-5 pounds (it's water weight and other jazz haha).

    So long story short, don't worry, you did nothing wrong :-)
  • xDeannaGarciax
    First of all 6lbs is an awesome loss for the first week of a diet, but please don't expect a loss like that every week, it was probably the first initial ammount of water weight, the first 10lbs or so usually are. You should be very proud of yourself for taking that first step. I would think if your hitting the gym 5-6x a week then you'll see a change in weight by next week from it if you are staying within your calories and drinking enough water and what not, that makes all the difference. Take measurments, it is the best way to see the changes that are being made even if the scale isn't budging. Remember just because you go to the gym on Monday, doesn't mean that you'll see a change in weight Tuesday morning, it's a process and you have to burn 3500cal befoer you can lose a lb! If your not already only weigh yourself once a week, that's when you'll notice a change.
    Remember your weight can flectuate within 5lbs of one single day based on the amount of salt, carbs or water you've had that day. That's why weighing in only once a week on the same day each week is highly reccomended!
    Good luck, don't lose faith yet!
  • larsonp
    larsonp Posts: 55 Member
    Keep in mind that you really won't be losing more than a pound or two a week (at most!).
    Anything more is unsustainable. If you're really wanting to lose weight, you're in it for the long haul. I've been tracking calories for about 20 weeks, and lost about 20 pounds.
    The first week weigh loss is always what I would call "garbage". You're eating less, so at any given time you are digesting less food. It takes a few days for your system to re-balance itself. If you're consistent in the future, expect your weight to go up or down up to 2 pounds in a day, but trending downwards at 1-2 pounds per week.
  • blel0906
    I'm rouding into week 3 so I sympathize...Week 1 was awesome lost 7 lbs the first week 1/2...then it started spiking back up again...today I seem to be going back down..haven't lost anymore but I'm making better choices..sticking with it and hoping the scale starts moving in the right direction. I'm not excersising nearly as much as you 30 minute walk in the evening 4-5 times a week. I do feel better and more energetic, Make sure your being honest and assess your food diary from time time, making little changes will eventually result in a big pay off.
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    I am having the same problem... Week one I lost 3 lbs the next week I had put it right back on. It is very frustrating. I have decided to stay positive and not weigh myself for 2 weeks now. I am also keeping track of measurments over the scale. I watch my friend who is on a dangerous HGC diet lose 30lbs in one month and it is dicouraging. It is like being in school, studying really hard for a test and having someone cheat off you to get the praise of a job well done. Don't get me wrong... I am happy for her! I am just frustrated that it is falling off her. I should mention she is also eating 500 calories a day and not exercising again. I am hoping it doesn't all come back on her again.
  • Anely05
    OMG thank you all so much for your replies and support! It really means a lot to me!

    Mollydolly...thank you! Yes I'm not going below 1200...usually at around 1400 calories a day. I am trying to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. And also like you mentioned that time of the month is now so I think that's also affecting the scale this week :o).

    Hatfullofcrazy...yes I love that show...watch it every week...its always been very inspirational! Thank you...good luck to you too!

    xDeannaGarciax...thank you! Even if I'm tempted to...I only get on the scale once a week.

    Larsonp...thank you...and good luck in your journey too!

    Blel0906...yes it's def. frustrating but let's keep doing it! I'm actually getting up at 5am (which I've never done in my life lol) and going to the gym. Maybe you should give that a try...cause sometimes in the evening I'm tired and lazy and would put it off.

    Danniegeissler...Yes lets stay positive and keep going! Oh no...I heard about that diet...and no thank you! Yeah let's hope it doesn't come back on her! I remember when I took out my tonsils last year I lost 15 lbs in less than two weeks cause I couldn't eat...but you better believe it came back and with a vengeance lol! Keep going and good luck!!!!