Calling All Athletes: Former and Current!

To all former and current athletes:

I have been an avid soccer player my entire life. I played competitive travel soccer as a kid/pre-teen, 4 years of high school, and 4 years of college soccer. I graduated college a few years ago and still play 3-4 nights a week. In life, we all find our own personal identities. I've always been identified as "an athlete" but life is different in the "real-world.” My life has shifted in "grow up" gear now as I'm 25, getting married in 4 short months, just bought a house, and working full-time as strength and conditioning coach/trainer. Though I still play competitively on adult leagues, it's never going to be the same. It's gone from having awesome experiences to talking about the old glory days! AH! Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited to get married (he's amazing) but it’s definitely a transition. Anyone know what I'm talking about?


  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    I was a competitive swimmer for 10 years, I competed (and made finals several times) Nationally for 5 years & I competed in a couple domestic International meets...I stopped swimming a month before my high school graduation & I picked it up for only 2 months in college (my heart wasn't in it anymore). I went from being known by EVERYBODY as "Allie the swimmer" & playing high school sports to gaining about 75lbs & being super anxious & self conscious in any athletic setting (other than in the's still and always will be my habitat).

    I know EXACTLY what you mean about "the glory days" lol
  • monica1515
    It's nice to know someone can relate!

    P.S. I know this is random but I saw your height on your response post and I have to say AWESOME! I'm 5'11. It just made my day to come across another tall woman! YES!
  • UT_Nut7
    I know exactly how you feel! I played competitive fast pitch softball year-round for 10 years. I am now 26, married and living in the real world where my softball days are limited to slow pitch leagues. It's quite sad to think about identifying yourself with a certain thing and now not having that identity anymore. Now every time I watch my niece play I go back to those days and wish I could be back in school again, still playing. :cry:
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I too can relate I was wrestler. Peewee (mat-rats) through High School where I qualified for the Men's State wrestling tournament. (they didn't have women's wrestling back in the day.) I dislocated my shoulder and had to have emergency surgery a week before State. I had been known my whole life as a wrestler and exceptional athlete... until I quit altogether. I couldn't do what I loved anymore and it didn't seem worth the effort to keep it up. I totally think about the "glory days" all the time. I'm trying to get back there and if wait. no. WHEN I can get back into wrestling shape again I will go back to coach.

    So yeah- I'm with ya.:blushing: