I don't get it...Frustrating

Soooo I'm gaining and I don't know why? I have maintained my cardio and diet but I'm gaining. This week I have interchanged 15 minutes of cardio with weight lifting. I have had brown rice and veggies this whole week and stayed within my calorie budget. If anything with all the changes I would expect to maintain but gain? Ughh.. Help but please don't say i'm not eating enough. I eat between 1300-1500 cal a day.


  • larsonp
    larsonp Posts: 55 Member
    Weight training does add muscle mass. (That's kinda the point.) So what you're doing is you're adding lean muscle mass to your body. This can result in a net weight gain, although you're still burning fat.

    Also, if you're gaining less than 2 pounds from your previous average, it's probably nothing. Keep it up, and see what next week brings!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Weight Lifting it probably using muscles you arent used to causing them to retain water to repair them.

    YOU WONT GAIN ENOUGH MUSCLE TO GAIN weight that quickly - FYI that would take Months of weight lifting and a specific diet to do that
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    i'm still learning, but i'd say you could bump up your cardio or change up your routine. i've read that your body likes that change in cardio activity, so mixing it up is good. i change around from tennis, to elliptical, treadmill, etc. and Jump Rope - that is a new fun way to burn calories and gives your body a jolt :happy:

    :smile: good luck
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    I know you don't want to hear it, and it seems counterintuitive, but here is my experience: When I have a couple days each week where I eat my maintenance calories, I tend to lose more those weeks (2 pounds instead of 1). Losing weight is such an individual thing; different things work for different people. Since you say you're gaining, why not try it?
  • vcatmb44
    vcatmb44 Posts: 129 Member
    alot of time you will first gain weight then lose bc u r building muscle just excercise more
  • monica1515
    If you are not used to weight training, your are probably experience water retention (which is completely normal when beginning a weight training program).

    Breaking down the muscle fibers can result in water retention around the muscle as it repairs itself. Your body might need more water to hydrate properly before it will let go of the fluid its trying to retain.
  • willimh
    willimh Posts: 227 Member
    Hang in there. It is different for each one of us so, you will have to try a few things to see what works for you. I had an experience where I walked for an hr everyday and on weigh in day, I didn't lose a pound, then the next week I didn't walk like that and just did my 30 day shred which is 20 min plus warm up and cooldown and lost 2 lbs. I also tried eating about 1/2 of my exercise cals back when I worked out more and that worked. So you will find the more you test out different ways to find what works for you, you will feel alot better. Hang in there and stay focused on your goal no matter what.