how do i find time to exercise



  • Depending on how old your kids are, maybe you can teach them how to make their own breakfast and lunches? I did that at an early age.

    Take the stairs at work if you can. You can also look up exercises you can do in an armless chair while you are at work. Look on youtube and search for "Chair exercises."

    I felt the same about making time, although I have no children of my own, I do know that making time to exercise is really important.
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    well i've got 2 small kids (eldest 2and a half youngest 15 months) and i had to get my husband on board for me to workout in the evenings - 3 days of the week he does everything that needs doing at night - kids bathed and in bed, stuff for the next day and the housework so that i can workout.

    then on a saturday evenng is when i have my biggest workout - i leave before dinner and run for about 45 mins when i come back dinner is ready and we can enjoy our evenings.

    if your hubby could take over in the evenings just once in the week then you could do your workout 3 times a week Saturday, Sunday and then one week day.

    or ido it this way - 3 evenings a week for housework and 3 evenings a week for exercise and one for just stting around! that way everything gets done.

    its hard fitting it in but it is important.
  • kcole83
    kcole83 Posts: 6 Member
    How about some squats and stretches whilst you're standing in the kitchen making the next day's lunch? Some bum squeezes can be fitted in here, there and everywhere through the day and no-one would ever know! I know they're not major calorie burners but every lil helps!!
  • weekends are a good way to get workouts in. i will try that push-up program. unfortunately the boys are only 2 years old so they can't make their lunches yet. they do clean up their toys though. i'll make this work, i do get out early from work today so i'll do the grocery shopping with my husband and go for a family walk before dinner.
  • U can also just find 5 minutes at a time somewhere and do some squats or something like that after u use the rest room or while waitin for the next thing to do while workin if thats possible where u work. Ummm if ur sittin u can get a small ball and put it between ur thighs and do some thigh exercises. I hope u find something to do!!
  • Maybe your husband could pitch in with the cooking or getting the kids ready for school or bed. If he could give them their baths or something like that maybe you could get in about 20 minutes or so.
    love this, for many reasons! it's good for Hubby to bond with the boys. and the boys to bond with him. Hubby may not realize it, but it will be AWESOME for your relationship too! ...on MANY levels (his supporting you, your confidence, your energy, etc)
    there are short workouts that work. the 10 Minute Trainer is excellent. if you don't want to order it from me, order it from the Beachbody website and get another coach. but do it. the program works. try it for a month. if you don't like it, return it for a refund.
    you have options. cheering you on!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I don't know if this has been said already, there were a lot of posts...but mass produce the friend fills her freezer full of different kinds of pre-made wraps...she'll roast a bunch of chicken breasts all at once, make up hamburger with all the good stuff in it and freeze it...sundays is "cook days" in her house...she's got about three different kinds of lunches on the go and freezes them all...mostly in wraps lol...slow cookers are also the way to go for supper...if you find you're lacking time, throw something in the crock pot, it's no muss no time saving techniques, it helped me in adjusting to my fiance leaving for work. and not to be rude, but people on here are right...where's your husband? maybe ask him for some help and tell him why you need it. i had to have "the talk" with my fiance too and ask for some help around the house so i can get something accomplished...
  • Get your husband to do some of the running about after the kids .. and maybe that way you can free up some time for yourself..perhaps he could make dinner a couple of nights a week too? I work full time and we are rennovating a house in our free time, but i make time to exercise n if my partner has to make his own dinner then so be it?
  • I can see that you work as your husband does... is he not able to help out with picking the kids up from school or the morning routine to give you an hour excercise time?
  • I can see that you work as your husband does... is he not able to help out with picking the kids up from school or the morning routine to give you an hour excercise time?

    he does help, it takes a little more time with 2 year old twins, we both have to get up early and get ready for the day, and 3 out of 5 days he gets home after 10... he does pick them up half the time, but those are days when i leave work late. those days i'm lucky to get to bed at 12. he also works weekends, so i would love to go to a gym on the weekends but can't leave the kids with too many people. my option now is to take them to the park in a stroller but they get very bored of that being that they are very active and if i let them lose one will run one way the other in the opposite direction. once in a while i do ask my sister in law to watch them when i myself work saturdays, but she also has a business to run and she goes to school full-time. so for the most part its me and my husband and our schedules arent the greatest.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I definately know what you mean. Sometimes it's so hard to find the energy to work out, especially after you've put in a difficult day. Try incorporating simple exercises during TV commercials while you unwind or commit yourself to 10 minutes of exercise... you might be surprised how far you push yourself. When I have a tiring day, I try to do a little Wii Fit (although I have to admit, I've been off track this week in that department.) The main thing is not to give up! Little changes add up and, remember that tomorrow is a new day.:-)

  • Sounds like your schedule is pretty busy and hopefully some of the suggestions here will give you ideas on how to fit exercise in. Weekends or your days off sound like a good time to fit some in. Sounds like you work in a hosptial, if you can't leave the building during lunch, can you leave your office? If so, get a pedometer and try to walk around the hosptial. My friends and I who were on Weight Watchers used to do "potty squats" whenever we went to the bathroom we would do a certain number of squats and I'd do push ups against the wall. You'd be surprised where you can fit little things in. Good luck!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member

    Check out this website... Its a few things you can do at your desk. I have it printed out and posted on my wall so that i can see it to remember I need to do something while i'm sitting at my computer.
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