Injured and Still Trying to LOSE???!!! Anyone else?

Hey everyone!

I was doing so good, lost over 60lbs in a little less than a year!!! :)

Started a desk job and gained a few back. Womp, Womp. :(

Then jumped back on the bandwagon AND even brought a few friends from work along for the ride. :)

THEN... I got injured. :(

Tore my ACL. :'(

Not even in an awesome way either.
I jumped. During a WARM-UP.

I don't have some cool story to tell and that is just not acceptable to me, but it is what it is.
Maybe I can get some cool new friends to help me come up with a better story for when I'm limping around the rest of this year like Forest Gump... Anyone?!

Anyways, now I am about to have surgery on the 7th of Feb and not only am I trying not to gain back anymore, but I want to continue to lose.

Even if at snail speed. Who is with me?
I would love to have some other injured friends on my list, but really any and all friendship is welcomed.

You can't have too much support right?!


  • xBeKax
    xBeKax Posts: 24

    I was hit by a car in April 2013 and had stitches in my leg. the scar is 22cm long and it was very deep.
    The first 2-3 months after surgery you must relax and stay off your leg as much as you can, let it heal.
    If you try and get right back into it you will do more damage ( i know from experience)

    I started working out 4 weeks ago very slowly because i didnt have alot of movement in my leg and now i can do squats, walk up stairs and walk on 2km without too much pain.

    I have 45 kg to drop :( but as long as wel eat really well and clean we should be fine!
  • natalienicole502
    natalienicole502 Posts: 268 Member
    Oh my goodness! Hit by a car in your car or while a pedestrian???

    That's awful either way!

    Yes, definitely just have to get eating under control!
  • phocid
    phocid Posts: 85 Member
    I had knee surgery in May 2013, one month after I started my weight loss efforts in 2013. You can absolutely lose weight while you are recuperating from surgery. Make sure you feed your body enough so that it can heal - eat good things and be kind to yourself. This is just a bump in the road, promise.

    I don't have an ACL anymore, and I manage to exercise just fine (recumbent bike and circuit training). I walk my dog.

    Physical therapy, lots and lots of rest, and don't try to do too much too soon.

    Best of luck. This will be in the rear view mirror in no time.
  • nikibean123
    nikibean123 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm not injured but I have chronic joint/muscle/spine problems so I know what it's like to have to pace myself!

    Working 'through' pain is rubbish so start slow and if you're ever in pain the STOP immediately.

    Swimming can be great as it is low impact. You can also get a pull buoy (a float that goes between your thighs) so you only use your arms. This will still work your core etc but without putting extra stress on your legs.

    Good luck and make sure you take it easy!
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    I was working as a paramedic at the scene of an accident on the turnpike on Christmas Eve 1994 while I was standing at the back of my ambulance when a car hit a patch of ice and struck me and took of my left leg at the knee. I feel your pain everybody. Its just a matter of analyzing where you are at and applying what you can do. The key is CONSISTANCY. I walk with a prosthetic leg but having put on so much weight makes it hard on my back and I get fatigued so easily. My goal is....
    Eating modification first----lots of protein and veggies and as few carbs and fat as possible.
    Moving----I count it all....walking in the store, going up and down the stairs at home to do laundry.
    I will be 50 this year and I will NOT spend the years I have left just occupying space on earth and sucking up oxygen. I deserve better than that, AND YOU GUYS DESERVE BETTER ALSO :-)
  • xBeKax
    xBeKax Posts: 24
    Oh my goodness! Hit by a car in your car or while a pedestrian???

    That's awful either way!

    Yes, definitely just have to get eating under control!

    I was driving to work and saw and accident happen in front of me so i got out to help. As we were trying to get the guy out of the car, another car came flying over the hill and didnt see us. If someone didnt tell me to get out of the way i would have been pinned between the 2 cars. I was very lucky all that got me was the ute as it spun from the impact. I got the 22cm long scar and a 1cm scar on the top on my lip (can barely see it unless i point it out).

    My workmate here lost 15kg with NO exercise by following the CSIRO book. So i decided to give it a go and i lost 10kg (put on 6 of it already) :(

    Maybe give that a go, it has great reciepes and the food is amazing!! It tells you what you are to have every meal so theres no tinking what to make. and you can swap and change stuff too. :)
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I was doing so good, lost over 60lbs in a little less than a year!!! :)

    Started a desk job and gained a few back. Womp, Womp. :(

    Then jumped back on the bandwagon AND even brought a few friends from work along for the ride. :)

    THEN... I got injured. :(

    Tore my ACL. :'(

    Not even in an awesome way either.
    I jumped. During a WARM-UP.
    And it SNAPPED!

    I don't have some cool story to tell and that is just not acceptable to me, but it is what it is.
    Maybe I can get some cool new friends to help me come up with a better story for when I'm limping around the rest of this year like Forest Gump... Anyone?!

    Anyways, now I am about to have surgery on the 7th of Feb and not only am I trying not to gain back anymore, but I want to continue to lose.

    Even if at snail speed. Who is with me?
    I would love to have some other injured friends on my list, but really any and all friendship is welcomed.

    You can't have too much support right?!

    While exercise is important in helping you become fit, it isn't essential for weight loss. I've had a chronic back condition for years. You can still lose weight, you just have to eat fewer calories becuase you aren't able to burn any with exercise.

    but don't forget, you dont' hae to use your legs to exercise. There are lots of ways to use resistance or weights to burn calories.