Anxiety feelings day after work out

Hey guys,

So, I'm about three months into working out, I work out every second day and my work out is pretty intense for someone my size. To give you some background, I'm currently 389lbs (yeah I know....heavy!), down from 434lbs (yeah....even heavier!) and my work out consists of:

10 minutes treadmill, 20 minutes cross trainer - doing HIIT on the cross trainer to the point of exhaustion and then I do 20 minutes on average doing resistance training i.e: (everything 2 sets of 12) leg press 40kg, arm extensions 25kg, arm curl 5kg, 3 different variations of pulldowns all at 30kg and chest presses at 15kg.

Anyway, I know that's a lot of info, but I want to be as specific as possible, in case the information is helpful in answering.

So, my issue is that on my rest days I get feelings that are similar to anxiety. Basically it feels like my stomach muscles are half relaxed, almost as if on the day of the workout, my stomach muscles are constantly in clenched and then by day two they are starting to relax, but are in a semi relaxed state, which is a horrible sensation - I feel like I have a constant state of mild nerves, like I'm waiting for my stomach to relax or clench, but it wont.
The next day I do my workout and I'm fine, I feel more relaxed - if my stomach muscles are clenched on work out day, then I'm certainly not aware of it.

Does this make any sense?? Has anyone experienced this before?


  • gwenr
    gwenr Posts: 139 Member
    First of all, fantastic job on your weight loss and commitment to exercise. Would you consider doing some light exercise on your day off? Perhaps just a brisk walk would quell the feeling of anxiety, I know it does for me!
  • nanefy
    nanefy Posts: 23 Member
    First of all, fantastic job on your weight loss and commitment to exercise. Would you consider doing some light exercise on your day off? Perhaps just a brisk walk would quell the feeling of anxiety, I know it does for me!

    Thanks gwenr, I am in a great place now, feeling good and thoroughly loving working out!

    You know, I never even gave any thought to doing some light working out on my off days - I might do some walking with my hubby and see if that makes a difference.

    Thanks :)
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    I'm not sure I understand.

    When you are working out, you tighten your abdominal muscles.

    When you are not working out, you are not consciously tightening your abdominal muscles, but they feel tight?

    And further this is similar to the physical symptoms that you have when you experience anxiety?

    (Not asking perniciously, just want to understand what you're describing.)
  • nanefy
    nanefy Posts: 23 Member
    I'm not sure I understand.

    When you are working out, you tighten your abdominal muscles.

    When you are not working out, you are not consciously tightening your abdominal muscles, but they feel tight?

    And further this is similar to the physical symptoms that you have when you experience anxiety?

    (Not asking perniciously, just want to understand what you're describing.)

    Hey delicious_coc *s******s at username* ;)

    I wasn't sure if it made sense, it's kind of hard to describe. On the day of workout I feel totally fine, I don't feel as if my muscles are clenched, but the day after work out, it's almost as if my abdominal muscles were clenched on the day of work out (but I didn't realise it) and by my rest day there are starting to relax but not entirely.......does that make more sense? Basically as I am sitting here typing, my abdominal muscles feel semi-clenched - you know that way your stomach feels when you are excited/nervous/anxious about something? That's how I have felt all day today :(
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    I'm not sure I understand.

    When you are working out, you tighten your abdominal muscles.

    When you are not working out, you are not consciously tightening your abdominal muscles, but they feel tight?

    And further this is similar to the physical symptoms that you have when you experience anxiety?

    (Not asking perniciously, just want to understand what you're describing.)

    Hey delicious_coc *s******s at username* ;)

    I wasn't sure if it made sense, it's kind of hard to describe. On the day of workout I feel totally fine, I don't feel as if my muscles are clenched, but the day after work out, it's almost as if my abdominal muscles were clenched on the day of work out (but I didn't realise it) and by my rest day there are starting to relax but not entirely.......does that make more sense? Basically as I am sitting here typing, my abdominal muscles feel semi-clenched - you know that way your stomach feels when you are excited/nervous/anxious about something? That's how I have felt all day today :(

    You might just be describing the extremely typical muscle soreness that occurs post-workout.

    Your muscle will be somewhat tense the next day, extra fluid in them to help repair the microtears.

    Stretching after working out will mitigate that feeling somewhat, but in the end, it's a GOOD thing. It means you did your job well. I hope that its association with anxiety doesn't actually produce anxiety for you, because I think that for many of us, that feeling of pleasant soreness/stiffness/tautness is actually a reward.

    (All of which assuming I'm understanding what you're talking about.)

    ALSO!! I meant to say, congratulations on your success so far. If you can lose 50, you can lose 200. I am proud of you!
  • nanefy
    nanefy Posts: 23 Member
    I'm not sure I understand.

    When you are working out, you tighten your abdominal muscles.

    When you are not working out, you are not consciously tightening your abdominal muscles, but they feel tight?

    And further this is similar to the physical symptoms that you have when you experience anxiety?

    (Not asking perniciously, just want to understand what you're describing.)

    Hey delicious_coc *s******s at username* ;)

    I wasn't sure if it made sense, it's kind of hard to describe. On the day of workout I feel totally fine, I don't feel as if my muscles are clenched, but the day after work out, it's almost as if my abdominal muscles were clenched on the day of work out (but I didn't realise it) and by my rest day there are starting to relax but not entirely.......does that make more sense? Basically as I am sitting here typing, my abdominal muscles feel semi-clenched - you know that way your stomach feels when you are excited/nervous/anxious about something? That's how I have felt all day today :(

    You might just be describing the extremely typical muscle soreness that occurs post-workout.

    Your muscle will be somewhat tense the next day, extra fluid in them to help repair the microtears.

    Stretching after working out will mitigate that feeling somewhat, but in the end, it's a GOOD thing. It means you did your job well. I hope that its association with anxiety doesn't actually produce anxiety for you, because I think that for many of us, that feeling of pleasant soreness/stiffness/tautness is actually a reward.

    (All of which assuming I'm understanding what you're talking about.)

    ALSO!! I meant to say, congratulations on your success so far. If you can lose 50, you can lose 200. I am proud of you!

    OK First off, mahoosive embarrassment on my part, either my browser or myfitnesspal totally cuts short your username - I see now that it's NOT actually delicious_coc - omg, I'm actually guffawing!!! lol

    Secondly - thank you so much, it feels great to not only be down nearly 50lbs, but the level of fitness I've attained in the past three months is immense - I am loving my new found core strength. Also, I've lost 3.5" off my stomach alone and while I have been lighter than this, I'm slimmer now than I was at a lighter weight - the resistance training has totally changed my shape and I'm loving it :)

    I don't have the accompanying anxiety feelings, just the weird stomach feelings. I will definitely be taking it as a sign that I am doing a good job at the gym. I do love the tired feeling I get from the gym - it's a welcome tiredness, one that I can be confident has come from me working my butt off :)

    I think I'll also do as previously suggested and maybe try and incorporate some light exercise on my rest day and see how I go.

    Thanks again :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I get actual anxiety on the way to the gym- not sure why- I've been doing it years. I'm not sure if it's butterfly excitement- but there are days when I literally get uncomfortable and nervous/excited- sometimes nervous- sometimes excited- it's never the same- and sometimes it never happens. It's weird.

    I might suggest some yogo- or something to occupy your mind- going for a walk- talking a nice hot shower- practicing meditation and deep breathing.

    One of the things we do in my dance class is lay on the floor and just breath in and out (so you can hear it- so not 'super quiet") and focus on feeling the breath leaving and entering your body- deep belly breathes- close your eyes and just melt on to the floor and feel where your body touches the floor- just being aware of what's going on- and letting gravity work.

    it sounds a little silly- but it's really relaxing.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Maybe it some type of soreness. I know when I work out the next day I am sore. But even when I am still sore and I am back to workout day, my muscles warm up and the soreness is gone.

    Or maybe it is just the anxiety and you are thinking about it.

    Either way, congrats on the weight loss. I am sure your body is just changing in a positive way.

    You may just run this by your doctor.
  • nanefy
    nanefy Posts: 23 Member
    Well just to update - by the time I'd finished my work the sensation was gone, it appears to only be during the working day I get it. It's not painful, just uncomfortable - I'm positive it's just because I'm working out so hard and I'm pretty sure that the more I do it, the more my body will get used to it.

    Thanks for all your help and your lovely comments - truly appreciated :)