Increasing today and scared

Ok so I have been on maintenance for a little while now (1450) and though I am not gaining or losing I think I may not be eating enough. My hair is brittle and losing it at a higher rate than normal, skin is dry and dull. Also just plain tired all the time. This all started before I reached goal, thought moving to maintenance would help. Maybe an increase and more "good" foods is the answer. Wish me luck!


  • TammyVieu
    TammyVieu Posts: 121 Member
    Oh and to answer questions prematurely...
    I am 5 ft 3in, weigh 111.6
    I try to do some sort of exercise every day for 30 minutes. Other than that have a desk job.
    I do weigh most of my foods, measure everything else with cups and spoons. I never guess.
    I lost 73 pounds over the past 2.5 years.
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    From what I understand, just because you aren't losing at the moment does not mean that you are at the maximum number of calories where you can maintain. Increasing your calories 100 at a time every two weeks or so, you can build your maintenance level up to more realistic number. By the sounds of it, you aren't getting the nutrition you need out of the calories you are eating. So increasing is a good idea. Also, if you aren't getting enough fat in your diet, it could cause the problems you are having as well. Good luck!
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    Try to increase cals by some more for couple weeks and then see will you still maintain or gain. Our maintenance isn't really an exact specific number. Maybe you will be able to maintain on more calories as well. Increase your cals slowly, by 100 - 200 every week. If you gain a couple pounds after those few weeks you can always go back to maintenance, nothing to worry about.

    73 pounds is very impressive. Congrats! ^^

    Did you were in calorie deficit for whole 2.5 years? If not then good. If yes then no wonder that your hair and skin is messed up. Even small deficit for so long it not healthy.

    Also make sure you ate enough fat. You should ate somewhere around 40 grams minimum, too low fat can cause hair loss and mess up your skin as well as cause many other hormone related problems. Making sure you get all daily vitamins is also a good idea. I like to use - simply search for all foods you ate daily and check % of Daily Value. You don't have to do this on regular basis but it's good to check foods you ate regularly to know if you are missing something.
  • Kaitlinsgettingfit
    I know it can be scary, but the most important thing is your health and being able to feel good! Just slowly increase by 100 calories at a time every other week. Your body will adjust to it. Do you eat back your exercise calories? That is also important.
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    What is the quality of your food like? Are you eating lots of nutrient-rich foods, or processed "diet" foods? A daily multivitamin isn't a bad idea, and make sure you're eating plenty of healthy fats like the others said.
  • morethenjustmum
    morethenjustmum Posts: 170 Member
    try some good fats , avocado, coconut oil , flax stuff with omega
    that should help wit the hair and skin
  • janupshaw
    janupshaw Posts: 205 Member
    I'm 5'3", 142. I've lost 46 pounds over the last 9 months. I have been in a deficit pretty much the whole time. I haven't lost over the last 6 weeks (well, up & down, but basically the same). I recently upped my calories to 1560, figuring if I wasn't going to lose I may as well get to eat more. I noticed major loss of hair volume a couple months ago. My doctor says it should work itself out within 6 months. I'm taking vitamins & biotin (for hair-skin-nails). I just ordered "the Bosley system" through my hairdresser. $45 for a 10 week supply, it's designed to thicken & regrow hair, plus keep it in the growth phase. I have been eating good, plenty of fat & protein. I think it's from being in a deficit for a prolonged period. I think your maintenance calories should be even higher than 1450. You need a break to get right. Up your calories, expect to gain a couple pounds initially, then your body should get used to it. Good luck!
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    Well, I know everyone is different, but I am also 5' 3" and around 103-105. Since I have a desk job and then just sit around when I go home I figured I was sedentary, and MFP gave me a maintenance of 1480. I decided to use the last 10 weeks of my data to calculate my TDEE, and based on what I've eaten and the actual changes in my weight the amount I got was 1703!

    My point is it probably wouldn't hurt to slowly increase your calories and try it out for several weeks, as MFP tends to underestimate (at least it did for me).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    what's your diet like? in addition to getting your calories, you need proper nutrients as well. are you eating enough dietary fat? also make sure you're getting your proper vitamins and minerals. do you eat meat? if not or don't eat much, you may also be B-12 deficient which is common with vegetarians and vegans and they generally have to supplement. B-12 deficiency can definitely lead to a serious lack of energy.
  • BulkingPaul97
    you have an eating disorder. go live life. weight is not the most important thing in the world
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    It sounds like you need vitamins and fats, maybe adding 100 calories of avocado and some multivitamins a week will help.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    you have an eating disorder. go live life. weight is not the most important thing in the world

    We don't know that, she is probably eating terrible diet food and her profile is private. Besides for her height it seems that she is actually AT WEIGHT, maybe a pound or two underweight.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Ok so I have been on maintenance for a little while now (1450) and though I am not gaining or losing I think I may not be eating enough. My hair is brittle and losing it at a higher rate than normal, skin is dry and dull. Also just plain tired all the time. This all started before I reached goal, thought moving to maintenance would help. Maybe an increase and more "good" foods is the answer. Wish me luck!

    All sounds like symptoms of hypothyroidism get it checked out.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    My hair falls out when I am stressed (even when I was definitely not underweight). I also had a lot of trouble with very dry skin when I was eating mostly vegetarian and, as an inadvertent side effect, very, very low fat. I want to a dermatologist who gave me some good basic tips (wash your hair once a week - yes, it looks BETTER, not worse then; dime size shampoo, handfull of conditioner, only soap body folds, no baths, very short showers).

    Look at your macros and definitely eat healthy. But sometimes people just have skin problems - sounds like your body produces very little oil. Mine does too. A dermatologist can help.

    Or it could be stress - sleep is a good thing.

    Good luck!
  • TammyVieu
    TammyVieu Posts: 121 Member
    Seriously??? Not sure where you came up with that diagnosis Dr. but I applaud your abilities to diagnose a persons eating disorder using their stats only. Hooray for you smart a--.
  • Laura3BB
    Laura3BB Posts: 250 Member
    you have an eating disorder. go live life. weight is not the most important thing in the world

    go away you troll
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    you have an eating disorder. go live life. weight is not the most important thing in the world
    You're assuming she has an eating disorder.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Ok so I have been on maintenance for a little while now (1450) and though I am not gaining or losing I think I may not be eating enough. My hair is brittle and losing it at a higher rate than normal, skin is dry and dull. Also just plain tired all the time. This all started before I reached goal, thought moving to maintenance would help. Maybe an increase and more "good" foods is the answer. Wish me luck!

    Congrats on your weight loss!

    1450 dems an awful low maintenance. Have you checked this out using tdee calls online?

    Have you had your thyroid checked?
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Seriously??? Not sure where you came up with that diagnosis Dr. but I applaud your abilities to diagnose a persons eating disorder using their stats only. Hooray for you smart a--.
    That was (at best) a misguided comment towards you, but you got lots of good advice too. :flowerforyou: