Jillian Michaels 6week6pack or elliptical workout?

I am 5'2" and about 160 pounds. I really want to lose some weight! I am currently doing my best to follow the Weight Watchers diet. I'll admit I totally slacked over the holidays. but for the 2-3 weeks before that I was doing well.

I am also trying to make a big effort to exercise every day. I am definitely going to do Jillian Micheals 30-day shred for a month (or more!) But I want to add in a little more exercise to that as well. I have been doing 47 minutes on the elliptical at high intensity (machine says I burn 420 calories in those 40 minutes - is that high intensity?). But I was also toying with the idea of doing Jillian Michael's 6 week 6 pack. I thought I could do all 3 but there's no way since I work 6 hours a day and I have 2 young kids to take care of. So I am wondering what will give me more results? Should I continue with the 30 day shred and 47 minutes on the elliptical? Or should I do 30 day shred & 6 week 6 pack? I carry my weight all over I guess. But I do have a belly I want to get rid of.

I have a vacation coming up and I'd like to look a little better in a bathing suit by the end of February. Ideally I am aiming to lose like 25 pounds. But I'd be happy with being 10-15 pounds lighter by March 1. If thats even possible.


  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I would alternate between the different options so you don't get bored with any one of them. I wouldn't do them all in one day. You won't get significantly different results from any one of those over the others.
  • Kaitlinsgettingfit
    I agree with the above post. You should continue the 30 day shred and then alternate between the 6 week 6 pack and the elliptical! Since it sounds like you have been using the elliptical regularly you body can get used to the same excerise and build resistance to it! So switching it up is key :smile: I have done the 6 week 6 pack and love it!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i like alternating too but your probably going to burn more calories doing 40 min on the elipical

    i'm assuming the 6week6pack is just an ab workout tho. if its got cardio and planking and push ups and whatnot then you might be burning more calories doing the video.

    when it comes to burning fat, whichever burns more calories is probably best, but typically i'd recommend and exercise program that hits a lot of mucles over a cardio machine where you are doing the same thing over and over day after day.