Why Yes, I Want to be a LOSER!

Hello! So I actually found THIS website while researching if Weight Watchers online was any good!! TONS of people give this site much more positive feedback (not to mention its FREE!) so here I am! :happy:

I have a lot of weight I'd like to lose but I plan on doing it in small goals to make each goal more "reachable." I've done it before, know HOW to do it, I just need a little (ok, sometimes a HUGE) kick in the butt to get me on track. I have a bad habit of not asking for help when I need it and I'm trying to change that!

My food "weakness" is mostly salty snacks--I LOVE chips and dip and cheese and crackers. Sweets aren't that big of a deal to me except for maybe once a month :) With that said, I would love to meet new people for much needed support and accountability, get some advice on what works for you, and be a LOSER!


  • Hiiii! I am new here too, Ive had MFP on my phone for almost a week and in which I have lost almost 3 pounds! Good luck trying to be a LOSER!! :D
  • eilea73
    eilea73 Posts: 34 Member
    That's awesome!! I gotta get the app too! :)