Am I being healthy or doing it all wrong?

Sorry if someone has written on this before but I have a question.

MFP tell me that I need to consume 1480cals a day in-order to lose 1lb a week.
Now, I work out about 3-5times a week. 60min cardio 3times a week always (and 30min cardio 2 times a week sometimes). MFP then adds on the calories I burned from working out into my "Remaining Calorie" count. So is that the number of calories I'm supposed to consume or do I stick with the base goal that it gives me?

Example: Today I burned 289cals at the gym. My base is 1480cals but now it adds on the 289 from the gym and says "remaining calories = 1769". Which calorie guideline am I supposed to follow?? The 1480 or the 1769???
I go to the gym to create a calorie deficit not to have them added on to my daily intake. But at the same time I don't want to consume to few calories if I have to compensate for the energy I used when working out. Help....I hope this makes sense to someone cause I'm Super Confused!


  • Chiquita_Banana
    i think you're supposed to eat those remaining calories according to MFP, but i'm not totally sure either....
  • NJS_2
    NJS_2 Posts: 3 Member
    The dietition I see says ignore that added bonus calories. Stick to your 1480, wait till your food diary is done for the day, then add your exercise in so that it doesn't confuse you with how much you're allowed every day.
  • PolkaDot88
    PolkaDot88 Posts: 71 Member
    I've heard various answers to this - most people seem to think you should eat 50-75% of your "exercise calories" (so you would eat about an extra 150 calories on the days you're at the gym, in addition to your 1480 daily allowance). I usually eat most of mine because I work out to allow myself some extras - I get so hungry with my daily allowance. I'm losing between 1 and 2 pounds a week, so it's working for me, but you might want to try a few different things and see what works for you. Everyone's different. Good luck!
  • jennk221
    jennk221 Posts: 85 Member
    This is a personal choice for everyone...My calorie base is only 1200 so I tend to eat my "workout" calories that are added...or at least some of them. You do not have to eat them as this will give you a bigger caloric deficit which = a bigger weight loss. It is nice to know that if you have a special event or holiday, you can still indulge a little bit without going over your daily calorie limit.
    I would work with it and see what makes the most sense for you.
  • bamagary
    From my understanding, MFP already sets you up for a deficit of one LB lost per week. Your exercise doesn't change that. According to most members on here, or at least what I've read, you should eat at least half your exercise calories. Meaning eat the 1480 plus half of what you burn in the gym. In your case 1480 + 145(half of exercise) = 1625 cals for the day. Hope this helps.