any one try or eat a Paleo diet!!?

Looking for other people who eat a Paleo diet for new recipes!!!! and the benefits its had on your body.


  • martinfarrow
    martinfarrow Posts: 4 Member
    i am trying to eat paleo .
  • txfatburn
    txfatburn Posts: 7 Member
    My family sticks to Paleo about 75% of the time hope to push that to 100% this year. I have lost weight but notice more in that the entire family has better digestion, less bloating, less gas, better skin complection. I don't stess about the diet we just stick to the outside of the grocery store and try to cut down on dairy which is the one thing we've had trouble giving up. Lots of lean meats, fish, chicken, turkey, etc. and red meat twice a week. Lots of fresh veggies and one fruit a day.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I'm in the tried it camp and didn't care for it at all-developed horrible body odor and breath :noway:
  • i will say that I eat paleo about 70% of the time.

    I'm allergic to gluten. So it makes me, very very creative when it comes to cooking. I do allow some things into my diet that aren't strictly paleo. (Sweet potatoes, olives, pickles, and for god's sake, I let myself have gluten free pizza some days, or I cry a river)

    In the last 4 months, I've lost 62 more pounds of weight. So I'm doing well with it. It shook up a plateau I was on.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    I tried it once for about 3 months until I learned better.
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    I tend to stay away from diets that limits foods that are suppose to be good for you, like fruits.
  • wannaBrunnner81
    wannaBrunnner81 Posts: 107 Member
    I am about to start on a paleo diet for two months, just curious about its benefits and if i will see any changes. When i come across good recipes i will gladly share them.
  • jedigrover
    jedigrover Posts: 21 Member
    I've been eating Primal for about a year now (with occasional deviations). Think of Primal as Paleo where some dairy is allowed. Combined with exercise, I have lost about 60 lbs, quit needing statins for my cholesterol, and cut my BP med to the minimum dose & doctor is having me experiment with quitting it entirely. Also, I find it pretty easy to stick with compared to other things I've tried in the past--which I believe is a significant factor to any program. It worked for me. There are lots of free resources of recipes out there, including some groups on this site. Feel free to friend me if you want to ask more specific questions.

    As it's the last diet ranked, i do find it amusing.

    I personally don't follow it hardcore, but I see nothing wrong with cutting out grains from an everyday diet. (I have PCOS and celiac me, grains are not MY personal friend). As for fruits, I do 1-2 servings a day when I have them, but I prefer veggies.
  • jasonpclement
    jasonpclement Posts: 146 Member
    maybe dipped into ketosis. I've read that can give you some bad breath. That assumes your doing the low carb flavor of paleo. It seems to come in all shapes and sizes.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I have been eating paleo for the past two years. I'm doing a stricter- Whole30 this month. I'd love to be friends!
  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    I am about to start on a paleo diet for two months, just curious about its benefits and if i will see any changes. When i come across good recipes i will gladly share them.
    the first 2 weeks I found were the hardest but now its just natural!!!good luck and friend me if you need any advise or help, lol
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Once upon a time I did...

    Pros: introduces a lot more nutrient dense whole food into the diet, eliminates a lot of "junk" foods, makes you think about what you're putting into your body.

    Cons: overly restrictive resulting in substantial lack of dietary adherence (thus all of the, "I do paleo 70% of the time, etc comments), demonizes foods including nutrient dense whole foods like beans and peanuts, makes eating out and social situations a real *****.

    I would further add that it isn't some kind of magic for weight loss which is what so many suppose it is. I tried it because of a buddy of mine who does it and thought it would be a good way to introduce more nutrient dense foods to my diet. He's actually pretty strict paleo and he's obese...he can eat his way through a 3 Lb bag of almonds like nobody.

    I ultimately decided I was better off just eating a diet that was well balanced an included a whole lot of nutrient dense whole foods...I really like beans and they've long been a staple in my diet and I see no reason to demonize them...I also like to have a little cheese on my beans and the occasional glass of milk and greek yogurt. I didn't see any point in saying things like, I'm X% paleo...just decided a well balanced diet that was full of nutrition was the best way to go...besides...while I do make my own beans a lot of the time...sometimes I just need to open up a can for quick lunch or dinner...that would be a double paleo whammy...beans and processed from a can....going to nutrition hell according to paleo. Also, pizza....and ice cream
  • wenswear
    wenswear Posts: 14 Member
    Many of my friends have tried it and liked it. I just started a few days ago. I'm not much of a meat lover, though, so that's a bit of an issue.
  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    Once upon a time I did...

    Pros: introduces a lot more nutrient dense whole food into the diet, eliminates a lot of "junk" foods, makes you think about what you're putting into your body.

    Cons: overly restrictive resulting in substantial lack of dietary adherence (thus all of the, "I do paleo 70% of the time, etc comments), demonizes foods including nutrient dense whole foods like beans and peanuts, makes eating out and social situations a real *****.

    I would further add that it isn't some kind of magic for weight loss which is what so many suppose it is. I tried it because of a buddy of mine who does it and thought it would be a good way to introduce more nutrient dense foods to my diet. He's actually pretty strict paleo and he's obese...he can eat his way through a 3 Lb bag of almonds like nobody.

    I ultimately decided I was better off just eating a diet that was well balanced an included a whole lot of nutrient dense whole foods...I really like beans and they've long been a staple in my diet and I see no reason to demonize them...I also like to have a little cheese on my beans and the occasional glass of milk and greek yogurt. I didn't see any point in saying things like, I'm X% paleo...just decided a well balanced diet that was full of nutrition was the best way to go...besides...while I do make my own beans a lot of the time...sometimes I just need to open up a can for quick lunch or dinner...that would be a double paleo whammy...beans and processed from a can....going to nutrition hell according to paleo. Also, pizza....and ice cream
    totally agree I'm paleo 80% of the time and when I want to treat my self I go gluten free,!!I still need my milk products, lol but I tend to not count my calories cause it drives me crazy and ieat when i'm hungry and just make healthier choices!! thankx for the tips and input!!:smile:
  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    i am trying to eat paleo .
    add me for any advice and motivation:smile:
  • LAW_714
    LAW_714 Posts: 258
    I ultimately decided I was better off just eating a diet that was well balanced an included a whole lot of nutrient dense whole foods...

    That's sort of where I've landed as well. I think that Paleo/Primal has some very positive aspects. I find eating nutrient dense foods to be first among these. I'm less convinced on some of Paleo/Primal's stances on restricting dairy, beans, and some other specific food items, so I don't consider myself to be following either Paleo or Primal, but I have tried to adopt their concept of basing the majority of my diet on nutrient dense whole foods. (The CNN thing was odd because it seemed primarily focused on the definition of paleo rather than the actual food involved, becoming a debate of semantics rather than nutrition).
  • BeckyKSmith
    BeckyKSmith Posts: 212 Member
    Since when can't you eat fruit on Paleo?
  • jennbranam
    jennbranam Posts: 1 Member
    I try to keep Paleo 85% of the time. With that being said I also feel that doing any one thing to an extreme is never a good idea. I try to keep as many aspects of my life as balanced as I can. I have adopted "Meatless Monday" which allows for the introduction of dairy and grains (in a reasonable amount) and also makes me feel better about giving my body a break from having to process meat for at least a day. I agree with the philosophy behind Paleo and feel much better on it than off it. I hope this helps. :happy:
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    I am allergic to Dairy, Soy and Gluten and stumbled upon paleo out of necessity for recipes that did not contain any of those three foods. I am not all paleo because I absolutely love peanut butter and I kinda like my beans

    There is a support group on mfp for paleo/primal that you could probably find some good recipes from

    a website that I found very helpful was (there is a cookbook by the same name)

    good luck, :)