any one try or eat a Paleo diet!!?



  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    I try to keep Paleo 85% of the time. With that being said I also feel that doing any one thing to an extreme is never a good idea. I try to keep as many aspects of my life as balanced as I can. I have adopted "Meatless Monday" which allows for the introduction of dairy and grains (in a reasonable amount) and also makes me feel better about giving my body a break from having to process meat for at least a day. I agree with the philosophy behind Paleo and feel much better on it than off it. I hope this helps. :happy:
    thats a great idea Meatless Mondays!!! I will try that
  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    I am allergic to Dairy, Soy and Gluten and stumbled upon paleo out of necessity for recipes that did not contain any of those three foods. I am not all paleo because I absolutely love peanut butter and I kinda like my beans

    There is a support group on mfp for paleo/primal that you could probably find some good recipes from

    a website that I found very helpful was (there is a cookbook by the same name)

    good luck, :)
    Thanx I've tried alot of those websites too !! I try to keep dairy in my diet too cause its soo good, lol
  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    everones body is different but I know for me it has helped with health problems and physically I feel energized and the weight has just dropped off on top of the workouts I do 5 days a week,
  • Homemaker57
    Homemaker57 Posts: 106 Member
    Three pounds of almonds in a sitting is NOT paleo. ;) Just so you know.

    I like paleo for a lot of reasons. One reason is it focuses on whole, real, clean foods. None of this non-fat dairy, sugar-free chemically monkey business. Gross. Unfortunately when diets focus on cutting out fat (which, by the way, is super good for you), or limiting calories only, or elminating sugar... they can end up substituting highly processed, artificial junk. No bueno. Paleo does cut out certain food groups (grains, legumes, dairy depending on who you talk to) but it doesn't substitute those foods with junk. So, that's good!

    I also highly believe that not all calories are created equal, and that the healthiest diety is focused on getting energy from fat not from carbs. I can definitely tell when I'm in carb burning mode or fat burning mode, and the latter is MUCH better. When my body is using fat for its energy, both dietary and stored, I fell less hungry, I sleep better, I lose weight, and my depression lifts. Paleo is great for this because it includes lots of natural fats and not too many carbs.

    I don't necessarily think corn, beans, peanuts, and dairy are bad for everybody. Some people don't do well on dairy, others are fine (I'm fine). Some people are very sensitive to starchy carbs, like my mom - she'll gain quickly if there's too many carbs in her diet. So beans aren't great for her. Other people don't react poorly to it and can include certain items in their diet and still be quite healthy. I think everyone's body is a little bit different in the specific foods they can or can't handle. I think all human bodies react a certain way to sugar and lots of carbs, and that's not a good reaction (constantly drooping energy levels, storing calories as fat and then being hungry because all the energy is stored away).

    There's a lot of opinions on both sides, naturally. Those ^^^^ are some of mine. Marks Daily Apple (blog) is a great place to learn more, and he cites scientific studies often so it's not just his opinion.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    My relatives did paleo and primal diet. They are all dead now though...
  • Amandatorie
    Amandatorie Posts: 93 Member
    I started looking into paleo in December, and are now trying to commit to it more. For me, it seems like a great choice. I feel better and can stick to a "diet" better if it's fairly low carb, but didn't want to do an extreme "low carb" diet that I tried (and succeeded with in the short term) many years ago.

    The pros for paleo, for me so far, seem to be: lots of vegetables, lean meats, nuts, and fruits, which are all things I like to eat anyway. No empty carbs like bread and rice and pasta, that I feel sluggish when I eat and tend to over-indulge on. And no dairy, which I realized I was eating WAAAAAY too much cheese. Overall, it just has me thinking about what I'm eating and why, and how it will make me feel, which is a major benefit for me. If I'm making food choices based on "how many calories is this? will I lose weight with this?" I get a little obsessed and end up quitting because I feel defeated.

    Personally, I'm not aiming for 100% of the time. I don't plan to have full-out "cheat days", but if I'm going out to dinner I'll try to order something that's lean meat and vegetables, but I'm not going to freak out if they put a little Parmesan on my vegetables, or there's some butter on a piece of fish.

    Edited: I'm always looking for more supportive MFP friends, feel free to add me!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    My relatives did paleo and primal diet. They are all dead now though...

    I'm sorry for your loss.

    Were you close?
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    There's a paleo forum support group on MFP you should check out
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Three pounds of almonds in a sitting is NOT paleo. ;) Just so you know.

    why not...almonds are "Paleo approved" Besides, the point is that my buddy overeats...despite the super awesome magical powers of the Paleo diet, he's obese.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    My relatives did paleo and primal diet. They are all dead now though...

    Billsica, not sure this sort of response is necessary. I noticed on other posts, you tried to sway others to another diet lifestyle. So is this what you are resorting to now? Claiming your family members died eating paleo? really?
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    My relatives did paleo and primal diet. They are all dead now though...

    Billsica, not sure this sort of response is necessary. I noticed on other posts, you tried to sway others to another diet lifestyle. So is this what you are resorting to now? Claiming your family members died eating paleo? really?

    You boneheads.

    He's talking about cavemen.

    Seriously, sheesh...
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Well... my setup is ruined.

    Nice one, guys.
  • mrsa10
    mrsa10 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been doing it for over a year now, and it's more about getting smart on food. And realizing all the crap you really do put in your body. I want to read wheat belly, but for me, grains do a number on my stomach, and I just do better without breads and pastas. So I substitute shredded zucchini for pasta and my son still eats it.

    There are good reasons to not eat peanut and grains (anti-nutrients, etc), but you have to read into the science behind it.

    My husband has noticed a huge difference in his auto-immune issues by eating 'cleaner' .
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    There are good reasons to not eat peanut and grains (anti-nutrients, etc), but you have to read into the pseudo-science behind it.

    fixed it...
  • Michele0812
    Lately I've tried and experiment where I've tried different diets--namely vegetarian, "as long as it fits your calories " (basically SAD), and primal to get a feel for the diet that I feel and function the best on. And the winner is my modified version of paleo where I eat that way the majority of the time, but occasionally allow oats and rice. So I guess you could calll it gluten free.

    Vegetarian made me feel like absolute crap--bloated, depressed, tired--even though I was doing everything right, and SAD was better. But there's a noticeable difference when I eat paleo. I just feel so much better. Food cravings go away, I feel clear headed, happier and more energetic. It might not work for everybody, but it works for me.
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    I've been eating this way for a few years now. Like anything you have to commit to it. Some people say that it isn't doable and then use the cliams of eating a percentage paleo as confirmation that it doesn't work long term. But, in any way of eating it is true that you will only adhere to it a certain percentage. Take someone eating nutrient dense foods as their "plan". When they decide to have pizza or ice cream, then they aren't really eating nutrient dense, so they are what 90% on plan? 75%?

    I choose to eat what is served when I go to a friends house for a meal or a party. I make the best choices considering what is available. The same goes for eating out. If I choose the restaurant, I pick a place I know has good salads or will replace potatoes with a veggie...or I just choose to eat whatever I want that meal (think the aformentioned "plan" that allows an occasional ice cream or pizza, so does paleo if you do not have a negative reaction to the food.)

    The idea behind paleo is to eat real food that your body has no adverse reactions to eating. I do incorporate rice and even white potatoes on occasion. If you can tolerate beans, then eat them, for me they cause gas, so I avoid them. Am I so strict that I pick out black beans from a salsa? No, that would be ridiculous.

    As for fruit, I don't limit it at all. I try to stick to lower sugar fruits when losing weight, but the idea that you can't have carbs on a paleo template is false. You eat according to what is best for your body.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    My relatives did paleo and primal diet. They are all dead now though...

    Billsica, not sure this sort of response is necessary. I noticed on other posts, you tried to sway others to another diet lifestyle. So is this what you are resorting to now? Claiming your family members died eating paleo? really?

    You boneheads.

    He's talking about cavemen.

    Seriously, sheesh...

    yeah it was cavemen.

    And yes. I sway people to IIFIYM because you don't have to restrict anything if you don't want to.
    That being said I was a vegetarian for about 15 years. so I know what its like to be restrictive. Nothing is really wrong with Paleo. Its just not the only way. Paleo also tends to get caught up with crossfit and the combination is hysterical. But really if you guys want to be paleo/primal go ahead, I would even support you in doing it.
  • jcast92
    jcast92 Posts: 144 Member
    Honestly? In some of my courses we've discussed how the paleo diet is not nutritionally superior to other diets. If you get yourself into an eating clean mentality, you'll see results, regardless of what type of meal plan you're following.

    I would just eat what you like without cutting out specific foods. As long as you're not over-indulging in "unhealthy" (by which I mean cakes and unnaturally sugary things) and keeping track of your macros, you should be okay with whatever diet you choose.
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    But really if you guys want to be paleo/primal go ahead, I would even support you in doing it.

    I don't know why. It's not NEARLY as good as keto.
  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    My relatives did paleo and primal diet. They are all dead now though...

    I'm sorry for your loss.

    Were you close?
