1200 Calorie



  • turtleball
    turtleball Posts: 217 Member
    Why do people have to be so hard on someone they know nothing about? You don't know anything to be doing that to her.. how rude! people come here for support. My god look at my diary you all will probably go into cardiac arrest!
    I had people come at me with their daggers when I first started here too.. Don't mind them any attention. Listen to the ones that actually want to help you and ask the questions, and truly care.. The other ones that say eat more without saying anything, they are what I call TROLLS.

    Btw. I am a lap band patient and am under a dr's care, and ordered to keep it 6-800 calories...

    Because people start a thread without first reading the stickies, and reading the obvious. So we, the community end up answering the same questions every time.

    You dont have to answer the same question every time.
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    Why do people have to be so hard on someone they know nothing about? You don't know anything to be doing that to her.. how rude! people come here for support. My god look at my diary you all will probably go into cardiac arrest!
    I had people come at me with their daggers when I first started here too.. Don't mind them any attention. Listen to the ones that actually want to help you and ask the questions, and truly care.. The other ones that say eat more without saying anything, they are what I call TROLLS.

    Anxiously awaiting a "people are meanies" thread from you...

    redheaddee...why is this remark necessary??...
  • zitamw
    zitamw Posts: 2 Member
    Why do people have to be so hard on someone they know nothing about? You don't know anything to be doing that to her.. how rude! people come here for support. My god look at my diary you all will probably go into cardiac arrest!
    I had people come at me with their daggers when I first started here too.. Don't mind them any attention. Listen to the ones that actually want to help you and ask the questions, and truly care.. The other ones that say eat more without saying anything, they are what I call TROLLS.

    Btw. I am a lap band patient and am under a dr's care, and ordered to keep it 6-800 calories...

    I was thinking the exact same thing... Ppl on here are so mean I don't understand why. This forum is already a sensitive subject forum ( dealing with weight) so why are you TROLLS kicking people while they are already down. I think the mean comments are an outward projection of peoples bad self esteem or their own dissatisfaction. Lets try to lift each other up if you dont have something nice to say then don't say anything at all.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Why do people have to be so hard on someone they know nothing about? You don't know anything to be doing that to her.. how rude! people come here for support. My god look at my diary you all will probably go into cardiac arrest!
    I had people come at me with their daggers when I first started here too.. Don't mind them any attention. Listen to the ones that actually want to help you and ask the questions, and truly care.. The other ones that say eat more without saying anything, they are what I call TROLLS.

    Btw. I am a lap band patient and am under a dr's care, and ordered to keep it 6-800 calories...

    I was thinking the exact same thing... Ppl on here are so mean I don't understand why. This forum is already a sensitive subject forum ( dealing with weight) so why are you TROLLS kicking people while they are already down. I think the mean comments are an outward projection of peoples bad self esteem or their own dissatisfaction. Lets try to lift each other up if you dont have something nice to say then don't say anything at all.

    So many times constructive criticism is construed as being "rude". So if we know (from experience, education, etc..) the OP is going down the wrong path, are we as a community supposed to support that decision to "lift them up", or give constructive criticism and be construed as rude?
  • AngelBearz330
    AngelBearz330 Posts: 12 Member
    I've been doing 1200 calories for 1 /12 years now (doctor approved, thank you) and have lost 57 pounds. I feel wonderful and don't feel deprived at all. It's a matter of finding your favorite "go to" items and you'll be fine.

    My favorite breakfast is 2 oz of lite turkey keilbasa (90 calories), one fried egg (70 calories), a piece of toast (usually one slice of 100% whole wheat at 60 calories), and 1 serving of strawberry fruit spread (40 calories), for a grand total of 260 for breakfast! It's filling and I love it and it's not even 1/3 of your three meals of the day.

    Good luck and stay strong and motivated. The 1st couple of weeks were the hardest. After that, you'll be in a groove...
  • lucypeaks
    lucypeaks Posts: 96 Member
    When I was starting to lose weight, I did the 1200 calorie diet for about 4 months and then slowly upped it whilst still checking that I was losing weight. I promise that if you are exercising, you can eat more and the weight will still come off :) I was very very nervous about upping my calorie intake. Now on 1600-1700 cals a day with exercise and can still lose weight if I want to. If you are sticking to 1200 cals for a while I would recommend pasta with vegetable based sauces, prawn or chicken curries with rice and stir frys for main meals. Foods with spices always tend to fill me up more. Big salads/wraps with a protein for lunches and cereals/wholemeal toast/eggs/fruit and yogurt for breakfast. Good luck!
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    If it bothers you, I suggest you a) don't read it and b) don't feel compelled to give advice if you find the question repetitive. Who on earth wants to read years worth of forums to double check a question hasn't been asked before?

    edit: that was for meankeen

    love this reply!!!
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    Why do people have to be so hard on someone they know nothing about? You don't know anything to be doing that to her.. how rude! people come here for support. My god look at my diary you all will probably go into cardiac arrest!
    I had people come at me with their daggers when I first started here too.. Don't mind them any attention. Listen to the ones that actually want to help you and ask the questions, and truly care.. The other ones that say eat more without saying anything, they are what I call TROLLS.

    Btw. I am a lap band patient and am under a dr's care, and ordered to keep it 6-800 calories...

    Because people start a thread without first reading the stickies, and reading the obvious. So we, the community end up answering the same questions every time.

    Thing is.... noone asked for your opinion specifically... your choice to give it. In my opinion, give advice graciously.. or not at all!!
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Started a 1200 calorie diet January 1. Looking for food ideas. Anyone got ideas?

    I eat 1200 calories ( which is age and height appropriate because I am just under 5 feet ) I eat mostly whole foods and my food diary is open to check. Also, since I live in Mexico, I eat a lot of Mexican whole foods...lol.
    One piece of advise: If you really only should eat 1200 calories for whatever legitimate reason you need to make each and every calorie count and that will be difficult with processed foods, or foods that have little nutritional values, because otherwise you cannot make your macros work. This means that a healthy diet of 1200 calories is more work than just the average diet where you get to eat 1600, 1800 or even more calories.and where there is some margin for error as far as macros are concerned.
  • 48Tara
    48Tara Posts: 10
    Doctor good place to start, they will give you the best advice. I will say I just took my daughter and he gave her a 1200 weight loss plan to follow. You stay at 1200 calories, if you eat more then that go under the next day. Cut all sugar from diet, read labels if sugar (in any form) is in the first three ingredients; don't eat it! Carbs; if they don't have more then 3 grams of fiber, don't eat it. 1200 calories doesn't seem like a lot, but if you are eating fruits and vegetables the add up a lot slower then a granola bar, or chicken breast, or nuts. Small portions of those things, double up on vegetables. Two servings of fruit a day. Look at the food chart it will tell you what a healthy plate looks like! Good Luck, I am also following a 1200 calorie diet. I am not training for any race, or on a sports team. I am an average woman, trying to stay healthy. I work out 35-60 minutes a day a varity of different things. He also said if you what to weigh 200 pounds eat 2000 calories, if you want to weigh 150 eat 1500 calories. I am going to reach my goal weight then I will jack my calories to 1350, 135 being my goal weight! Any step you take is a step in the right direction. Find a life style change that will help you STICK WITH IT.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Doctor good place to start, they will give you the best advice. I will say I just took my daughter and he gave her a 1200 weight loss plan to follow. You stay at 1200 calories, if you eat more then that go under the next day. Cut all sugar from diet, read labels if sugar (in any form) is in the first three ingredients; don't eat it! Carbs; if they don't have more then 3 grams of fiber, don't eat it. 1200 calories doesn't seem like a lot, but if you are eating fruits and vegetables the add up a lot slower then a granola bar, or chicken breast, or nuts. Small portions of those things, double up on vegetables. Two servings of fruit a day. Look at the food chart it will tell you what a healthy plate looks like! Good Luck, I am also following a 1200 calorie diet. I am not training for any race, or on a sports team. I am an average woman, trying to stay healthy. I work out 35-60 minutes a day a varity of different things. He also said if you what to weigh 200 pounds eat 2000 calories, if you want to weigh 150 eat 1500 calories. I am going to reach my goal weight then I will jack my calories to 1350, 135 being my goal weight! Any step you take is a step in the right direction. Find a life style change that will help you STICK WITH IT.

    I'm sorry,.and this isn't directed at you per se, but this Is terrible advice. You should see another doctor because that advice is nonsense. I eat over 2000 calories a day and I am losing, at 170 now. You say cut all sugar, any form and then say 2 servings of fruit per day. This is one of the reasons people are accused of being mean on the forums, we see bunk like this, we call it what it is, bunk, and people get all mad and call us meanies. Seriously, if this is the advice a doctor gave you, you need to find a new doc. Almost all of that is just wrong.
  • SillyC2
    SillyC2 Posts: 275 Member
    Thanks guys.... trolling or no, this thread was really helpful to me.

    I just got started last week - I've put on 12 lbs since I started running ultramarathons two years ago. I want to lose the weight, but more than that, I wanted to figure out where I was making my mistakes with my eating. Obviously, at 12 lbs over 2 years, the mistakes aren't huge ones, but I can't keep putting on 6lbs a year every year!

    I set MFP to lose 1 lb a week, thinking that wouldn't be so bad, and it set me at 1200. Okay, so I figured, I'd do 1200 and make sure I didn't go over. Plus I get a lot more calories because I run most days. And I've come in under, it seems okay I guess - two nights this week I even had enough left over to have my favorite 270 calorie beer! But then I noticed something funny - I set it to lose 2lbs a week for grins (not because I want to lose 2 lbs a week) and it also gave me 1200. Hmmm....
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Every single person on here loses weight differently, but there are a few common factors everyone. The first is that we all have a metabolism, governed by how much energy we give it, how active we are, genetic makeup, and the type of energy we give it. With that in mind MFP has a relatively easy to use goals calculator that will give you the amount of food you should eat to lose the weight you desire and become more healthy.

    The relationship to your BMI (as flawed as that measurement is) and how much you can lose is real and governs much of your weight loss. People with a BMI over 30 (classified as obese) can lose weight faster then people that are under that number (generally speaking, see number 1) 2 lbs a week or more is realistic for obese people. Trying to lose 2 lbs a week for someone with a BMI under 30 is much more difficult, as well as much more time consuming.

    Starvation mode is REAL. It can and does happen. You should keep close tabs on where your BMR calories is. If you are under the obesity level then please try to stay (at a minimum) at your BMR. The goals calculator WILL account for weight you want to lose, don't think you can up the stakes by eating less, it doesn't work. And if you exercise, realize that you are creating a larger deficite, and make sure you eat your exercise calories.

    (This is one I see all the time) If you are close (say within 25 lbs or so) of your goal weight, 2 lbs a week is probably unrealistic. The human body knows where it's equilibrium is, attempting to go below it is a difficult, and frustrating process, 2 lbs a week (what ever you may think) is a drastic strategy for someone near their goal and usually doesn't happen. As you approach your goals, slow down your attempt at loss, try for 1 lb a week or less, it will give your body time to adjust it's chemistry more gradually, keep you healthy, and lessen your frustration.

    1200 calories is a number that doctors and nutritionists have made up based on averages. It's not a line in the sand. Your starvation calories depends on your body. For me that line is somewhere around 2000 calories, for a really small woman, it could be 1000, Generally it's somewhere around 1000 calories less then your maintenance weight. But being dynamic systems, some of our bodies can tolerate more or less. Be smart about your weight loss, use your common sense, if you're not losing weight and your at or below a 1000 calorie deficite, then think logically and up your calories a little, and keep upping them until you see improvement.

    Lastly, the human body has a 5 lb swing daily. That means that on any given 24 hour period yo can go from 5 lbs above your "real" weight to 5 lbs below. Due to water weight, and waste we can swing quite a bit. The scale is a generalist at best, good for an Idea of where you are, but not very good at calculating exact measurements. I generally recommend weighing yourself no more then once every 2 weeks, at the same time, same day every week. Use other measurements along with this, I.E. size measurements, Body Fat %, and over all fitness level to make up the difference.
    Brought to you by team beach body.
    PS: love the user name and the avatar.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Every single person on here loses weight differently, but there are a few common factors everyone. The first is that we all have a metabolism, governed by how much energy we give it, how active we are, genetic makeup, and the type of energy we give it. With that in mind MFP has a relatively easy to use goals calculator that will give you the amount of food you should eat to lose the weight you desire and become more healthy.

    The relationship to your BMI (as flawed as that measurement is) and how much you can lose is real and governs much of your weight loss. People with a BMI over 30 (classified as obese) can lose weight faster then people that are under that number (generally speaking, see number 1) 2 lbs a week or more is realistic for obese people. Trying to lose 2 lbs a week for someone with a BMI under 30 is much more difficult, as well as much more time consuming.

    Starvation mode is REAL. It can and does happen. You should keep close tabs on where your BMR calories is. If you are under the obesity level then please try to stay (at a minimum) at your BMR. The goals calculator WILL account for weight you want to lose, don't think you can up the stakes by eating less, it doesn't work. And if you exercise, realize that you are creating a larger deficite, and make sure you eat your exercise calories.

    (This is one I see all the time) If you are close (say within 25 lbs or so) of your goal weight, 2 lbs a week is probably unrealistic. The human body knows where it's equilibrium is, attempting to go below it is a difficult, and frustrating process, 2 lbs a week (what ever you may think) is a drastic strategy for someone near their goal and usually doesn't happen. As you approach your goals, slow down your attempt at loss, try for 1 lb a week or less, it will give your body time to adjust it's chemistry more gradually, keep you healthy, and lessen your frustration.

    1200 calories is a number that doctors and nutritionists have made up based on averages. It's not a line in the sand. Your starvation calories depends on your body. For me that line is somewhere around 2000 calories, for a really small woman, it could be 1000, Generally it's somewhere around 1000 calories less then your maintenance weight. But being dynamic systems, some of our bodies can tolerate more or less. Be smart about your weight loss, use your common sense, if you're not losing weight and your at or below a 1000 calorie deficite, then think logically and up your calories a little, and keep upping them until you see improvement.

    Lastly, the human body has a 5 lb swing daily. That means that on any given 24 hour period yo can go from 5 lbs above your "real" weight to 5 lbs below. Due to water weight, and waste we can swing quite a bit. The scale is a generalist at best, good for an Idea of where you are, but not very good at calculating exact measurements. I generally recommend weighing yourself no more then once every 2 weeks, at the same time, same day every week. Use other measurements along with this, I.E. size measurements, Body Fat %, and over all fitness level to make up the difference.
    Brought to you by team beach body.
    Nice catch! I was so flabbergasted by the majority nonsense that I missed that.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    Started a 1200 calorie diet January 1. Looking for food ideas. Anyone got ideas?

    Calculate your current TDEE. Subtract 20%. Eat that amount.


    Calculate the TDEE of the weight you want to be. Eat that amount.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    Right Sabine, Beachbody, because you've been very informative for the OP?
    You know what they say about folks who assume....
    Read some of my posts Einstein.

    Here's your most recent post:

    It's always polite to cite.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    Right Sabine, Beachbody, because you've been very informative for the OP?
    You know what they say about folks who assume....
    Read some of my posts Einstein.

    Here's your most recent post:

    It's always polite to cite.

    Yeah it is but you'll have to excuse the semantics right now because back in 2011 I saved a lot of information for my own use and just copy and paste it for others to use. Sorry my posting process wasn't up to your satisfaction.

    That being said, ain't nobody got time to go read your posts sweet lady.
    You've got time for cut and paste. Add a link. As for reading my posts: couldn't care less, but don't judge my helpfulness when you've never read anything I've posted. k?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    Right Sabine, Beachbody, because you've been very informative for the OP?
    You know what they say about folks who assume....
    Read some of my posts Einstein.

    Here's your most recent post:

    It's always polite to cite.

    Yeah it is but you'll have to excuse the semantics right now because back in 2011 I saved a lot of information for my own use and just copy and paste it for others to use. Sorry my posting process wasn't up to your satisfaction.

    That being said, ain't nobody got time to go read your posts sweet lady.
    You've got time for cut and paste. Add a link. As for reading my posts: couldn't care less, but don't judge me when you don't know jack. k?

    Let's see.... YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO. k?

    Night night.
    night night son.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    Right Sabine, Beachbody, because you've been very informative for the OP?
    You know what they say about folks who assume....
    Read some of my posts Einstein.

    Here's your most recent post:

    It's always polite to cite.

    Yeah it is but you'll have to excuse the semantics right now because back in 2011 I saved a lot of information for my own use and just copy and paste it for others to use. Sorry my posting process wasn't up to your satisfaction.

    That being said, ain't nobody got time to go read your posts sweet lady.
    You've got time for cut and paste. Add a link. As for reading my posts: couldn't care less, but don't judge me when you don't know jack. k?

    Let's see.... YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO. k?

    Night night.
    night night son.

    Haha. She said son... I'm still snorting.
    Use a tissue.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    In, because the OP hasn't been back in 6 pages.