60lbs to Lose and Stuck

I am stuck at around 240lbs and still want to lose 60lbs. I am still obese, very little energy, and need to keep going. Any advice to break through this plateau? I have been here for over a year now. It's REALLY getting old. I can use suggestions and support. Feel free to add me on here too. Thanks!


  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    Weigh and measure your food. The only way to get your calorie count accurate is to weigh and measure. If you've been at a plateau for a year, you're eating too much to lose weight.
  • jacqueinhutto
    jacqueinhutto Posts: 34 Member
    I heard from a weight loss clinic that when u are at a plateau that u should eat only protein for a couple of days and drink as much water as u can. It worked I. The past for me.
  • davelibertyjones
    Jeromy, the key to losing it is simple exercise more than you eat. I know it's easier said than done. I have been stuck around 240-250 for over 2 years. Every time I lost I gained it back. That is until my heart attack, now this s**t is serious. I push myself to do a little more on my workouts and eat a little bit less on my diet. I'm seeing results and pushing for a goal of this becoming a new, every day, behavior. Hang in there, brother, I know you can do it. If I can, you can.
  • jeromybilbo7
    Thank you all so much. This already gives me some ideas.

    Feel free to add me.
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    You might want to consider opening your food and exercise diary for friends or others to see so that they can offer help in that area.
    I keep mine open to friends and even log the booze (which is hard to admit).
    I don't know if you have been stuck at 3 lbs. since January, or if you re-adjusted your figures.
    I do know that having a few friends that can help me be more accountable to myself is a tremendous aid.
    I am lucky enough to have a friend that I meet at the gym. If I am late, he calls, and vice versa. I sent him a text this morning that I was too sick with the crud to make it... Found out he is sick, too.
    This partnership helps me not to fall into lazy habits.
    Good luck and plateaus are not permanent, even though they are as annoying as cats.
  • jeromybilbo7
    Yeah, I will open my diary. Thanks!