Intimidated but ready

I'm new here and a little lost on where to start but I'm ready to lose the extra weight I'm carrying around and feel good about myself!


  • bloodhoundlady
    bloodhoundlady Posts: 80 Member
    Welcome! You can do this. I know the feeling. It can be intimidating having the weight and not knowing where to start. A trainer told me when I started 6 months ago to look at this journey like starting a new job. You need to make a plan, research the best stragedy and put your best foot forward to reach your goals. Jump right in here and go for it.
  • evanpay
    Welcome! It can be a little slow going, but once you make a change, it is much easier to keep up with it.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    I think you've been found. Good for you for coming to the starting line of the journey - this is exactly what it is, a journey. Before you head off, make certain you're doing this positively, realistically, and with self-love. Don't set unrealistic goals or sickly low calorie levels as doing this will set you up for failure. Think of this as loving yourself by taking care of yourself. Don't make it punitive or negative and make it something that is fun every step of the way and you'll succeed. This game should be 10% mental and 90% action, not the reverse.
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    Welcome! It can be overwhelming here to say the least but there is a lot of good (if you can filter out the bad) info. I would start by reading this...
    Also, the search feature here is great. You'll find that pretty much every question has been asked and answered a dozen times, so this feature can be your friend.
    Best of luck, you can do this!!