


  • sheltap
    sheltap Posts: 10
    Ive had issues with that as well. I recently went to a naturopath and she put me on a 3 week cleanse for my colon, liver basically GI tract. How is life otherwise for you she explained to me that my adrenal glands might be over worked and they mimic the same symptoms of the thyroid. I cant remember what these drops are called but so far Ive seen improvement and Ive been taking a vitamin B complexé

    In all this cleanse requires you to eat super clean. No sugars, No yeasts, alcohol....all the good stuff! I also take bentonite clay, capryllic acid and psyllium husk in a mixture with water first thing in the am. Not saying this is what you need but taking all this has worked for me and the fact that I have changed the way I eat is helping.

    After so many years of blood tests and doctors visits with no answers I decided to go the naturopath route. Not everyone will agree with it but there is some truth behind it.
  • mitchiemo
    mitchiemo Posts: 61 Member
    It sounds psychological. You said you've already ruled out depression so maybe it's a motivational factor. Maybe you're bored with the same exercise. Try something new and different, see if that helps.

    I haven't looked at your log but someone mentioned you do shift work. Not so long ago I read that working shifts was bad for the heart, not that I'm suggesting the problem is your heart but, from experience, shift work is tough. I know very few people who actually enjoy working shifts. It messes up your sleep patterns and any kind of routine really which can be disorientating to the mind and body. It can also affect friendships/relationships due to inability to coordinate diaries and the like (when my boyfriend and I worked shifts we hardly saw each other). SO...maybe its your job that's finally taken its toll on you and you just need a good break/holiday.

    Hope you work it out, I'm sure it's temporary. :smile:
  • Livingdeadnurse
    Livingdeadnurse Posts: 140 Member
    Much better now. Except for this cold that decided to rear it ugly head the beginning of this new year. Thanks everyone for the input.
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Maybe you need some good, sound sleep. Sleep is the time when your body repairs.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I looked at a few days in your diary and noticed that your protein is pretty low. You might try eating more protein and a few less carbs. Protein gives you energy.

    Yes, get your protein levels up. I'm not sure if that would fix anything, but you need more protein definitely. Especially with all the working out you do. Try to get 0.8 to 1 g/lb lean body mass every day.

    There is always the possibility that you have a virus. Sometimes those boogers can hang in there for weeks. Sinusitis also makes me exhausted (and cranky). Any chance of something like that going on? I hate to invoke chronic fatigue, but did you get checked for epstein barr?

    ETA: Oh my, your protein levels are SUPER low. You are not even meeting the bare minimum requirement set by MFP (which is too low to begin with). Please up your protein!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    It could very well be a virus. If this persists for much longer, you may need additional tests. Did you have your sex hormones tested? If estrogen/testosterone/progesterone balance gets off, it could cause your symptoms. Also, as others have mentioned, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and Iron, can also contribute. The B12 that you are taking may not be enough and iron in a multivitamin may not be sufficient either. Did you check your cortisol? Low or high cortisol will also cause these same symptoms and sometimes gets messed up while dieting.
  • tilliefarie
    tilliefarie Posts: 20 Member
    Seasonal ? Disorder known as sad wouldnt be caused by your life, but by how YOU respond to the change of the weather of the changing seasons. I had a friend that had it, so i dont know allot but i do know it wasnt due to her life. I wish you the best of luck, if your dr thinks that is it, did he make any suggestions for you? Getting more sunlight was the first thing my friend had to do. So if you can manage that walk, try to get it during daylight hours when you can see the sun. And i thought it was silly, but it seemed to help my friend.