Dirty Girl Run

I need some advice - I want a goal to work towards so I was looking for a 5K in my area when I saw this Dirty Girl Run. (http://godirtygirl.com/) I am waaaayyyy out of shape, but it's not til June. Anyone here participated in one? Difficulty level? Could a relative beginner handle it?

Thanks for your help! :)


  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I did this run. It was awesome! It really is for any fitness level, if you can’t complete an obstacle then you walk around it. You do not have to run the course either there were lots of walkers. How difficult you are willing to go is up to you. When I first signed up for this run I could barely walk 20min on the treadmill. I did the C25K zombiesrun! app, which got me from 0 running to 4 miles in only 8 weeks. I did this run w/my 70 year old mother, my friend (a survivor), her daughter & some other friends, it was a blast!

    You can do this! Don’t be afraid to try, the worse that will happen is you walk around an obstacle. The dirtygirl supporters are all very encouraging & right there @ the obstacles to give you motivation. Sign up & get working on your C25K, you will surprise yourself @ just what you could accomplish. You will not regret this run, it’s a wonderful experience.

    I started the C25K in June & the run was in Oct. Yes, you can do it! Sign up now as it gets more expensive as you get closer & it will force you to complete the C25K training on those tough days.
  • aprilwilliams2729
    aprilwilliams2729 Posts: 107 Member
    Thanks so much! :) I'm going to register soon and I think my little sister is going to do it with me! I'm excited! :)
  • jessbro1977
    jessbro1977 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm doing the dirty girl in June too! I just started running back in august but the obstacles are pretty intimidating to me! Gonna start weight training this month to work up to it! Good luck! I'm doing it with my 14 year old daughter and sister!
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I'm doing the dirty girl in June too! I just started running back in august but the obstacles are pretty intimidating to me! Gonna start weight training this month to work up to it! Good luck! I'm doing it with my 14 year old daughter and sister!

    You will have so much fun. I did do some weight training to make sure I would be ready. I think everything helped, the weight training & the c25k. I didn't have to go around any obstacles. Some were tough but you have great cheerleaders that help get you through it. Good luck.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Go for it! You can do it. Dirty Girl is super easy compared to other mud runs and very noncompetitve and nonintimidating. It is set up for you to succeed and have a fun and dirty time doing it. Mud runs in general have the most supportive people you will meet. If you struggle everyone there will stop and help cheer you on. It is an amazing thing. Go for it and have a blast! You will have so much fun!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i've done it. you dont have to be in fabulous shape because you wont be doing much running. it's A LOT of fun and people are really supportive and will help you over an obstacle if you need it.

    i did it with a group of friends and we ended up getting separated but we all had a blast and met lots of new people.
    oh yeah you WILL get muddy. wear shoes you dont care about (donate them at the end)

    bring a change of clothes AND a plastic bag to put your old clothes in. i suggest hosing off before you change because dried mud is a PITA to completely clean out. plus the better you hose off the less mud you'll have in your tub later. also, you will have mud everywhere and i do mean everywhere. armpit. butt crack. everywhere :laugh:

    the worst obstacles were the wall climbing ones. not because they were high, but there were little foot rests to help you climb up. the only problems is those very quickly got caked in mud
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I agree w/the above ^^ the wall was tough, but doable. Wear compression, it doesn't weigh you down like cotton would & yes donate your shoes @ the end & hose off.