Fed up

trishk1959 Posts: 3
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I am so fed up, I cycle at least 45/60 mins a day and do aqua aerobics 3 times a week. I stay within my calorie range of 1200 and have been the same weight for almost 2 weeks. At this rate I feel like giving up. In total I have been dieting with MFP since the 5th Oct and have lost 4.8 kgs. I'm pleased to have lost weight but just need some motivation NOW!!!


  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    You can do it! Stick with it (and possibly up your calorie intake)
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Eat more. I know it sounds crazy but if you're working out that much and only eating 1200 your body needs more calories.

    Edit: Don't give up. I've been stuck at the same weight for 3 weeks, everyone hits a plateau at some point, it will pass.
  • Wow you're going great I hope I can stay motivated this week end. Thanks for the words of encouragement
  • saligator
    saligator Posts: 96 Member
    don't worry, i bet u r just gaining muscle, thats why ur not losing weight.....maybe focus on losing inches or noticing how toned ur getting for a while? also the above posts are probably right, u could probably do with eating a bit more too.

    good luck!!!
  • saligator
    saligator Posts: 96 Member
    don't worry, i bet u r just gaining muscle, thats why ur not losing weight.....maybe focus on losing inches or noticing how toned ur getting for a while? also the above posts are probably right, u could probably do with eating a bit more too.

    good luck!!!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    We're in this FOREVER. This lifestyle is for the rest of our lives. Two weeks is small beans in the context of your entire life.

    That said, make sure you're exercising and eating at a level that you would WANT to stick with for the rest of your life.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • camille45
    camille45 Posts: 106 Member
    eat a little bit more, you may be excercising too much for the amount you are eating. if you excercise that much then you are actually taking in less than 1200 calories because your are burning so many. Your body is probably storing calories. You might want to redue your profile to include the amount you excercise each week and put in the amount you want to lose each week, make sure you eat all the calories you are supposed to even if you excercise them off
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    I am 10 pounds away from my goal weight - lost 150 - but these last 10 pounds are coming off at about the rate of 1/2 - 1 pound every 4 to 5 weeks. I get anywhere from 45 min to 1 1/2 hours of cardio a day plus strength training four days a week. Should I be discourage - hell yes. However, what I have been able to do is readjust my thinking. I think about what I am doing for the inside of my body vs the outside - health vs looks. Even if I don't loose another ounce I am a much healthier person. As I walk up four flights of stairs without getting winded, when I run with my dogs, when I have to wait for others when I am walking because they are out of breath - I realize that all of my efforts are working for me in a very positive way Hope that helps!
  • Keep going! Not sure how youre splitting up your meals? try every 3 to 4 hours. , try 3 meals a day and two snacks. Lots of veggies, lean meats and eggs. And try to stay away from granulated sugar (under 5grams) and any foods that are proccessed. and drink lots of water. You may want to change up your workout routines, too. I go on youtube and search for power circuit training. I have been using for the last couple days "4 minutes of hell" by a trainer who has a lot of videos on youtube. Im sore in muscles that my body forgot it had. This type of exercise is a great fat burner. I read a book by trainer Jackie Warner, "This is why you're fat and how to stay thin forever." It is a must read! following her theory on food, I've lost a lot and I feel awesome! Good luck!
  • Reward yourself for the great work done so far - buy some groovy new tunes for your ipod (or if you don't have ipod then that is the reward, plenty of cheaper knock offs that hold 1-2 hrs of music if you like me don't want to pay for true ipod!). Confirm to yourself good things are happening!

    Weight loss and fitness is over a long period of time somewhat linear, meaning work in equals results out. But over shorter time horizons it can be non-linear. Your bod may be adjusting, hitting a temporary sticking point, etc. If you stay with the program the results will come.

    Another thought is to put some kind of exercise in your routine once in a while that does not seem like work. For example, find a spot you have always wanted to hike and go for 2-3 hr hike. Great for the bod and the soul!

    And its ok to take a break from the weigh-ins. A watched pot never boils...

    Keep doing what you are doing!
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    Throw away the scale. No, really. Eating well and exercising are great! You're doing awesome and just need to think about why you're trying to be healthier before you give up. And sometimes, just ignoring the scale is the best medicine. :)
  • We're in this FOREVER. This lifestyle is for the rest of our lives. Two weeks is small beans in the context of your entire life.

    Well said!! Don't let it get you down. You'll have a break through soon. :smile:
  • maurap26
    maurap26 Posts: 90 Member
    please don't give up, it's gotta work !! change things up a bit for a while
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I am so fed up, I cycle at least 45/60 mins a day and do aqua aerobics 3 times a week. I stay within my calorie range of 1200 and have been the same weight for almost 2 weeks. At this rate I feel like giving up. In total I have been dieting with MFP since the 5th Oct and have lost 4.8 kgs. I'm pleased to have lost weight but just need some motivation NOW!!!
    sounds like more food is in order!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    4.8 kg = 10.58 pounds in about 5.5 weeks! That's a really good loss--average of 2 pounds a week. Why are you fed up?

    I agree with the others--perhaps you are not eating enough. Also try changing your exercise routine, maybe.
  • Rjperron
    Rjperron Posts: 150
    Try switching up your workouts so it doesn't feel so routine. If I do the same thing for too long, I get bored and stop working hard. You could also try signing up for a 5K or other race to keep you motivated.
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    You are doing GREAT! I agree with all the others. Maybe look at some 'before' pics and take some pics of the new you? See what you have accomplished so far and don't get discouraged! Everyone hits a plateau and it is hard to get past but you will. Think how you are so much closer to what you want then when you started!
  • Man this is the coolest site around I am feeling so motivated thanks guys, I am going to keep my mind positive and keep at this until I lose all my weight. And to everyone who said its a life change I agree I want to be a healthier person who's lifestyle includes a healthy diet and exercise.l Thanks
  • Indeed, think of it as years of life you are gaining by being healthy and fit. Also you might want to think about changing up your routine for a while to wear off the " I am Fed up feeling".
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