January Challenge



  • iriedeb
    iriedeb Posts: 42 Member
    Great idea!

    SW = 165
    CW = 165
    GW = 160 for end of January
    Goals for the month:
    1 - stay smoke free
    2- stay on track calorie-wise at least 5 days/week
    3- exercise at least 45 minutes 5 days/week

    My first week - eating I was on track 2 days. I exercised 4 days. WILL improve this week! And still smoke free :)
  • Well, I haven't gone walking every day like I wanted to, but it has been -30 for a week now, but I've managed to replace it with some strength training. I have cut back on the chocolate like I wanted to. A lot less binging. I hope to keep up the progress. :)
    Weigh in Dates:
    1/01 244
    1/06 240.6
  • Greenfairy68
    Greenfairy68 Posts: 31 Member
    W: 99.8kg
    CW: 99.8
    GW: 96
    Goals this month: stick to 3 meals per day, no absentminded snacking

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/06 99.8
    1/31-Final weight
    Total weight lost:
  • Greenfairy68
    Greenfairy68 Posts: 31 Member
    Great going this week!!
  • HDKay
    HDKay Posts: 34 Member
    Great idea x x

    SW: 80kg
    CW: 80kg

    Goals for January are alcohol free, junk food free, log daily, exercise 3 or more times a week and generally kick my own *kitten* and get it back into gear!
  • astronut96
    astronut96 Posts: 73 Member
    SW: 191.8
    CW: 191.8
    GW: 185
    Goals this month:
    1. Log all food. I eat pretty healthy but need to work on portion size
    2. Work out 6 days/wk; 4 days HIIT, 2 days cardio
    3. Work in extra cardio on HIIT days
    4. Lay off the snooze button & discipline myself to get up & exercise in the mornings
    5. Cut back on Blue Moon consumption on weekends

    Weigh in dates:
    1/1 - 191.8
    1/6 - 190.4
    1/13 -
    1/20 -
    1/27 -
    Final -

    So far so good on goals ... I've logged all my food, worked out 6 days last week and hit the 1st 2 this week, only worked in extra cardio one day but its a start! My proudest accomplishment is getting up early the last 2 days and working out in the morning.
  • strongterra
    strongterra Posts: 7 Member
    You can and will do this!

    Think about the biggest reason why you want to loose.. and have that become the focus!
  • Thanks! I'm not a runner either, but this is my start. I turn 35 at the beginning of May, and one of my goals is to run a half marathon. Maybe run/walk - just as long as I complete it! :)
  • Wow! Great job!! I'm not a runner, but I've been thinking once I drop about 15 pounds to start the couch-5k program myself!!!
    Keep up the great work!

    Thanks! I'm not a runner either, but this is my start. I turn 35 at the beginning of May, and one of my goals is to run a half marathon. Maybe run/walk - just as long as I complete it! :)
  • amagus
    amagus Posts: 71 Member
    CW: 170
    1/31 GW: 165

    Goal - get back to a set workout schedule.

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/01 170
    1/06 166
    1/31-Final weight
    Total weight lost:
  • amagus
    amagus Posts: 71 Member
    So far, so good!
  • MsMelonBell
    MsMelonBell Posts: 9 Member
    SW: 235
    CW: 235
    GW: 230

    Goal this month: Stay on track and try not to let the scale get my down!
  • Flyer69
    Flyer69 Posts: 100 Member
    SW: 240
    CW: 203
    GW: 190

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/01 203
    1/08 195
    1/31-Final weight

    Goals this month:
    1. Exercise most days out of the week.
    2. Eat healthier and eat less (especially evening/night)
    3. Try the 5/2 diet
    4. 15,000 steps a day
    5. Train to run a marathon in June
  • rramirez1272
    rramirez1272 Posts: 159 Member
    Weigh in Dates:
    1/01= 160
    1/06= 163.6
    1/31-Final weight
    Total weight lost:

    Not happy ????
  • AmyBecky74
    AmyBecky74 Posts: 437 Member
    SW-- 142
    CW-- 140
    GW-- 135 (for Jan)

    1/1 140
    1/8 138

    2 lbs down so far.
  • kkbarger
    kkbarger Posts: 1 Member
    SW: 184.4
    CW: 176.8
    GW: 170 (for Jan)

    Goals this month:
    1. At least 2 miles on treadmill daily
    2. Eat an no more than 1200 calories / day
    3. Remember "my why" when I feel like giving up.
  • jcast92
    jcast92 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm a little late in the game, but I want to do this! I'll try to post as accurately as possible from what I've logged.

    SW: 148.6
    CW: 146.6
    GW: 142
    Goals this month:
    Stay motivated, study a lot, weight lift, and eat healthily

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/01 148.6
    1/06 146.6
    1/31-Final weight
    Total weight lost: 2 lbs so far
  • This week's weigh in results has surpassed my initial expectations. The Paleo diet or otherwise known as the Whole30 day program has really been hard. It's been so hard that I've decided not to be as strict as they would have me to be but it's not possible for me that is. ;-0 And even in my own hybrid version, I've been successful as far as weight loss is concerned. so here are my results for this week. My social anxiety triggers did a number on me yesterday, and I broke my diet with two sour cream donuts, but I did my best to offset the damage by working out to P90X3 last night. The workout felt good, but I won't lie and say the donuts didn't taste good, 'cause they did. But I wish it was just because I wanted a treat and not because I was acting out based on anxieties. Oh well, today is another day and another opportunity to get better.

    SW: 232.6
    CW: 219
    GW: 210 for the month

    Goals this month:
    Keep a consistent workout and diet routine, and to not allow my triggers to stand in the way.

    Weight In Dates:
    1/01 232.6
    1/08 219
  • slimmerchick
    slimmerchick Posts: 189 Member
    This week's weigh in results has surpassed my initial expectations. The Paleo diet or otherwise known as the Whole30 day program has really been hard. It's been so hard that I've decided not to be as strict as they would have me to be but it's not possible for me that is. ;-0 And even in my own hybrid version, I've been successful as far as weight loss is concerned. so here are my results for this week. My social anxiety triggers did a number on me yesterday, and I broke my diet with two sour cream donuts, but I did my best to offset the damage by working out to P90X3 last night. The workout felt good, but I won't lie and say the donuts didn't taste good, 'cause they did. But I wish it was just because I wanted a treat and not because I was acting out based on anxieties. Oh well, today is another day and another opportunity to get better.

    SW: 232.6
    CW: 219
    GW: 210 for the month

    Goals this month:
    Keep a consistent workout and diet routine, and to not allow my triggers to stand in the way.

    Weight In Dates:
    1/01 232.6
    1/08 219

    You've done really well - don't be too hard on yourself x
  • sdleischner
    sdleischner Posts: 34 Member
    I am 20 days post acl reconstruction surgery, and am starting to get around pretty good, I have started a different january challenge too keep me motivated and help with the revovery and rehab, thought i would give this a go as well, more things i join the more i will hold myself accountable. Feel free to add me as a friend to help keep me in check!

    SW: 235 (march 2012)
    CW: 205
    GW: 197 for Jan
    Goals this month: Develop good habits - increase water intake and learn portion control

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/01 207
    1/06 205
    1/31-Final weight
    Total weight lost

    I also keep track of inches lost, I feel that that is a better gage of pregress than the scale some days!